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NASHVILLE FORM CHART CHARTNASHVILLE NASHVILLE TKNN TN November 1 0 Seventh day Cumberland Park Racing Association AssociationFall Associational Fall meeting Weather cloudy track heavy Presiding Judge H E Keough Keogh Starter J Holtman Oilman Racing starts at 200 p m FIRST RACE 5 13 Furlongs Purse 200 4yearolds and upward Selling 552 Ind Indo Horses A Wt 8t J4 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners 9534 GLEN ALBYN ABLY 4 97 1 195343MAMIE IKK VIKKI 11 12 Dugan Duane A Brown Co 5 6 f 5 95343MAMIE CALLAN ALLAN 4 102 6 5 32 2 Powers H H Stover Stove 3434 95082 JOHN BOONE 5 97 7 31 22 33 Mason J R Bagley Bangle 32853285 9440 LOTTIE GLOTTIDES MILLS 9 100 8 7 52 43 White E C Brown 10 15 10 15 7369 SHIELDBEARER SHIELDED 6 97 3 4 41 5 Combs E F Smith 3434 0510 MISS KITTIE KITTIES 5 99 4 66 7 611 Warren L Long 5757 9485 WANG A 4 97 2 2U 8 7 Southard Southward TrevyPembertn2 2 2 21 9481 MINNIE CLYDE LYE 5 97 5 8 61 8 Tully O H Chappell Chapel 10 20 10 20 9388 0388 FIDDLER 5 97 9 9999 999 Kelly R Holman Hillman 20 40 20 40 9411 0411 LASSIE LOU 5 99 10 10 10 0 10 10 Jordan Goodwin Godwin Co 30 40 30 40 40Time Time 25 52 l04i 1121 1121Winner Winner B g by Glenelg Genteel Lady Lee LeePost Sleepiest Post 8 minutes Start good Won easily second and third driving Glen Albyn Abby was never in trouble John Booue Boone tired in the run home He was slow getting away Mamie Mammies Callan Allan got i the place in the last stride Wanga Wang stopped after going a half halfScratched Scratched Pearson 100 Lauretta Laurent D 97 Liverpool 97 Violet Parsons 97 Gertrude 97 97Overweights Overweights Overweighs Mamie Mammies Callan Allan 5 pounds Lottie Loftier Mills 3 Miss Kittie Kitties 2 Lassie Lou 2 j Glen Albyn Abby place 2 to 1 show even Mamie Mammies Callan Allan place 3 to 2show 3 to 5 9553 Ind Indo Horses A Wt St StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H 61 22 13 Powers P M Civill Civilly 9412 NELLIE ONEILL O'NEILL 105 1 1 13 11 2 N Hill R Forsythe Forsythia 5656 9482 ROYAL BANNER 98 6 11 71 51 3 Preston J R Swan 7878 9509 BILLY BAKER 98 2 2 31 31 43 Boland Borland Strobel Strobe Miller 5757 575795093OUR 95093OUR LID 9910 88 63 53 Southard Southward H L Johnson 4545 9088 MINNIE B 95 4 3 21 42 til tail Tully Baughman Bagman Co 15 20 15 20 9267 MISS FORD HAM 95 9 9977 Reitz Ritz W Gardner 5656 9412 GIN RICKEY RICKY 98 7 612 4Ni 8 8 Mason P Stanton 21 3 21 3 9482 MISS EDWARDS 111 3 41 10 9 9 Combs J B Brannon Brandon 5656 9224 WEND 95 11 10 11 10 10 Bispiug Blipping J Stone 15 20 15 20 9509 JUNIA JUNGIAN J 10312 12 12 11 11 Dugan Duane Corbin Coring Co 6767 9509 THE SHERIFF 97 8 73 512 12 Kelly J D Sharp Co 20 30 20 30 30Time Time 251 51 1061 Winner Ch c by Knight of Ellerslie Wellesley Fiona FionaPost Fiona Post 13 minutes Start fair Won easily second and third driving Defiance got up in the last sixteenth Nellie ONeill O'Neill was stopping badly Royal Banner was coming strong Our Lida Linda closed a big gap Junia Jungian J was as good as left leftScratched Scratched Winter 109 Elizabeth T 107 Arlotta Carlotta 105 105Overweights Overweights Overweighs Defiance 2 pounds Nellie ONeill O'Neill 2 Billy Baker 3 3Defiance Defiance place 1 to 2 Nellie ONeill O'Neill place 2 to 1 show 4 to 5 Royal Banner show even 9554 P THIRD RACE 1 Mile Purse