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NASHVILLt Nashville FORM CHAWf CHAW 7 7SHVlljLlS SHVlljLlS TKNN TN November 7 Fourth day Cumberland Park Racing Association AssociationFall Associational Fall meeting Weather clear track slow Presiding Judge H E Keough Keogh Starter J Holtman Oilman Racing starts at 200 p in FIRSTRACE FRUSTRATE 78 Milft Milt Purse 200 4yearolds and upward Selling Horses A Wt St J4 Yt M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C Shadley3882NOVER 44i SHUTTLECOCK 5107 8 1 23 13 12 i H Wilson W H Shadley Shadfly G 7 C 7 3882NOVER 93882NOVER 5 107 2 54 4 2i 22 23 W Taylor J Hosaii Xhosa 2323 9388 388 EVEREST 4 107 10 6n 511 7 03 32 Sberland Siberian J W Foreman 0055 93SS 388 ttALGO talon 4 107 11 11 0 01 i 5 45 Castro AS Patrick 10 12 10 12 9228 QUAVER 4 J07 7 7 7 87 51 Boland Borland Strobe Miller 5 5656 9211 MINNIE CLYDE LYE 5107 4 22 1 S 44 On Vitatoe Vitiate C H Chaupell Chapel 15 20 15 20 9413 SPRINGTIME 7 107 5889 n 7 Rynml Ryan Cooper Smith 20 25 20 25 9lll DUTCH BARD 5 107 8 4 5 6 8 8i Combs FostfrBrurafield2 24 2 24 9385 CECIL 5 107 9 10 10 10 9 9 Southard Southward J H Smith 4 5 4 5 8186 N I M ROD 5 110 6 9 11 11 10 10 Reitz Ritz H H Stover Stove 3 34 3 34 i 9073 IRKSOME 6 107 1 3 31 4 11 11 Walker J C Ferris Jr t 8 G 8 8Time Time 25 51 1 044 1 18 1 32 Winner 32Winner Ch m by Lord Hartington Harrington Battledore BattledorePost Battledore Post 20 minutes Start good Won eisily easily second the same Shuttlecock had all her speed imd id finished strong Everest closd closed a big gap from a bad beginning Minnio Minnie Clyde Lye was short The stretchScratched stretches race will do her good Quaver bled Minnie Clyde Lye and Irksome stopped la the stretch Scratched Mauzanita Mutant 107 Fiddler 107 107Shuttlecc Shuttlecc Shuttlecock ck place 2 to 1 show even Nover Mover place even show 1 to 2 Everest show even 9482 SECOND BACE ACE BACEo8 o8 ftJUe future Purse 203 2yearolda Allowances lad Horses A Wt St H 54 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H 9412RED ADMIRAL 1034 5 594123MILDRED 2 2 2 12 Powers P M Civill Civilly 8J 31 3 3 3RickabaughCo2 94123MILDRED RAINES RAINS 105 1 193863BLENHEIM 14 I2 12 21 Combs RickabaughCo2 323 93863BLENHEIM 108 3 44 34 3 35 Southard Southward J H Smith C5 85 65 85 85r3 9412 MISS EDWARDS 97 4 r3 4nK 4j 4 K Vitatoo Vitiate J B Brannou Rainout 7878 9411 ROYAL BANNER 100 8 87 7 54 Castro J R Swan 20 30 20 30 9386 MARK HANNA II 108 6 693843KECORD 64 68 6 68 Shorlaod Soloed J M Wilkinson 7 8 7 8 8SH 93843KECORD 105 2 SH 55 51 71 Mason E Moore 4545 4973 ARLOTTA CARLOTTA 97 7 7888 Dngan DNA J G Ballentino Valentino 10 12 10 12 12Time Time 24 494 1 04 04Winner Winner ButterflyPost Butterfly Br c by Lord Hartington Harrington Butterfly Post 11 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Mildred Raines Rapines was made too much use of and quit in the final sixteenth Red Admiral finished strong Record swerved badly in the stretch Miss Edwards and Royal Banner ran theii Heidi races at the post Mark Hanna II s race was up to the mark Blenheim Blenching can do better betterScratched butterscotch Scratched Sir Casimir Casino 108 Safrano Saran 105 Gin Rickey Rickety 100 Pauline J97 Wend 97 Buck ner near 97 poundsRed pondered 97Overwoightt Overwoightt Overweight Red Admiral 3i pounds Red Admiral place even show 1 to 2 Mildred Baines Bines place oven show 1 to 2 9488 THIRD RACE 31 Mile Purse 8203 All Ages Selling Ind Indo Horses A Wt St y M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L O 20 IKK VIKKI 11 ij T Walker G L Johnston 21 3 2 2 13 25 23 22 Dugan Duane J Sheehan 5656 7 81 5 3 Southard Southward W H Richardson 3 Mil