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LATONIA ANTONIA ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track slow slowFirst loftiest First Race 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Horses93123Siddubia Age Wet Hdcp Dc 93123Siddubia 5 97 675 9451 Hush 7 97 642 93773 Bon Jour 3 100 665 9377 Astor 3 100 640 9203 SrottieD Rotted 3 100 625 9424 Mazeppa Marzipan 9365 Teucer Tucker 9451 Barbee Barbered 9473 Mordecai Mordacity 9370 Barton 9469 Agitator 9456 RB Sack Second Race 58 Mile 2yearolds Allowances AllowancesMaker Allowances Cigar Maker 95 95idas 9470 Candadas Canards idas Midas 95 95r 9378 Hardy r Pardee Parsee 100 100nd 94522 Holland nd 105 105keet 93783Parrakeet keet skeet 110 110ipton 9378Ed Tipton Lipton ipton Lipton 110 91523Judge Tarvin Arvin Third Race 1 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling 9312 Trimnda Trinidad 4 102 9380 Samovar 4 105 9451 Elsina Messina 4 107 94272Motilla 5 107 94513Ray H 4 107 9348 Lyllis Allis 4 107 9474 Don Clarencio Clarence 4 110 9348 Royal Choice 5 110 94273Egbart 7 110 9370 Donation 5 112 9453 Evaline Valiance 4 112 Fourth Race 1 Mile 3yearolds Handicap 9454 Sir Rolla Olla 94 94563Hampden 96 9379 Alleviate 102 94542Sanber 110 Fifth Race 58 Mile 2yearolds Allowances 9455 Contravene 100 9258 Pansy H 100 9381 Junaetta Uneatable 10J 9381 Rubel Rube 100 9455 Jpssfe Passe Jarboe Arbores 104 9455 Nan Dora 104 9366 FrancesD Frances 107 9455 Maidof Maid Promise 107 9366 Aurpole Aureole 107 9455 Orinkle Crinkle 107 9238primavflra 1079238primavflra 112 9455Rose Apple 112 Sixth Race 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Belling 8765 Flora Louise 3 96 9377 High Jinks 3 98 9353 Ennomia Encomia 3 105 9353 Star of Bethlehem 3 105 9425Rotba 3 105 1 9427 Can I See Em 4 l07 9469 Maggie S 5 107 92793Randazzo 3 108 10894562Mariti 94562Mariti 3 110 94743Lena Meyers Meyer 3 110 9242 Melter Smelter 3 113