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38 WINNING HORSES Horses IB the rncord rancor for this week Our aver age has bnen been 70 per cent and we guarantee 45 per cent or return the mousy paid for infoma informal tion ion Some good things at Ingleside Ingles and Nnsh Inns ville vile Monday Here is a copy of the last three clays dispatcher ant by Postal Telegraph Com nany nanny and c n be verified by them Nov 10 Eastabrooks Casebooks 2 to 1 win Rarus Kraus 6 to 5 win Hardly 4 to 1 win Boney Bony Boy second Wheel f Fortune 8 to 5 win Cromwell fifth Guide Rock 3 10 5 win Nov 11 Domosthenes Compositeness 4 to 1 win Flop 4 to 1 win bean Powers 2 to 1 win ALchored Anchored second play Walkenshaw Waukesha three ways ho ran second his price was 25 8 and 4 NOT 12 General Mart Gary 3 to 1 win Boney Bony Hoy Holy 6 to 5 win ouchon ouch even win place Swords ¬ man 2 1 ran second Telegrnms Telegrams and Mes Mmes ¬ sages ready at flice lice by 11 am Ten dollars for six days selections selectionsThe selections The National Turf Investment Co Suite 605 167 Dearborn St Chicago III BOSTON OYSTER HOUSE MADISON AND CLARK STREETS LUXURIANT IN FITTINGS FITTINGSCUISINE FITTINGS CUISINE UNEXCELLED EVERYTHING SERVICE THE BEST IN SEASON A High Class Modern Restaurant MODERATE B r WCLTY CELT PRICES