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LATONIA ANTONIA KNTRIKS INTERLINKS Probabilities Weather cloudy track slow First Race 34 Blile Bible Blile4yoaroldB 4yoaroldB and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Ago Wfct Fact Hdcp Dc 519 Mazeppa Marzipan 675 9277 Necklace 1 9 5S52Huh I 97 Sj ° 9254 Ed Overlook 97 WO WO9312Trimnda 9312Trimnda f ± n9 9595 Fremont iS2 Sir 9597 Bush Fields iJ2S rm 9279Osmon rm9279Osmon 9568 La dalle dale 5 100 64o 64o95682Full 95682Full Hand 4159 o o95993Barton 95993Barton iJ25 9T223Amber Glints 5 lOo lobo 6oO 6oOSocond Socond Second Race 5 13 Furlong Furlong2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses color sex pedigree Wt Hdcp Dc Hdcp94262Rice 94262Rice 92 675 9564 Frank McConuell McConnell 92 650 9564 Etidorpha Ethiopia 95 65o 8991 False Lead 95 665 66595643Friesland 95643Friesland 95 670 8110 MabieLadd Mayfield 95 640 9194 Rockland Rolland 105 660 660Prince Prince of Orange ch c by byDonatello Donatello Donate Mattio Mattie Allen 110 Third Race 78 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Selling Ind Indo Horses Age Wgt Wt Hdco Deco 0451 Philio Philip Byrnes Byres 99 652 9546 Libbie Libber 99 662 9315 Fair Deceiver 99 665 0565 Almante Palmate 99 6oO 6oO94223LeonaB 94223LeonaB 99 6jO 9568 Early Bird 99 boo 9563 Jacques 102 64a 64a9546ScottieD 9546ScottieD 102 640 9563 Myscellns Miscalls 102 62o 9563 Libation 107 660 9519 Governor Taylor 110 67o 67oFourth Fourth Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 9595 Sue Nell 3 100 9360 Oxnard 3 100 9599 Lena Meyers Meyer 3 100 96008tarof Bethlehem 3 100 9504 Headlight 5 108 9382Kittie B 5 110 9522Doncella 4 110 Fifth Race 08 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances 9523 Capitolia Capitol 100 9495 Pansy H 100 9567 Junaetta Uneatable 100 9567 Nan Dora 100 9523 Hi Lassie 100 9506 Ypsilanti Pestilent 100 10095672Crinklo 95672Crinklo 106 9472 Lady Roller 112 9316 MaymeM Mayhem M 112 9598 Lecelia Eclair 112 1129366Georgie 9366Georgie 112 9520 Miss Patron 112 9472 Fannio Fannie Taylor 112 112Sixth Sixth Race 34 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling 9600 Vanessa 4 97 9493 Motilla Amontillado 5 97 9600 Siddnbia Sidebar 5 100 9469 Maggie S 5 100 9i96 Can I See Em 4 100 9597 Annie M 6 100 9469 Stockholm 4 100 9551 Jamboree 7 105 9568Agitator 6 108 9597 fl 8 Tobacco 4 108