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WINDSOR FORM CHART CHARTWINDSOR CHARTINGS WINDSOR ONT October 31 Sixteenth day Windsor Jockey Club Autumn meeting meetingWeather meeting Weather wet track heavy Presiding Judge John J Carter Starter J Holtman Oilman Racing starts at 215 p m FIRST RACE 5 12 Furlongs Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling 9156 Ind Indo Horses A Wt 8t St li Yz StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 4 97 2 31 1 11 11 Mason Waters Hodges 65 75 1 75 91163PRINrE HAL 3 92 8 61 3 22 23 Dugan Duane J Troxler Stroller 3636 9116 FERRYMAN II 5 99 4 11 21 3 36 Harrington M Wynn 2 31 2 3 8546 FORFEIT 4 97 7 7 6i 6 41 Valentine H H Stover Stove 6655 665588513ANNIE 88513ANNIE LARETTA LORETTA 3 92 5 4i 52 51 51 Troxler Stroller J M Johnson 6857 7974 DUN TER TEAR 3 93 1 8 7 41 61 Vitatoe Vitiate W H Laird 6766 7969 WATER CREST 3 95 6 5 4 7 7 Tully D A Boyle 2323 9116 TALLY HO 3 92 9 9888 Alaric Balearic A Fraser Co 12 15 12 12 891 DIOSIOUS DAISIES 3 100 10 10 9 9 9 Cooler Gorman SextonlS SextonS 30 15 25 2591392RAYMOND 91392RAYMOND F 3 94 3 2110 10 10 Bolanrt Volant EFitzjerald Fitzgerald 6857 6857Time Time 25 53 1 061 1 13 13Winner Winner Ch f by Teuton Teutonic Bessie Bevin Being BevinPost Beings Post 14 minutes Start fair Won easily second the same Negoncie Begonia went to the front when ready aud Maud won as she pleased Ferryman II was mucli nuclei used at the post and tired in the stretch Water Crest and Raym Ram nd F ran four and a half furlongs at too speed to a false break breakScratched bureaucratic Scratched Purse Proud 100 St Rupert 97 Quaver 97 Cannonade 97 Bob Leach 97 Imposition 97 Chiquita Circuital II 92 92Overweights Overweights Overweighs Ferryman II 2 pounds Dunster Duster 1 Diosious Daisies 5 Raymond F 2 2Notrouoie Notrouoie Unobtrusive olnce once 3 to 5 Prince Hal place 2 to 1 show even Ferryman II show 1 to 2 f t KFJ KJ SECOND BACK 58 Mile Purse 250 2yearolds Selling A Wt St M K Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L 9006 WHITE IVY 100 7 3u 31 12 Boland Borland J M Mathewson Mathews 30 40 30 40 9088 GIN RICKEY RICKY 103 3 U 22 21 2 Mason P Stnnton Stanton 4747 9139 NANCY SEITZ SEIZE 100 5 61 611 61 31 Dugan Duane E F Voos Voss 85 2 85 2 9005 OUR LID A 100 1 7 7 7 41 Castro H L J hnson Hanson 10 15 10 15 9119 AMELIA T 100 4 21 12 H 52 Tully S EvPrhart Evaporate 3 43 4 9088 ROMANY RAWNY BRAWNY 100 6 51 i 41 6 Vitatoe Vitiate W E Fielding 8 12 8 10 3 51 5 7 Valentine J McDowell 6868 9119 8ALVARSE 100 8 8888 Reitz Ritz J D Clayton 21 3 21 3 8726 MASTER REG GREG 108 9 9999 Howell W C Roberts 15 20 15 20 9070 ELURINE PELERINE 101 10 10 10 10 10 Rymal Royal J F Nichols 7878 7878Time Time 251 53 1 07i 07iWinner Winner B f by Swigert Swinger Novice NovicePost Novice Post 5 minutes Start good Won easily second and third driving hard White Ivy was cut off at the f r turn She went all around her horees hordes on the outside and came away in the last furlong Gin Rickey Rickety was out to the last ounce Nancy Seitz Seize was closing fast Salvarso Salvers and Elurine Pelerine showed no spee1 Amelia T was used up in breakaways at the post postOverweights postmodernists Overweights Overweighs Elurine Pelerine 1 pound poundWhite pound White Ivy place 15 to 1 show 6 to 1 Gin Rickey Rickety place 21 tol tool show even 9158 i jr Q THIRD RACE 5 13 Furlongs Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling Horses A Wt B Bt Vt X StrFin Strafing Jockeys O H L C 9143 LOYAL PRINCE 5 107 4 491393SISTER Valentine J H Valentine 2 2 7595 91393SISTER ALICE 3 93 1 23 22 22 Vitatoe Vitiate W Meehan Methane 6868 9120 GOMOR GOMORRA 7 107 5 41 4 K 31 3 t Alaric Balearic F C Hammond 20 20 10 10 9118 GLEN ALBYN ABLY 4 107 7 61 51 52 41 N Hill A Brown C 2323 9141 GAINSAY 5 110 6 51 640 4 53 Sherland Shetland J F Landonberger6 10 