WEECLIPSIE EXERCISE 3 99 9 8 7 7 44 Vitatoe Vitiate J Duffels 8 10 8 10 3415 WATER CREST 3 107 8 4i 33 8 ff3 Sherland Shetland D A Boyle 24 3 21 3 3443 VIOLET PARSONS4 104 7 63 61 3 6 Powers E F Voos Voss 5656 5656SS93 SS93 JUNE BUG 3102 6 3 51 61 7 Warren Allen Allen 20 30 20 30 9440MYRIAMG 309440MYRIAMG 3104 4 5 4 41 8 Combs PTomlmsonCo 8 10 8 10 9069 PRINCE ZENO ZEN 3 99 5 9999 Kelly Dolan R yard 5757 7300 CHRISTABEL CHRISTIE 310411 11 10 10 10 Hoyt Hot Tierney Etienne Innes Inanes 20 30 20 30 9411 PRINCE HAL 3 9910 10 11 11 11 Castro A Willis Co 8 10 8 10 9388 NANKINOO MANKIND 3 101 12 12 12 12 12 Walker J S Lancaster 10 15 10 15 iM Time 25 50 1 03 1 18 18Winner Winner Ch c by Harry OFallon Fallen Marchma March MarchmaPost Archaist Post 5 minutes Start fair Won easily second the same Colonel Frank Waters weut wet to the front when ready Water Crest did not have his speed Fred K came strong at the end He collaredScratched collards was in a pocket the last sixteenth Hairpin quit when collared Scratched The Naulahka Mullah 99 Raymond F 99 99Overweights Overweights Overweighs Colonel Frank Waters 1 pound Water Crest 3 Christabel Charitable 5 Colonel Frank Waters place even show 1 to 2 Hairpin place 2 to 1 show even Fred K show even 9484 FOURTH RACE 5 13 FarJongs Sarongs Purse 200 2yearolas Belli Elli g Ind Indo Horses A Wt St K Vi 5 8tr Fin Fm Jockeys Owners O H L C 93862 BY GEORGE 101 1 31 2 2xi I IN 14 Walker Walker93842K1TTIE J C Ferris Jr 1 1 3545 93842K1TTIE RECENT 95 8 61 SH 53 2t 24 Vitatoe Vitiate Waters Hodges 31 4 34 4 9386 PRINCE PLAUSIBLE 98 2 11 14 22 3 34 Dugan Duane J Flynn 4 5 4 44 92693dIR BLAZE 103 4 21 24 32 3 4 N Hill F C Leigh 4545 8133 Ol IE BROOKS 106 3 44 4 42 52 Powers E Moore 3534 92672MERODE 97 5 7 777 7 7 6 Mason Gil Gail Curry 10 15 10 15 9221 HARRY PRESTON 103 7 8 88 8 64 70 Combs PTomlinson Poplins Co 6 868 9412 ELURINE PELERINE 95 6 5 20Time K 62 8 8 Castro Mrs L D Gray 20 20 20 20 Time 24 501104 Winner 501104Winner Ch g by St George Little Belle BellePost Belle Post 5 minutes Start good Won easily second the same By George weni Wendi fp the front when ready and won as he pleased Kittie Kitties Regent off badly was coming very strpng strong Sir Blaze tired in the run home Oce Once Brooks was short shortScratched sportscast Scratched Defiance 101 Nancy Seitz Seize 95 95By By George place 2 to 5 Kittie Kitties Regent place 3 to 2 show 3 to a Prince Plausible show 4 to 5 9485 FIFTH ttACE tae 84 Mile Purse 200 All ages Selling Ind Indo Horses A Wt 3t H StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 2K 32 lu lu Powers P M Civill Civilly 1145 45 45C 51 44 4K 24 Combs C Van Studdiford Studio 4 44 4 4 92451ALBERT S 5 109 4 41 H 2 2K 22 3 Castro W H Laird 2 24 2 24 9270 JIM FLOOD 6 107 5 64 52 50 4H Troxler Stroller J Troxler Stroller 6868 9387WANGA 68689387WANGA 4104 2 13 IKK VIKKI 3 55 Walker TrevyPernbertn 2 24 2 24 9314 MITT BOYKEN BROKEN 4 101 3 3 65 65 68 Southard Southward K D Orr Rr 20 30 20 30 7874 KING ZELDA 3 99 7 7777J dimth Edith J F Grefor Reform 10 15 10 15 15Tjme25 Tjme25 494102 1164 Winner 1164Winner Ch g by Donald A Cousjn Cousin Kato KatoPost Gatepost Post 4 minutes Start good Won in a hard drive second and third also driving hard Damocles was out to the last ounce Mystery would have won in another stride Albert S tired at the end Jim Flood saved ground on the home turn Wanga Wang quit badly in the last fur ¬ long J Troxler Stroller claimed Albert S for 675 Scratched Halton Alton 106 Mamie Mammies Callan Allan 101 Louise 99 99Overweiuhts poundsDamocles outdistances Overweiuhts Overweighs Myttery Mystery 24 pounds Damocles place 2 to 5 Mystery place 3 to 2 show 3 to 5