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AQUEDUCT ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track good goodFirst goofiest First Raco Race 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Age Wgt Wt He He89992Swamp 89992Swamp Angel 4 107 9217 Vanessa 4 105 8979 Bard ella 3 105 7618 Salaire Salaried 4 103 9092 Juno 5 103 7533 Sister Stella 4 103 86j6HerOwn 4 100 8146 Chenille 4 98 7847 Come Quick 3 95 8670 Calculation 3 94 8577 Fenetta Vendetta 3 90 Second Race 1 Mile and 4O Yards Yards3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 9217Charentus 4 109 9217 Estaca Staccato 4 106 9126 BlackDude Blacked 3 105 92192 Dalgretti Algarve 7 103 9184 Marsian Marian 5 103 92153Merlin 3 96 Third Race 5 13 Furloiijrs Furriers 2yearolds Selling Selling89783Leando 89783Leando 102 8217 Overboard 102 9231 Strangest 102 9231 Camotop Cannot 102 92l6Tyran 101 9000 Kings Pride 101 8055 Abide 99 9218 Water Girl 99 6859 Bessie Taylor 99 8152 Holdup 94 9137 Auridale Auricle 94 9181 Lepida Lapidary 94 Fourth Race 1 11C Miles 3yearolds and upward Handicap 92332 Warrenton Warren 3 120 91353Sandera 3 116 92172Blueaway 9217 Estaca Staccato 9184Mazarin 9l632Senstttional 88892 Randpress Readdress 9138 Filament 9223Myth 9232 Frohman Frogman Fifth Race 78 Mile 2yearolds Selling 8847 TheGardener Teagarden 112 91802Diminutive 109 9162Gaze 1C9 90002Tendresse 106 8978 Kirkwood Ironwood 102 85923Holden 102 92183TyrShena 102 89783Leando 100 92313Colonel Tenny Teeny 100 9000 Passaic 98 9093 Exception 95 9093 Anitra Anita 95 Sixth Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 9214 Hanwell Handel 6118 8999 Takanassee Tallahassee 4 115 8656 Harry Reed 6 109 9122 KingMenelek Immense 4 109 8670 Athy Cathy 4 109 8463 Bombardon 4 108 9219 Surrogate 5 106 7992 Gitty Gritty 4 106 8670 Billali Billable 4 106 91223Trillo 3 104 1380Teller 7414 Orthos Orators