Lakeside Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1898-10-30


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LAKESIDE FORM CHART CHARTi CHART i JSY DJS IND INDO October 29 First day Lakeside Jockey Club Fall Meeting Weather clear track heavy Presiding Judge Col Cool M Lewis Clark Starter Richard Dwyer Racing starts at 2 p m f O Q Q FIRST RACE 78 Mile 3yearotda and upward Selling f j O O Purse 400 value to winner 300 75 to second 25 to third Ind Indo Horses A Wt St y V A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H 9154LOCU3T BLOSSMS BLOSSOMS 100 GHK GHQ 22 42 321 H 11 Holdon Holding W K Cleveland 5 6 9021 CZ VROWITZ 4 108 111 IK 1H I 21 2 T Burns J S OBrien O'Brien 2 2 9109 BARATARIA BARRATRIES 3 100 5 5i 51 B 3 Nutt Mutt W C Fessendeu Essence 6 7 9155 BRANCH 3 100 91 9n 7n e 6 4 Hothersall Others CEMahoneCo McMahon 10 15 9109 HINDOONET HIMONT 3 103 2 3 i 3 2 3 Lynch C A Tilles Tiles 8 9 9106 BORDEN 3 10t 3 4 9H 4 = 4 6 Bloss Loss D M Hogan 2 11 8646 SWORDSMAN 4 108 8i 8f 9U 8 9 72 Sheppnrd Sheppard W A McConnoll McConnell 15 25 15 25H 9202 SECOND CHANCE4 105 101 7 6 10 7 8U Seaton Eaton R Bradley 100150100150 9154 AMANDA 6 105 HH 121 125 7 81 9 W Jones J Helfert Heeler 20 30 20 30 9178 PUG 3 103 4 6s = 83 91 10 1C5 Keenan M B Jordan Go 100 200 100 150 9086 TOM TO HER 3 100 13 Hi 10 112 Hi H5 Kitley Kirtle W M Baird 30 40 SO 40 9178 SAN SABA ABA R 3 103 7 10n llft12ioi2i 12io McNickle Canticle F M Arthur 20 40 2030 8639 CLIFTON B 3 105 12 13 13 13 13 13 W Dean A McCauley 100 200 100 200 Time 200Time 25 50 104 1 171 1 301 Winner 301Winner Ch f by Chniice Chic Locust Bloom BloomPost Bloodspot Post 5 minutes Start good Won cleverly the next four wore driving to the limit Locust Blossom looked a winner all the way H olden got her off flying on the outside and rode a good race all through Czarowitz Carbonize tired at the end fie was off flying always had clear sailing was well ridden and had no excuses Barataria Barratries was right there and runnicg runic strong at the end He is good now From a bad beginning Branch ran a corking good race He was bumped and jostled but stood it gamely Hindoonet Himont and Borden both tired badly in the stretch The latters clatters wind is affected and the stiff breez breeze was probably the cause of his stopping Scratched stoppingScratched stopping Julia Hazel 100 Inuendo Innuendo 103 Prince of India 108 Overweights Overweighs 108Overweights Borden 3 pounds Clifton B 2 2Locust Locust Blossom place 2 to 1 show even Czarowitz Carbonize place 7 to 10 Barataria Barratries show even OOQ1 SECOND RACE 58 Mile 2yearolds Allowances V J O tt Purse 400 value to winner i300 75 to second 25 to third Cnd Nd Horses A AWtSt Latest Wt St M V 3 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L 9082FRANK BELL jL 109 2 12118 14 is Bloss Loss J W ONeall Neal 1212920920 90202 FONTA1NEBLEU LEU LE 1212920920LEU 97 7 791992BONEY 7 63 3i 2 Nutt Mutt J M Forsythe Forsythia 6 8 5 7 91992BONEY BOY 97 li li91813CATHEDRAL 22 4i 41 3 Seaton Eaton Mrs R Bradley 5 51 5 5 91813CATHEDRAL 95 3 SH 321 21 411 T Burns J W Schorr Scorer Son 4 44 4 9177 ARTH ART MC KNIGHT 95 5 591522FALOMACITA 52 SDK SD 61 53 E RobertsnJohn Robertson Call 100 200 100 150 91522FALOMACITA 94 4 4i 1504i 2 52 621 McNickle Canticle Kahn Co 15 25 15 25 9119 MRS JIMMIE JIMMIED 94 6 62 7 7 7 Sheppard George Murphy 20 50 20 50 Time 121 241 36i 491 1021 Winner B g by Big Henry Flora Leach LeachOff Leadoff Off at first break to a poor start Won handily second whipped out Third and fourth under a terrific drive Frank Bell is a speed marvel He got away well on his stride and opened up a winning gap the first three furlongs After that there was nothing to the race Fontaine Fontanel bleu ran a ctacking tacking good race himself and had he been given an even break he more than likely would have given Frank Bell an argument Keep this colt in mind for early action Boney Bony Boy suffered from poDr poD handling Seaton Eaton got the