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LOSERS ATTENTION WINNING HORSES AND Sg ggS eggs ggSTo gusto To our clients wore Warrenton Warren Lady Lind Linda ¬ say Frohman Frogman who was 6 tfo to 1 all won a Aqne Anne duct Great Bend lost Kittie Kitties B Volandies Villainies a paco Pasco won at Latonia Antonia Frank Bell and Braw Lad won Imp iost lost ran 2nd and Abuse and Clay Poynter Ponte wrn warn at Lakeside LakesideNapamax Lakeside Napamax Napalm Burns Waterhouse Warehouse enrr err nd Shasta Water at Oakland Come up to the ollice police and we will show you copy of original list sent our clients or y u can verify this at Postal Telegraph oflic folic Send stamps for booklet 45 PER CENT WINNING SELECTIONS SELECTIONSGUARANTEED SELECTIONS GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED REFUNDEDTen Refunded Ten dollars for six days selections reaay relay at oflice police or to be telegraphed by H am amThe anthem The National Turf Investment Co Suite 605 167 Dearborn St Chicago 111 A SALE OF FROM MC ALESTER LESTER STOCK FARM FARMWill Freewill Will Take Place at Lakeside Race Track TrackMONDAY Track MONDAY OCTOBER 31 1898 1898The The eight colts and two fillies to be sold are the get of imp Siddartha Skidder and imp Wood Mos They are out of such dams as imp Loetitia Loretta dam of Lady Cailahan Callahan miles in 1394 and 140 in a gallop beating such good ones as Imp also a three parts brother to Lady Cailahan Callahan also a three parts brother to Balle Bale of Memphis These colts are large and strong Call and see them while at the racetrack BOSTON OYSTER HOUSE MADISON ANDj AND CLARK STREETS LUXURIANT IN FITTINGS FITTINGSCUISINE FITTINGS CUISINE UNEXCELLED UNEXCELLEDEY55C EY55C SERVICE THE BEST A High Class Modern Restaurant MODERATE B r WELTY WETLY PRICES CLOHE3EY CO COPOOL COOL POOL ROOM find BOOKMAKERS SUPPLIES i TIGKETS THICKETS n fHONE HONE SHEETS M 1 1 SLATES WAIN AIN a CASHBOXES CASHBOXES9Q 9Q 1U Jj BLACK f BOARDS ETC 48 = 50 Wabash Ave CHICAGO