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WINDSOR JKNTRJES Probabilities Weather clear track heavy heavyFirst headfirst First Race 34 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses Age Wt Hdct Duct 9117 FredK Fred 5 100 68 9139 Purse Proud 4 100 66 4254 Pearson 5 100 60 9142 Little Ben 4 97 60 6091173P5nkey 91173P5nkey Potter 5 97 70 9142 Frank Nichols 4 97 60 6091603Oynthia 91603Oynthia H 4 97 69 6991423Truelight 91423Truelight 4 97 67 679IF6NegOncie 9IF6NegOncie 4 97 68 9139 Quaver 4 97 67 9048 Edith 7 97 61 9142 Wild Arab 7 97 62 6291563Ferryman 91563Ferryman II 5 97 68 9028 Santa Cruz 6 97 66 9116 Lauretta Laurent D 6 97 68 8985 George L D II 4 97 64 9158 Glen Albyn Abby 4 97 68 8985 Sister lone 9 97 63 63Second Second Race 5 12 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Selling Selling91403Sir 91403Sir Casimir Casino 106 70 9159 Sir Blaze 103 66 9157 Salvarse Salvers 103 64 9140 Simcoe Since 100 67 6790703Prince 90703Prince Plausible 100 67 9090 Mouzeltoff Ouzel 97 66 9140 RoyalBanner Royal 97 66 9140 Duty 97 65 9139 Merode Erode 94 64 9139 Darbonne Drone 94 64 9140 Ergo 94 65 6590062Billy 90062Billy Baker 94 64 9140 Kittie Kitties Regent 94 65 Third Race 34 Mile All Ages Allowances 9117 Prima 4 101 65 659118Rermoso 9118Rermoso 3 100 70 709031Mr 9031Mr Johnson 2 83 69 699l202Tillif 9l202Tillif W 3 97 69 699047Gnide 9047Gnide Rock 3 97 67 6791162Flrio 91162Flrio 3 94 60 6091l9Glasnevin 91l9Glasnevin 2 85 66 6691f9Onaravia 91f9Onaravia 2 80 65 65J J Delong Belong entry entryFourth henceforth Fourth Race 58 Mile 2yearolds Silling Shilling 9159 Springer 103 71 7191f 91f 7 Waster Beg 103 6 9088 Mountain Rose 102 67 8749 Prospero 102 72 7291592Tady 91592Tady Bratton Raton 100 71 7191l92Trhine 91l92Trhine 100 75 759K9 9K9 Poll Mellll 100 71 7191572Qin 91572Qin Rickey Rickety 98 67 67Fifth Fifth Race 1 11G Miles 3yearolds and upward Selling Selling9l41Beau 9l41Beau Ideal 5 109 70 9 912Rockwood 4 106 64 9143 Albert S 5 106 69 69P1412Le P1412Le ncie NCI 4 103 63 9141 Sir Errol Ferro 4 101 6C 8935 Dutch Henry 3 98 55 9142 Gertrude 4 98 6 6P030 P030 Rosa 3 89 57 57S9613LHdy S9613LHdy of the West 3 89 69 9030 Jessamine Estaminet Por Poor er II 3 92 6 6Sixth Sixth Race 34 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling Selling9i42 9i42 Pomraery Pomade Sec 4 100 68 9117 Sir Tenuy Teeny 4 97 66 668i6 8i6 Skylark 8 97 63 636f98 6f98 Liverpool 4 97 65 6591182Micllo 91182Micllo 5 97 70 91 16Mnmie Callan Allan 4 97 69 8393 Anger 4 97 66 9073 Blacking Brush 5 97 65 659l422VVHnga 9l422VVHnga 4 97 6 91583Qomor 7 97 67 9118 Halton Alton 7 97 69