colt sharply cut off ou the far turn and messed him about generally Cathedral outspeeded outspreaded the first part of it mada madam a bid on the turn but died away on the end Judging from the race she does not possess the speed to beat Frank Bell Falomacita Valencia showed early speed but like Cathedral could not last Mrs Jimmie Jimmied was short Scratched shortScratched sportscast Annowan Annoyance 100 Harry Nutter Mutter 90 Rosavannah 87 Rival Dare 87 Sam Lazarus Esq 90 Pat Cleburne Claiborne 87 87Overweights Overweights Overweighs Mrs Jimmie Jimmied 2 pounds poundsFontainebleu Fontainebleu Containable place 8 to 5 show 3 to 5 Bouey Buoy Boy show 1 to 2 9i Q PC THIRD RACE 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling j O O Purse 400 value to winner 300 75 to second 25 to third nd Horses 5i StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 9014 BRAW LAD 4 110 3 1 221 121 13 121 Caywood Cawed Keene Ryan 3 31 3 3 9202NEWSGATHERR4 107 5 3J 33 3 21 2H Bloss Loss 8888 U293KING BERMUDA 3 100 41 42 W 4 4 3i Hunter W H Snarley Snare 20 50 20 30 91553QOLD BAND 4 105 61 5 5 58 5J 4 T Burns G W Curtis 2 135 21 21 90172CELTIC BARD 5 105 81 83 Holden Olden Rowe Clarkson Carson 6 7 9174 RAMONA 6 105 71 72 7 K 61 6 61 Nutt Mutt A Botto Otto 5746 9106 GRAZIELLA GRAZIE 3102 2 23 lu 2H 3 73 McNickle Canticle F J Kelly 6666 9085 THAN BY 5 105 9 9 9 9 8 8 Wilson G Whitman 10 12 10 12 1288032LEW 88032LEW HOPPER 5 110 63 6 8 9 9 C Sloan John Brenock Redneck 8866 Time 13 251 381 501 1 04 1 161 1 30 30Winner Winner Br c by Eolus Bolus Brown Beauty BeautyOff Beauty Off at first break to a good start Won easily second well in hand third fourth and fifth driving hard Braw Lad was a good horse today He had speed to loan and went away from his field on the far turn as if it was tied He was much the best and showed it Newsgatherer Newscaster ran a good race He was well handled too Bloss Loss teeing he had no chance to stay with the leaders the first part of it dropped back with the gelding and rode a waiting race He never made u move until the stretch was reached King Bermuda is an honest performer He is always knocking at the door Gold Band slow to begin never really got on her stride Celtic Bards race was a good one He was off poorly and seemed to have no early speed but was running great guns at the finish This race will be a great help to him Braw Lad raced Graziella Grazie to submission the first half Lew Blew Hopper could not get out of his own way and was eased up Scratched upScratched unscratched Pinar Pindaric del Kio Kido 100 100Braw Braw Lad place 6 to 5 show 1 to 2 Newsgatherer Newscaster place 3 to 1 show 6 to 5 King Ber Beer ¬ muda mud show 6 to 1 OCQ OTC J FOURTH RACE 1 Mile ami amid 100 Yards 4yearolds Allowances VZJOO Purse 400 value to winner 3CO 75 to second 25 to third nd Horses A Wt St M Vt Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L 91653MACY 104 2 2i 21 231 2 111 T Burns J W Schorr Scorer Son45 91045 4 5 58995IMP 8995IMP 119 u 12 12 INK 28 Sheppard D R Harness 21 3 2 3 9018 STORM KINCi Inc 96 5 5 5 5 31 3 Holden Olden W LandsbergCo6 7 67 679200BOANEBGES 9200BOANEBGES 106 31 4113 43 5 4H Bloss Loss G W Poole 3 41 34 3492002DR 92002DR SHEPPARD 104 41 31 l 311 4 5 Dean Foster Bros Brows 10 15 10 15 15Time Time 12i 251 371 5ti 1 02 1 15i 1 42i 1 461 461Winner Winner Br c by Hindoo Indoor Alga AlgaPost Jalaps Post 4 minutes Start good Won well in hand second eased at the end afier daffier early punish ¬ ment meant At the weights Macy Marcy was the best He was perfectly ridden too Burns felt of Imp entering the backstretch and seeing he was able to go to her at any time took matters easy At the half mile ground Sheppard tried to got Burns into a trap The going from there to the head of the stretch next the rail was deep Sheppard pulled Imp out expecting Burns would try to go through on the rail The latter though was too wise and cleverly pulled Macy Marcy to the outside where the going was best Entering