6 8 9074 NIGGER NIGER BABY 3 110 3 32 31 61 62 Irving C R Talbert Albert 4 5 4 41 9116 VOLTDA VOLTA 4 97 8 8777 Reitz Ritz FronefldGoodn20 40 20 30 309030NIVOCE 9030NIVOCE 3106 2 7 Broke downCorner donor J Delong Belong 85 852 2 65 6565 6565Time 65 Time 251 531061 113 113Winner Winner Ch g by Loyalist Tiara TiaraPost Tarpons Post 3 minutes Start good It was a driving finish Loyal Prince was doing his best He was hustled all through the stretch Sister Alice was out to the limit Nigger Niger Baby quit in the Utretch Utrecht Volida Void could not raise a gallop and was beaten a furlong Glen Albyn Abby came strong at the end endScratched undistracted Scratched Halton Alton 107 Bill Arnett Barnett 100 King Elkwood Elmwood 97 Nellie Baker 97 Lenox Lennox 92 92Overweights Overweights Overweighs Nigger Niger Baby 5 pounds Nivoce Invoice 1 Sister Alice 1 1Loyal Loyal Prince place 1 to 2 Sister Alice place 3 to 1 show even Gomor Gomorra show 2 to 1 FOURTH RACE 58 Mile Purse 250 2yearolds Selling 9159 s A Wt St U H 5i StrFm Sturm Jockeys Owners 9090ONATAVIA flA flab 105 3 11 12 11 12 N Hill G Patterson 10 12 10 12 12SHK 9090 LAPY LAY BRATTON RATON 105 8 SHK SHAKER 42 22 23 Valentine Mrs J Bratton Raton 3534 8271 WREATH 1061 6 78 51 5S 3K Sberlaud Siberia J S Rothert Brother 1 65 1 65 878 WAIT A BIT ICO CO 2 277803PELL 411 31 41 4H Mason W M Hendrie Henries 3 31 3 31 77803PELL MELL ELL II 105 1 19016SPRINQER 21 21 31 5io Walker I Wallenstein Valentine 4646 9016SPRINQER 110 7 8 87 7 7 64 Irving S M Sexton 10 15 10 15 156H 9090 BRIDAL TOUR 105 4 6 6H 8 8 7 Howell J Brennan Brendan 8 12 8 10 9119 SIR BLAZE 103 y s 51 62 62 8 Du an F C Leigh 21 31 21 3 3Time Time 251 53 1061 1061Winner Winner B c by Onondaga Hayden HaydenPost Hayden Post 4 minutes Start good Won easily soconH soon the same Onatavia Sonata had plenty in reserve Lady Bratton Raton was in the worst going throughout She was cut off on the turn Wreath was closing fast at the finish Shu Shun swung wide into the stretch Wait a Bit tired in the stretch Pell Spell Meli Eli II was probably short Sir Blaze was pulled up in the last furlong furlongScratched furlongs Scratched Mr Tip Top lOS Prince Plausible 103 103Ove Ove Ovex weights Wreath 11 pounds Springer 2 2Onatavia Onatavia Sonata place 4 to 1 show 2 to 1 Lady Bratton Raton place 6 to 5 show 3 to 5 FIFTH RACE 78 Mile Purso Purrs 250 3yearolds and upward Selling 9160 Ind Indo Horses A Wt St H V4 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 9348 INTRIGUER 4 100 4 41 1 12 12 m Castro J M Mathewson Mathews 20 20 10 10 9116 ANNIE TAYLOR 3 98 2 IH 21 21 23 23 Valentine W E Fielding 3434 91172 YNTHIA CYNTHIA H 4 98 6 72 73 61 55 34 Mason Julius Brown 4544 90892SNOWDEN 3 98 7 62 53 31131 4 Boland Borland J Carroll 5656 90452SISSIE CHANCE 3 96 1 31 4 41 53 Vitatoe Vitiate White Stafford 5 656 9045 BOB TURNER 4 106 8 8 8 7 64 610 Corner J W Bull 10 15 10 15 1591433VIOLET 91433VIOLET PARSONS 4 102 2 53 62 8 7 7 Dugan Duane E P1 Voos Voss 1 65 1 65 65J116 J116 MYSTERY 3103 5 31 41 a 8 8 Bergen r Van StuddifordS Studiers 656 6572 PARADE 3 98 99 9 9 9 9 HairiogtonMrs Harrington Cortelyou Courtly 30 40 20 40 40Time Time 26J 521 106 120J 134 134Winner Winner B g by Swigert Swinger Floretta Loretta FlorettaPost Loretta Post 6 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Intrisuer Intriguer went to the front when ready Cynthia H closed a big gap in ho last quarter Sissie Sissies Chance quit in the last quarter Violet Parsons was never a contender Parade ran away four miles after the finish of the race raceScratched backscratcher Scratched Tl e Tarcoon Garcon 108 Everest 104 King Mogan Morgan 103 Prince Z no 98 98Ov Ov rwei rein hts hats Intriguer 2 pounds Bob Turner 4 Pwrade Parade 2 2Intriguer Intriguer place 4 to 1 show 2 to 1 Annie Taylor place 6 to 5 show 3 to 2 Cynthia H show 1 to 2