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NASHVILLE ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track slow First Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Selling ad Horses Age Wgt Wt Hdcp Dc HdcpW83G6lonel W83G6lonel Frank Waters 105 C70 893 Harold Cohen 105 650 555 Howitzer 102 675 530 Mike Haverty Avery 102 660 556 Chiouita Circuital II 102 65o 4959 Tom Peden Eden 102 9534 Bob Garnet 102 9508 Annie Lauretta Laurent 102 9530 Spinnakflr Spinnaker 102 95543 Fa rm Life 102 9508 Prince Zeno Zen 102 9532 Katie Rutherford 102 Second Race 58 ALlle Allen ALlle2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances Allowances9509T 9509T eBlaise Elise 108 95333VVeller 108 9531Mildred Raines Rapines 105 6383TrustMe 98 9484Kittie Regent 98 9384 Mouzeltoif Ouzel 93 9384 rfalvarse traverse 93 9553 Wend 93 Third Race 1 116 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances 9508 Uncle Abb Abby 5 103 9532 Jim Flood 6 103 9511Travelor 4 103 8114 Serf 4 100 9532 Big Fellow 5 100 8429 Belle Bramble 4 100 9578 Mitt Boyken Broken 4 100 9576 Domsie Dossier 3 95 9576Denlosthenes 4 92 Fourth Race Race2yearolds 4 12 Furlongs FurlongsAllowances Furlongs 2yearolds Allowances 9482 MarkHannall Markham 108 9482 Red Admiral 108 9577 Triune 305 9531 Amelia T 105 9509 Topaz 105 9210 Will Williamson 103 9553 Junia Jungian J 100 8545 Jennie 100 8589 Winter 100 5811 Lygia1 100 9411 Frankie 100 9509 Elizabeth T 100 9188JPellMellII 100 Fifth Race 78 Mile 4 yearolds earls and upward Selling Selling95553Carlotta 95553Carlotta C 4 105 1059510Connie 9510Connie Lee 4 105 9552 Shieldbearer Hinderer C103 9443 Manzanita Tanzania 4 100 10095552Balton 95552Balton 7 104 9578 Fiddler