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LATONIA ANTONIA ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather cloudy track sloppy sloppyFirst sloppy First Race 1 116 Miles 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses 9425 Laura May 3 99 9469 Robert Latta Plata G100 9548 Stanza 5 100 9548 Myscellus Miscalls 3 102 8899 Jacques 3 102 95212Libation 3 102 9491 9491BonJour Bon Jour 3 107 9348 Gomez 4 110 9548 Hand D 3 110 918 Mellie Nellie 4 112 Second Race 78 Ittlle Little Ittlle2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances 9420 Frank McConnell 97 9547 Caudadas Aoudads 100 9470 BG Fox 100 9369 Etidorpha Ethiopia 100 95473Vinicins 105 9426 Flying Word 105 9470 Friesland Friesian 105 92072Qadsden 105 95472Jimp 108 Third Race 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 9451 Almante Palmate 3 92 9519 Flop 3 92 9425 Lord Frazer Frazier 3 92 9451 Philip Byrnes Byres 3 92 9295 Popocrat Pococurante 3 92 95483Hush 7 94 9422 LiewAnna Lean 4 94 9473 Duncan Bell 4 94 9367 Miss Emma 5 94 9519 Orme Ore 3 95 9312 Aryan 4 97 9521 Johu Joshua Sullivan 4 104 9469 Crusader 5 109 Fourth Race 1 Mile 4yearolds and upward Selling Selling94713H 94713H 8 Tobacco 4 100 9493 Lyllis Allis 4 102 9348 KathieMay Kathie 4 102 9348 Royal Choice 5 105 9453 Harry Shannon 5 109 95218amovar 4 112 lfth left Race 5 12 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances 9472 Bannie Annie 100 9523 Vogel 100 9495 Junaetta Uneatable 100 9550 NanDora Pandora 100 94953Rubel 105 9523 Stanel Sanely 105 9523SLizzie Tello Tell 105 94952Crinkle 105 9550 Rose Ash 105 9523 Malaise 105 95232Viola K 105 Sixth Race 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 2868 Early Bird 3 92 95243Elsie Bramble BrambleNotice Bramble 3 102 Notice 3 94 9521 Zufallig Unfailing 5 94 95192Qovernor Taylor 3 95 9549 Rastns Astons 3 95 8401 LaSalle Classable 9295 RushFields Unshielded 94693Full Hand 95242Primate 3 100 9473 SueNell Quenelle 3 110 9491 Agitator