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LATONIA ANTONIA ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather clear track slow First Race 34 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Age Wgt Wt Hdcp Dc 9110 Lady Hamilton 4 100 665 9279 Terramie Tramline 4 100 650 8299 Siddubia Indubitable 5 100 675 8732 Trimuda Trinidad 4 100 642 9300 Aryan 4 103 645 9059 Samovar 4 106 9259 Covington Coving Ky 4 107 8709 Lufra Laura 5 107 92792Dr Pitts Pits 4 107 8875 Crusader S107 8080 Valesco Vales 4 107 9170 MaggieS Maggie 5 107 M oond bond Race 5 12 Furlong 2yearolds Allowances 9076 Rice 97 9221 Frank McConnell 97 8601 EdTipton Petition 100 92783Eastabrooks 104 8836 Hard j Pardee Parsee 107 9278 Al Sirat Spirant 107 9278 Blenheim Blenching 107 9253 Asman Gasman 109 9061 Holland 112 9257 Red Pirate 112 Third Race 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 1 13yearolds 92803Libation 3 92 92562Rastus 3 95 9144McCloary 3 97 9225 R B Sack 3 97 9282 Ma Ansjeline Vaseline 3 97 9225 Sue Nell 3 100 9205 Lena Meyers Meyer 3 105 9038 Can I See Em 4101 9240Eleanor Holmes 3 105 9223 Mitt Boyken Broken 4 105 9225 Mordecai Mordacity 3 105 9254Agitator 6 105 8986 The Planet 4 110 Fourth Race 1 Mile MileAll Illegally All Ages Selling 9191 Heman Herman 2 93 8321 Fair Deceiver 3 97 8901 Philip Byrnes Byres 3 97 9075 Leonag Leona 3 97 9220 Violin 3 100 9077 Rotha Roth 3 100 9282 Possum 3 103 8944 Elsie Brambe Bramble 3 105 9191 Ben OFallon Fallen 3 103 92802Dominis 3 105 9282 Flop 3 105 8659 Flora G 3 105 Fifth Race 5 12 Furlon Furlong 2yearolds Allowances 9281 Lady Roller 98 9298Mlss Josephine 110 9l71Duplicate 98 8927 Yakima 98 9224 Primavera Prima 93 9192 Majme Mama M M 98 9238 MissPatron Dissipation 93 9281 Beana Bean 102 92383Schanken 102 9058 Rosa Masso Mass 103 9224Lecelia 110 9204 Fannie Taylor 110 90133Souchon 110 9101Guess Me 117 Sixth Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling Selling91952Elusive 91952Elusive 4 97 8966 Dutch Comedian 3 100 9195 Doncella Donnelley 4 100 9257 Star of Bethlehem 3 100 9242 The Doctor 3 100 9102 Mariti Maritime 3 102 9259 Double Quick a 12 9282 Hampden Hempen 3 105 9277 AnnieM Annie 6 107 9256 Arcturus Actuaries 3 108 9193Garnet Ripple 4 110 91463Evaline 4 108