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LATONIA ANTONIA ENTRIES Probabilities Weather cloudy track slow First Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses Age Wgt Wt Hdcp Dc 9144 Crook 99 655 8899 Myscellus Miscalls 102 9144 Flop 102 9112 reedmore reemerge L 102 9149 Primate 102 9075 Frisco Ben 102 9149 Possum 105 92062 Randazzo Rwanda 105 9077 Bon Jour 107 9080 Teucor Tudor 110 8878 Applejack 110 9144 Hammon Hammond 110 Second Race 58 Mile Mile2yoarolds 2yoarolds Allowances 9145 Diser Doser 100 92043Becky Ban 100 8861 Charline Carline 100 9224 Piccla Piccolo 104 9204 Bannie Annie 104 91142Sis Vic 107 9114 Miss Patron 10 9192 Florissant 107 9204 Miss Josephine 107 92042Srhanken 107 9145Theory 112 Third Race 34 Mile 3yoarolds and upward Handicap Handicap9057Forseen 9057Forseen 5 95 9P60 Millstream 3 102 9208Tom Collins 3 110 91473Gibraltar 3 110 Fourth Race 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Selling91932Eleanor 91932Eleanor Holmes 3 94 9059 Aberegate Abrogate 3 97 90982Rastus 3 97 9103 Annie Oldfield Goldfield 3 98 7474 Terramie Tramline 4 99 9098 Katie Longfellow 5 99 9225 SnoNell Noelle 3 101 9205 Peggy 4 102 9l033High Noon 5 103 8456 Elsina Messina 4 103 9102 Caius Carious 4 106 Fifth Race 1 116 Miles 3yearolds and upward Selling 9113 Laura May 9113 Rida Ida 3 98 8757 Tutuilla Attila 6 99 9H2 Haco Hancock 4 102 8774 Clan Campbell 7 102 9172 Aryan 4 102 91933Howitzer 3 103 9102 Loaseman Oarsman 5 104 2340 Brossart Rosary 92053Gomez 9169 Pop Dixon 9205 Harry Shannon 90102Zufallig Sixth Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 9102 Mariti Maritime 3 101 635 9197 Hampden Hempen 3 101 67i 9174 Agitator 6 102 600 9208 Damocles 6 103 660 6609146KittieB 9146KittieB 5 103 700 9208 Melter Smelter 3 104 675 6759195Jamboree 9195Jamboree 7 106 676 9196 Donation 5 106 656 65691962The 91962The Doctor 3 106 670 9195 Barton 4 109 670 6709205Osric 9205Osric II 4 109 685