Aqueduct Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1898-10-26


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AQUEDUCT FORM CHART CHARTAQUEDUCT CHARTA AQUEDUCT L I October 25 Second day Queens County Jockey Club ClubAutumn Autumn Meeting Weather clear track good Presiding Judge Wm C Cozier Starter C H Pettingill Petting Racing starts at 200 p m Q V O I FIRST KACE58 Mile Purse 400 2yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses A WtSt Watt 1A Yt X StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H 8096 PRINCE OF WALES 108 4 31 IB IH Maher Gideon Daly Dally 31 5 31 4 9137 ORDEAL 107 5 61 61 3 K 22 OLeary O'Leary J Boden Borden 3333 9000 COLONEL TENNY TENANCY 108 2 41 5 41 3 Clawson Lawson J A McLaughlin 10 10 6 6 9181 HANDCUFF 108 1 11 11 2 41 Doggett Doge W C Smith 5 5 31 3 9000 THE HUB 99 3 21 21 51 51 Jones P J Miles 20 100 20 100 9023 STRANGEST 108 8 8 8 8 61 N Turner T B Alexander 10 10 6 6 9218 BELGRAVIA BULGARIA 97 10 10 9 9 7 McCue McClure J Corbett Corvette 10 10 10 10 7553 MAZIE MAZE O 103 6 7 7 61 8 OConnor O'Connor W L Oliver 20 100 20 100 8620 SOMERS ISOMERS 106 7 9 10 10 9 James M L Hayman Hyman 10 20 10 20 20VERMOUTH VERMOUTH 106 9 51 41 7 10 Spencer A Wilson Jr 15 60 15 60 9134 VIORIS IVORIES 99 11 11 11 11 11 J Weber Kittleman Skittle Bros Brows 30 100 30 100 88H2 10088H2 CAMOTOP CANNOT 102 12 12 12 12 12 Songer Sponger H L Powers 15 30 15 30 Time 30Time 24 49 1 02 02Winner Winner Ch c by His Highness Rosa H HStart Start Start bad Won driving The winner was best and finely handled Ordeal and Handcuff ran their races though OLeary O'Leary was a little late making his run with the former Handcuff is overrated The Hub showed early speed and may win soon soonScratched Scratched Al Reeves 101 101Prince Prince of Wales place 6 to 5 show 1 to 2 Ordeal place even Col Cool Tenny Teeny show even fitltJO filet SECOND RACE 1 Mile and 40 Yards Purse 400 3yearolda and upward jA Selling lad Horses A Wt St H H 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H 1 8462 FROHMAN FROGMAN 3 86 9 7 61 61 21 1 Daly Dally M J Daly Dally 6 10 6 6 v 9133BANQUO IT 4 108 1 51 41 51 41 3 Maher P J Miles 1 1 45 45 9026 MYTH 4 105 3 41 311 41 31 3 Weber Kittleman Skittle Bros Brows 10 50 10 50 91383NEAREST 3 91 2 61 7 7 51 41 McCue McClure L O Appleby Apple 4545 8846 CAMPANIA CAMPANULA 5 102 6 2 51 3 61 51 OLeary O'Leary T D Sullivan 6655 9180 GENERAL MACEO MACE 3 97 7 3 2 t 21 I 61 OConnor O'Connor W C Daly Dally 10 15 10 15 81553BRIGHTON 4 100 10 10 9 9 9 7 Gatewood Atwood Mrs M C Lyles Lyle 20 40 20 40 8155 BURNS 4102 4 U 11 IH 8 8 Songer Sponger BengtnGardnrS 20 81 20 8652 DOGGETT DOGGIE 6 111 5 8 8 8 7 9 Doggett Doge R C Doggett Doge 10 30 10 30 8357 HRY HR CRAWFORD 3 100 8 9 10 10 10 10 James J Watkins 20 100 20 100 Time 100Time 25 50 1 03 1 16 1 41 1 46 46Winner Winner Ch c by Himyar Shimmy Jewel Ban Start good Won driving Frohman Frogman was much the best He was away poorly and made up a lot of ground in the last half He was well handled Banquo Banquet II came fast through the stretch improvementScratched improvements Myth showed improvement Scratched Ein Erin 102 102Frohman Frohman Frogman place 2 to 1 show even Mythj Myth show 6 to 1 Q O O THIRD RACE About 78 Mile Purse 400 All Ages Allowances Allowancesnd Allowances nd Horses A Wt St Y X StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C C9163SWIFTMAS 9163SWIFTMAS 3 113 3 11 U 1 3 1 Maher Deimel Decimal Farrell 25 25 310310 91633 WARRENTON WARREN 3 120 1 3 3 3 2 2 Clawson Lawson W L Oliver 4747 19022 KINNIKINNICK 4119 2 23 22 21 INK 3 Spencer T J Healy 3434 3434Time Time 11 24 48 1 12 1 24 Winner B c by Candlemas Candelas Nellie Swift SwiftStart Swiftest Start good Won driving Spencer made too much use of Kinnikinnick racing in front with Swiftmas Swiftness Warrenton Warren came very fast at the finish finishScratched finishes Scratched Don dOro Dora 126 Brighton 111 Athy Cathy 111 Philip 110 Rusher 106 Diminutive 103 Satin Slipper 103 Hilee96 Holden Olden 94 94Swiftmas Swiftmas Swiftness place Ito 10 