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AODKDUCT ADDUCT KNTRIKS INTERLINKS Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst fascist First Knee About 78 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Sailing SailingInd Sailing Ind Indo Horses Ago Wt fidcp fid 9434 Headlight 5 123 610 610U4352 U4352 Dalgretti Algarve 7 101 150 8698 Tremargo Tremor 5 103 CfiO CiO CfiO2162Little 2162Little Land 4 102 685 9480 South Africa 4 102 700 700J134 J134 Zinone Intone 5 100 685 1343MidliKht 4100 675 6759480iBrighton 9480iBrighton 3 100 670 9435 Nana H 3 100 660 9180 Blarneystone Blarneys 3 100 690 9439 Chenille 4 100 630 9274 General ilaceo lace 3 95 64y 64ySecond Second Race 5 12 Furlones Furlongs 2yearolds Allowances Allowances9inCaptain 9inCaptain Sigsbee Sighs 115 700 70094173Lady 94173Lady Lindsay 112 695 8978 BfrlleofTroy 112 655 6559478Hilee 9478Hilee 112 685 6859t 9t 9i Village Pride 105 675 6759436Ordeal 9436Ordeal 105 690 6909438PirateM 9438PirateM 103 660 660Forsooth Forsooth 103 9393 Impartial 103 650 7996 Improvident 103 640 9393 Subject 100 64o 64o9J76 9J76 Curio 100 635 635Third Third Race 1 Mile aud Maud 40 Yards Yards3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 9134 Headlight 5 106 93922Eataca 4 106 9477 aurice Maurice 5 106 9477DanRico 3 104 9480 DogKett Docket 6 102 94203 Wordsworth 4 99 9360 Philip 3 99 9416 HerOwn HerOn r 4 99 9477 Myth 4 99 9158 Nigger Niger Baby 3 96 9420Campania 5 94 9435Lady Disdain 3 91 Fourth Race 1 11G Miles 3yearolda and upward Handicap 9437Don riOro prior 4 128 94372 Warrenton Warren 3 126 94373Charentus 4 103 9418Bluoaway 3 95 9437 Sensational 3 92 9126 Endeavor 4 88 9416 HerOwn HerOn 4 87 Fifth Race 58 Mile 2yearolds Soiling Soiling9iSO 9iSO Our Annie 95 8819 Lady Bneerwell Bejewel 95 9476 Lady Exile 95 93182 Miss Order 95 9234 Ypsilanti Pestilent 95 9138Veraciou8 95 9136 St Sophia 95 Bersaola Borstal 95 9289 Auridale Auricle 90 9234 Savilla Seville 90 9438 Lady Dora 90 9318 Falella Flagella 90 Sixth Race I Mile and 40 Yards 3yearolds and upward Selling Selling92193Premier 92193Premier 5 106 94352Dalgretti 7 103 9439 Taranto Arrant 4 102 9333 Stray Step 4 102 9477 Hums 4 102 9477 Myth 4 99 9359 Mizpah Micah 4 99 9416 Charley Rose 3 98 9477 Prince Auckland 3 94 9t793Merlin 3 94 9435 Dogtown Downtown 3 91 94393 Field Lark 3 89