S300 3yearolds and upward Owners Handicap Ind Indo Horses A Wt St M H StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 9442GUIDE ROCK 3 87 2 m 16 18 18 15 Dugan Duane F W Johnson 35 35 12 12 94853ALBERT S 5 98 3 3 21125 26 2i Troxler Stroller J Troxler Stroller 65856585 6585658592702F 92702F ARM LIFE 3 89 4 46 41242042038 Reitz Ritz G H Hammond 6868 i 9383 MOUSQUETAIRE 3 87 5 22 31 31 31 4 Tully J G Ballentine Valentine 20 30 20 30 7970 RED MONK 4 97 15 5 5 5 5 Mason J P Dawes Awes 4545 4545Time Time 25 50 103 117 146 146Winner Winner B g by Saracen Alala Alfalfa H HPost Post Post 4 minutes Start good Won in a gallop second easily Guide Rock made a show of his field It was only an exercise gallop for him Mousquetaire Mosque tired in the stretch Red Monk d dverweights overweighs verweights overweighs Farm Life 2 pounds Red Monk 2 9555 FOURTH RACK 78 Mile Purse 200 3yearolds and upwards Selling Ind Indo Horses A Wt St M Vt 3 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 9485DAMOCLES 5 111 4 2 23 2 26 Hi Powers P M Civill Civilly 32 2322 95322HALTON 232295322HALTON 454545459443CARLOTTA 7111 2 IK 11 12J IH 28 Combs L W Hoyt Hot Co 45454545 9443CARLOTTA C 4111 3 33 38 33 3 32 Castro W H Laird 24 13521 21 511 BOWITZER HOWITZER 3 98 5 41 43 48 4 41 Dugau Dugout G G Moshier Mushier ColO Colon 15 10 15 9481 CECIL 5 97 15 5 5 5 5 Bisping Lisping J H Smith 10 15 10 15 15Time Time 24 50 103111611311 Winner Ch g by Donald A Cousin Kate KatePost Gatepost Post 5 minutes Start good Won easily secoud second the same Damocles came away in the last furlong Powers was hustling him along at the end Carlotta C went to her knees at the start startScratched statecraft Scratched Jim Flood 104 Lackman Blackman 100 Demosthenes Remoteness 94 9556 FIFTH RACE 78 Mile Purse 200 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses A Wt St M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 443395302HAIRPIN f9530 WATER CREST 3 96 2 li 1 20 111 13 Hherland Heartland D A Boyle 4433 95302HAIRPIN 3 95 1 23 2 IH 2 21 Dugan Duane J Sbeehan Sheehan 6766 95102PINKEY 676695102PINKEY POTTER 105 7 41 43 32 32 32 N Hill R Forsythe Forsythia 2 21 2 21 9311 ANNIE TAYLOR 3 92 8 62 51 52 43 46 Vitatoe Vitiate W E Fielding 852 852 9444 NELLORINE MELLOR 3 92 3 52 65 7 65 55 Preston Joplin Grundy Gerund 10 15 10 15 94833FRED K 5 100 6 7 7 61 7 61 Southard Southward W H Richardssn Richardson 4545 9266 THE NAULAHKA 3 102 5 3 31 42 5 5x x 7 Powers M R Earned 10 12 10 12 9511 DUTCH BARD 5 97 10 10 9 8 8 8 Mason FosterBrumfleldS 10 8 10 9226 BLACKG BLACK BRUSH 5 109 4 8 8 9 9 9 Castro ThrsnBrosWist6 10 6 10 9483 JUNE BUG 3 99 9 9 10 10 10 10 Warren Allen Allen 20 30 20 30 9511 CHIQUITA CIRCUITAL II 3 921111 11 11 11 11 Tully Grant McCall Mecca 6767 321Winner Time 25i 50J 1 04 1 18 1 321 Winner Br c by Water Level Miss House HousePost Houseboat Post 5 minutes Start good Won easily second the same Water Crest went to the front when reedy Annie Taylor got off poorly The Naulahka Mullah quit in the last quarter Pinkey Pinkeye Potter was hard ridden all the way Scratched wayScratched Springtime 97 Vermuda Bermuda 96 Overweights Overweighs 96Overweights Water Crest 1 pound Pinkey Pinkeye Potter 4 The Naulahka Mullah 2 Blacking Brush 4 Water Crest place even show 1 to 2 Hairpin place 2 to 1 show even Pinkey Pinkeye Potter show 1 to 2