Warrenton Warren place even 9234 FOURTH KAOK58 Mile Purse 100 2yearolds Allowances nd Horses A Wt St V H StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 8657 SISTER FOX 107 11 8 8 1 1 Songer Sponger F Reagan 4433 9123 VILLAGE PRIDE 107 2 2 41 2 21 N Turner R W WaldenSonlO Walden 12 10 12 9025 MISS ORDER 107 5 41 31 31 3i Clawson Lawson J A McLaughlin 15 25 15 25 256J 9123 ST SOPHIA 107 6 691372LADY 6J 61 51 43 OLeary O'Leary Kensico Keens Stable 20 30 20 30 30H 91372LADY EXILE 107 1 H 11 41 51 Maher C D McCoy Co 656545910 7801 DIVA 107 7 7 7 7 61 Spencer R T Wilson Jr 10 12 10 12 6733 LADY DORA 107 3 5 21 6K 7 Doggett Doge C Ganz Gaza 8 12 8 10 5434 BLE LE OF OAKWOOD 107 8 9998 James H Harris 30 100 30 100 100SH 9216 YPSILANTI PESTILENT 107 4 4SA SH 51 8 9 Gatewood Atwood Mrs M C Lyles Lyle 30 100 30 100 SA VILLA 107 10 11 11 10 10 Moody P Lewinski Lewis 30 100 30 100 5860 TENOR 107 9 9LA 10 10 11 11 Curingham Curing M Murphy 20 60 20 60 LA POUPEE POPEYE 107 12 12 12 12 12 Jones J K Wadsworth Adsorb 10 20 10 20 20Time Time 24 50 1 03 Winner Ch f by Silver Fox Astoria AstoriaStart Astoria Start fair Won driving Lady Exile had early speed but quit badly in the stretch Village Pride ran a good race Miss Order should win soon in such company She had something left in the finish St Sophia showed signs of improvement over her past performances Scratched Amorita Amorist 107 Fray 107 107Sister Sister Fox place 6 to 5 show 1 to 2 Village Pride place 5 to 1 show 2 to 1 Miss Order show 4 to 1 Q O fr FIFTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 400 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horseg Horse A Wt St H Yt X StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 91663 K OF THE GARTR4 108 5 51 51 41 li 12 Clawson Lawson P S P Randolph 3 3 95 95 8743 TANIS ANIS 5 108 2 31 31 31 21 211 OLeary O'Leary H Patteison Patterson 10 40 10 40 9004 TINGE 6 105 1 2 21 21 31 31 CunnghamJ Chung Adams 6766 9122 RED SPIDER 4 94 4 IH U 12 41 4i Moody M F Stephenson 15 60 15 60 8432 WORDSWORTH 4 102 6 7 7 51 51 51 Songer Sponger Adam Beck 6644 8154 PRIME MINISTR6 102 8 8 9 8 7 62 Turner G M Miller 15 30 15 30 9219 JAMES MUNROE MONROE 5 99 11 9 8 987 Maher T Costello 6 12 6 10 9219 BASTION 4 99 7 4H 41 61 61 8 OConnor O'Connor W C Daly Dally 40 60 40 60 9219 HANLON HAMILTON 5 102 9 10 10 10 10 9 James WA Porter 15 30 15 30 6337 ALAMO 6 108 10 11 11 1187432NANA 11 11 10 Gatewood Atwood Mrs M C Lyles Lyle 50 100 50 100 87432NANA H 4 111 3 6 61 61Time 7 9 11 Doggett Doge W Hayward 2 21 2 115 Time 25 5 5045 103116 142 Winner B c by Knight of Ellerslia Sellers Dearest Continued on 2nd page Start good Won easily Knight of the Garter was easily the best of the lot Red Spider 5 ° J sacb sac company at a shorter distance Tanis Anis ran a good race for him Nana H had no speed Tinge finished gamely Scratched Talisman 105 Knight of the Garter place 4 to 5 Tanis Anis place 10 to 1 show 4 to 1 Tiniro Tinier show von 9236 SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 40 Yards Purse 400 3yearolda and upward 9 Allowances A Wt 8t M M M Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C Crfo Cero i fs s s s 82SS wjzs rfo fro i5r i5rg II II 8 8 SIS igffiSM pigfish g S i2 4 103 ll ll 1 31 51 Son er E peters 20 20 10 10 3 95 3 4i 4NK 61 61 62 Corbley Cobble C F Hill 20 30 20 30 30SS 8 1 I I I Sffisr Sufis S2S SS 8 S 43389o3 2i3S 2i3SIANORA IANORA ANGORA 3 95 6 51 7 8 8 9 Maher Mrs E H G Garrison 433 89o3 DELICATE 3 95 10 10 10 19 10 10 Cowman J S Warner 15 100 15 100 100w Tmo Mo 2 50 l 16 1 42 1 MX w WinnerCh Winner MXWinnerCh Maxine c u by o Gold i Q Stephanotis Start bad Won easily Brass was much the best Hardy C ran a good game race Fair Rebel had speed but was short Becky Rolfe Role was badly placed in the early part of the race but lira bed strong strongScratched Scratched Stain 95 Fairy Dale 95 Brass place 4 to 5 Hardy C place 4 to 1 show 2 to 1 Dr Withrow Withdraw show 7 to 1

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Local Identifier: drf1898102601_1_4
Library of Congress Record: