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BENNINGS BANNING ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst fascist First Race 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Age Wgt Wt Wgt94753Ruby Hdcp Dc 94753Ruby Lips 3 99 700 9504 Philip 3 99 9994792Nearest 625 94792Nearest 3 99 685 95853 Mizpah Micah 4 104 665 7566 Abingdon Abandon 6 104 660 9276 Saratoga 3 101 10195023General 680 95023General Maceo Maceio 3 101 690 9253 Hanwell Handel 6 113 655 9507 Premier 5 113 675 9615 Doggett Doge 6 109 695 9615 Mount Washington 4 106 9264 Squan Sequa 4 106 9232 Harry Crawford 3 106 8317 Lpiterer Loiterer 3 108 8729 Zanetto Annette 3 108 9613 Talisman 4 107 9479 Black Dude 3 103 103Tankard Tankard 3103 9502 Tremargo Tremor 5 Ill IllSecond Millisecond Second Race 58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances Ind Indo Horses color sex pedigree Wt 9318 Diva 107 9586 Kilarma Kithara 107 8152 Sensina Sestina 107 9476 Chanler Chandler 107 9586 Savilla Seville 107 107O O enburg debug b c by Onondaga Welcome 107 9586 Al Reeves 107 10795063Sc 95063Sc Sophia 107 5910 Philidore Philandered 107 9586 31 Boy 107 95062Lady Dora 107 9330 Sir Christopher 107 9318 Coquena Coquina 107 9586 Mon ford 107 10794763Specialist 94763Specialist 107 5210 Waterhouse Warehouse 107 107Terrorist Terrorist b g by Terrifier Terrified Rose Washington 107 8888 Ellerdale Celebrate 110 9053 Cosmopolitan 110 9586 Improvident 110 9586 Sheik 110 9586 Dr Parker 110 9503 Forsooth 110 9586 Animus 110 9586 Commoigne Commingle 1 0 095862Deceptive 95862Deceptive 110 95S63Judge Magee 110 655 95882Leando 65595882Leando 110 690 8718 Spurs 110 GGO GO 7588 Brahmin 110 625 625Third Third Race 1 11 G Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horses Age Wt Hdco Deco Hdco94772DanRice 94772DanRice 110 690 67590972Decanter 8617 Loiterer 110 675 90972Decanter 110 700 9480 Dnnforth Nonfat 110 685 9122 Fl area way 102 650 9364 Bardella Bordello 10 685 685Fourth Fourth Race 34 Mile All ages Allowances 95883Tyr Sheua Sequa 95882Leando 2 88 94342Trillo 2 111 95073CharleyRese 2 111 9184 The Winner 5 116 9507 Premier 5 116 94163Contiuental 94163Contiuental94362Anitra 6 116 94362Anitra 2 85 9436 Ninety Cents 2 85 9434Takanassee 9434Takanassee9502Z 4 122 9502Z none 5 113 9585 Billali Billable 95853Mizpah 9586Tip Gallant 9416 Colonel Tenny Teeny 95062 Lady Dora 9359LAlouette 3 108 700 9389 Tabouret Tambour Fifth Race 1 Mile aud Maud 100 Yards 3yearolds and upward Handicap 96172Charentus 96172Charentus91652Handsel 4112 91652Handsel 3 113 93903Nofey 3 106 95043 Blueaway Bleary 3 105 91833 Jefferson 5 103 95892 Banquo Banquet II 90972 Decanter 9437 Sensational 3 100 675