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CHICAGO RACING ASSOCIATION HAWTHORNE TRACK PALL MEETING OCTOBER 3RD TO I5TH R ACTJSTQ ACTS RAJENTOR PRAETOR SHTJSTIE SHYSTER FIVE OR MORE RACES EACH DAY BEGINfflfi Begin AT 2 PI ADMISSION 75 CTS CRTS LADIES 50 CTS CRTS Special Race Trains to Track in TwentyFive Twenty Minutes ILLINOIS CENTRAL TRAINS CHICAGO BURLINGTON QUINCY TRAINS TRAINSLeave Translate 12 15 1 05 1 35 and 2 10 stopping at Sixteenth Street Blue Island Islandat Island Leave Union depot at pm Leave depot at foot of Randolph Street at 9 45 am 12 30 1 00l 20 and I 50 pm stopping Avenue and Western Avenue returning at 450 and immediately after the races racespm races at Van Bnren Brent Street Park Row Halsted Halted Street and at Ashland Avenue returning at 434 pm and immediately after the races Do not stop at Ashland Avenue Special Electric Cars leaving State and Van Buren Burn Streets at 1225 1235 1245 1255 105 and 115 p m stopping only at Canal Halsted Halted Ashland Avenue and Ogden Avenue direct to track in 40 minutes The Metropolitan and Lake Street Elevated and Madison Street Ogden Avenue 12th Street and 22nd Street Surface Lines connect with Electric Cars running direct to the Ground GroundSpocial Grounds Spocial Social Race Train leaves Drexel Boulevard and Lake Aveforthe Waveform Hawthorne Track ati11 5 pm stopping at Cottage Grove and Vincennes Incenses Ayes Grand Boulevard Michjy Micah at 18th Stwith Stitch C B Q train due there at 145 pnf pf Ave State StWeritwdrthAve Halsted Halted St Ashland and Archer Aves Avers and Brighton Park connecting 25 CENTS IN PAPER 50 CENTS IN SOFT MOROCCO t A T Hf iS CT A HANDBOOK OF FIGURES BEYOND COMPARISON SEN SEAN EXPERTS HAVB AB CONTRIBUTED TO IT George Siler Silver on Pugilism Tom Gallagher on Billiards F HBrunell Brunei and C C Riley on Racing Ed Sheridan on Baseball Louis Sass on football cyclina cycling and athletics athleticsAN athletics AN OFFICIAL COMPENDIUM OF RECORDS RECORDSIACIHG RECORDS IACIHG ISAIAH TROTTING PACING BICYCLING BILLIARDS BASEBALL ATHLETICS X X PUGILISM AND TEE PUGILISTIC EVENTS OF 198 198H H NDio Indigo ppiNQ pin AisTD Waist BooiKM Book JKinsre Kindred TABLES NEW FEATURES IN THESE LINES THREE HANDICAP TABLES WITH KEYS KEYSSUMMARIES SUMMARIES BY EXPERTS ON EACH SUBJECT DISCUSSED DISCUSSEDEDITKD DISCUSSED EDITKD EDIT BY K H BRUNKLL BUNK