the stretch it was plainly seen that Imp was beaten She was in distress at the eighth pole and swerved under punishment Storm King suffered from poor handling Holden Olden tried to move up with the co t on the backstretch but was sharply cut off and obliged to pull up Dr Sheppard ran a poor race and Boanerges Beaneries was outclassed outclassedOverweights outclassed Overweights Overweighs Boaneiges Beaneries 2 pounds poundsImp pounds Imp place even Storm King show 7 to 10 Q T FIFTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Allowances 9t 3O C Purse 400 value to winner 300 75 to second 25 to third nd Horses A Wt St Vi tf 5i Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 3K 36 li 121 Bloss Loss Foster Bros Brows 15 15 15 15 22 21 21 2 McNickel Cancel E Trotter Co 40 GO 40 50 91542SILVER SET 4 109 2 li li 32 3 C Sloan G W Curtis 4 41 4 4 9086 RED GIDD GIDDY 3 84 4 42 51 4 45 Seaton Eaton R Bradley 50 100 50 100 9109 REVENGE DARE 3 84 71 72 4 53 5 J Waldo Weald Walden Sweet 100200100200 9084 ROBINSON 5 114 8 6 GG 65 62 S Johnson J W Decker 100 200 100 200 9178 GNOME 3 84 3 5 72 75 75 Steele J Krepper Keeper Co 100150100100 9151 STORM QUEEN 3 84 5 gio go gio go 82 8il J Walsh W LandsbergColOO 200 100 200 2631 VIGARS CIGARS 5 91 9 9999 Sheppard S O Caldwell 200400200400 Time 12 241 491 1024 1091 1091Winner Winner B h by Plevna Pena Abukru Laburnum AbukruPost Burps Post 2 miuutes minutes Start fair Won easily second well in hand third and fourth driving hard Abuse far outclassed his field He was off ail mixed up but Bloss Loss took his time about getting straightened away and when he got ready galloped over those in front with ease The price against him was an extra good one considering the lot he was asked to boat Virgie Virile Dixou Dixon showed speed and ran a really good race She can win soon in her own class Silver Set tired badly the last eighth It was strictly a three horse race all the way Scratched wayScratched Uncas Uncaps 89 Overweights Overweighs Vigars Cigars 2 pounds Virgie Virile poundsVirgie pounds Dixon place T to 1 show 8 to 5 O O Q Q SIXTH RACE 1 18 Miles 3year olds and upward Selling U J O O Purse 400 value to winner 300 75 to second 25 to third Ind Indo Horses A Wt St St U V K StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 91753CLY POYNTRS PONT 93 4 3 li 1 H 11 li Nutt Mutt E Trotter Co 2 115 95 2 291973DBLE 91973DBLE DMY MY 4 107 7 4 4H 2i 2i 21 2 Hothersall Others F Frisbie Frisbee Co 4444 9175 MR EASTON 3 93 2 5 61 6 51 42 3 Sheppard W W Clark 20 25 20 20 9197 NAN LS SIS 4 1U5 3 71171 4 t 41 31 4 W Dean BensonWatts Benson feColo ecology 20 15 20 9128 MDSKADINE 2 96 8 d 5 3 31 51 53 Holden Olden F M Arthur 8 10 8 9 9197 SUNBURST 6 110 6 8 8 8 8 7 6 Bloss Loss J E Gushing 56 5 51 9044 BRIDGETON BRIDGETOWN 5 102 a 2 21 5 61 61 72 T Burns T Hums 85 21 85 2 9175 HOSI HOI 3 98 1 I 3 7 7 8 8 McNickle Canticle W Fries Co 15 20 15 20 20Time Time 13 251 39 52 1 051 1 331 1 45i 1 59 59Winner Winner B g by Linden Ella Beach BeachPost Beach Post 2 minutes Start good Won cleverly It was a drive for second and third positions Clay Poynter Ponte is a very useful selling plater platter and seems to be consistent He was placed nicely in front and held the race safe all the way Double Dummy got a queer ride He was either in terfered there're with at the head of the stretch or was taken care of The race was run in the dark and an accurate roport report from the stand was almost impossible Mi Easton was right there and run ¬ ning Ming strong at the en 1 Sunburst was never prominent and Bridgeton Bridgetown ran a bad race The latters clatters performance must be thrown out outOverweights Overweights Overweighs Nannie Nannies Ls Sister 3 pounds Clay poundsClay pounds Poyntpr Pont place 4 to5 D jubla Julia Dummy placp8 ix 8 shw show 7 to 10 Mr Easton show 3tol

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Local Identifier: drf1898103001_3_2
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