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THOROUGHBREDS AT AUCTION Some very good horses changed ownership through the sale conducted by Mr Easton at Morris Park Wednesday The record of the sale is as follows followsPEOPEETY follows PEOPEETY PROPERTY OF JAMES E KEENE KEENELoiterer Loiterer b c 3 by Marden Arden Lucille J J JMcCafferty McCafferty 1150 1150Queen Queen of Beauty b f by Tournament Miss Milly Mill QT Miller 150 150Tickler Tickler b c 3 by Himyar Shimmy Lizzie Tizzies WM WMMurry Memory Murry Murray 75 75Fueleman Fueleman Feldman b g 3 by Falsetto Queens Queenstown Quentin town H W Smith 250 250Veracious Veracious ch f 2 by St Leonards Leonard Veva Veal VevaTurney Aventurine Turney Tourney Bros Brows 500 500St St Lorenzo Lorenz ch c 2 by St Leonards Leonard Dart Maiden H H Hunn Hunan 700 700Interferer Interferer ch c 2 by Meddler Onoma Ono OnomaRalph Ralph Black 75 75Sheik Sheik ch c 2 by Hyderabad Hydra Musical MusicalGem Musicale Gem J J McCafferty 375 375Warhead Warhead br c 2 by Tournament Lady LadyGay Lady Gay F M Brown 50 50Choral Choral ch c 2 by Chorister Royal Gem GemF Gem F Simmons 25 25Chestnut Chestnut colt 2 by Kallicrates Allocates Helena HelenaW Helena W H Vaughan 25 25PEOPEETY PEOPEETY PROPERTY OF J A BENNETT CO COHandsel Chandelle Handsel Handel ch c3 by Hanover Tarantella TarantellaJ Tarantella J J McCafforty 4000 4000Siftleur Siftleur Sifter ch g 3 by Whistle Jacket Mint MintDrop Intro Drop Sydney Paget Page 350 350Valdiva Valdiva Saliva bc2 by Candlemas Candelas Valleria Valerian W WM M Woods 4CO 4COGambolo Gambolo Gambol ch g 2 by Golden Garter La LaToquera Lacquer Toquera Toque P Levinske Levin 50 50Dr Dr Parker b c 2 by Laureate La Tosca Tosco J Smith 2000 Sanford 2000Sanford br c 2 by Potomac Folly W WH H Clark 1250 Bay 1250Bay colt jearling pearling by Kinglike Stone crop Columbus Stable 1150 Chestnut 1150Chestnut colt yearling by Great Tom TomEndurance Commensurate Endurance Regina Stable 100 100PEOPEETY PEOPEETY PROPERTY OF JACOB EUPPEET EPOPEE EUPPEETConcord Concord b c 4 by Longfellow Leonora LeonoraSydney Leonora Sydney Paget Page 400 400Ben Ben Lodi blk balk g 2 by Tremoat Remora Victrix Cicatrix