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LATONIA ANTONIA FOKRi Florid FOKRiCINCINNATI CINCINNATI O November 10 The form of Fridays Latonia Antonia fields i iFirst fairest First RaceRobert Acrobat Lattn Attn Libation Bon Jour JourSecond Housebound Second Race Friesjand Friesian Jimp Imp B Q Fox FoxThird Frothier Third Race Hush Flop Lord Frazer Frazier FrazerFourth Frazier Fourth RaceKathie Lacerative May Lyllis Allis Harry Shannon ShannonFifth Shannon Fifth RaceCrinkle Racecar Viola K Lizzie Tizzies Tello Tell TelloSixth Beloit Sixth Race Governor Taylor Znfallte Unfaltering Full Hand