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INGLESIDE INGLES FORM CHART CHARTSAN CHARTA SAN FRANCISCO CAL November 14 First day Pacific Coast Jockey Club Wiutf Wit WiutfMeeting Withering Meeting Weather clear track good Presiding Judge Edwin F Smith Starter J F Caldwell Racing starts at 2 p m The recall flag is not used 9629 FIRST RACE 34 Mile Purse 400 2yearolds Allowances lnd land Horses AWtStJi Patti 1A 3A StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H 94472FIRST TENOR 112 7 61 5 1 1 Piggott Spigot BurnsWaterhsel 1 12 1i 93562LOS 1i93562LOS MEDANOS MEDIANS 112 6 4 31 21 25 Rutter Ruttier E J Baldwin 8 15 8 ir ir95712ANCHORED 95712ANCHORED 104 1 11 11 32 31 BeaucbampG Bedaubing Ferguson 10 15 10 If 9593 OLINTHUS PLINTHS 120 2 31 61 4 4 Shields J G Brown Co 4848 95912 LIME WATER 112 8 88 61 5 Everson Reversion L G Smith 8888 9526 ALHAFA ALA 99 5 7776 Devin Devon Hanford Sanford Stable 100 100 75 7E 5800 MY DEAR 99 4 2 2 5 71 Norton W C T Boots 100 100 100 lOf loaf 91982JUDGE WOFFORD OXFORD 99 9 9 9 9 82 J Rniff Riff Duke Wishard Wished 40 40 30 80 7827 ULM LM 112 3 IPfTime Lifetime 5 4 8 9 JWaid Jai B Scbreiber Schreiber 150 150 100 IPf Pf Time 2414911021 1151 Winner TnornStart Nonstarter 1151Winner 3 c by Falsetto Pearl Tnorn Torn Start fair Won driving First Tenor was unlucky but best and best ridden Los Medaiitr Mediator had clear sailing and likes the track Anchored is an honest colt Throw out Lime Waters nu Olinthus Plinths races My Dear was short Watch her Ulm Lm was not ready Scratched readyScratched Dont Don't Tell 99 Rio Chico Chic 109 Overweights Overweighs 109Overweights Anchi Ranch red 2 pounds Los Medanos Medians place 4to 1 show 2 to 1 Anchored show 2 to 1 SECOND RACE 1 116 allies Purse 403 3yearolds and upward Soiling Ind Indo Horses A Wt St M X 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 9545MI6TRAL II 4 108 3 31 4J 31 31 H Piggott Spigot Earnshaw Earns Bros Brows 2222 9590 BLISS RUCKER TRUCKER 3 97 1 11 li H 1 2 J Woods BnrnsWaterhselO 25 10 2 9545 PERSONNE PERSONNEL 4 103 7 61 61 61 4 31 WainwrihtL Wainwright H Ezell Bezel 10 15 10 15 9543 CROMWELL 6 110 5 41 2 21 21 43 BeauchampCambridge Stable35 1 36 9 lf 5637 TWINKLE TWINK4 103 4 5 51 51 53 56 Stewart W D Randall 25 25 25 2f 4685 VIKING 4 109 2 2 3 4 4 63 Kollas Kolas J E Linnell Lineally 40 40 30 30 9019 TREACHERY 5 103 6 7 7 7 7 7 Gavin J G Brown Co 40 40 40 40 9064 BABIECA BARBIE 3 97 Left at tho thou post J Reiff Riff Duke Wishard Wished 20 20 20 2 Time 25 504M03J 116 143 l49h DoorStart Dorsa Winner l49hWinner Ch c by Florentine Close tne tine Door Start bad Won in a hard drive of three Mistral was lucky and best ridden He was niceij nice placed and wore down Bliss Rucker Trucker The latter favors this track Personne Personnel closed a big Watch him he is go d Cromwell was none too well ridden and short Babieca Barbican looks jai Viking is a hurdler Twink Wink and Treachery were outclassed gooi goo outclassedMistral outclassed Mistral II place 3 to 5 T U t M THIRD HACE78 Mile Purse 350 4yearoldB and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses A Wt 8t H Vi StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 9490 WHITOOUB WHITEOUT 4 104 4 61 61 6 41 li J Reiff Riff H E Rowell Roswell 5 5 7 4 3 T 5613 41C PARLANE FARLANE PARLANCE ARLENE 6 6104 104 6 2 21 21 2 2 Powell T Muloueen Mulqueen Mullen fiO 60 fie fn GO Sn 60 fif fief L 9406 RINGMASTER 41101111 11 11 11 31 Appleby95722OUR McHugh Chug LO Appleby Apple 12 12 10 1T 95722OUR CLIMATE 5 107 9 10 10 10 6 4 Rutter Ruttier D A Honig Hong 35 3 9338 CUTAWAY 5 104 5 7 7 7 31 5 Bullman Pullman Kelly Bros Brows 40 40 30 9590 DOLORE DOLOR 4 104 3 3 3 41 51 61 McCarthy J N Bnrk Nark 20 20 20 2f 5465 LODE STAR 4 104 8 8 8 8 9 72 BeauchainpA Bacchanal J Sternier Sterner 3737 5263 PAT MORRISSEY 4 109 1 11 1 1 l 82 Piegott Spigot MsCarty Scary Co 6655 9017 GREYHURST GREYHOUNDS 4104 7 41 41 3t 7 96 J Ward B Schreiber 20 30 20 2 4279 KAMSIN AMUSING 5 101 10 9 9 9 10 10 0 WainwrihtL Wainwright H Ezell Bezel 30 30 20 3f 95453 HERNARDILLO BERNARDINO 4 104 2 5 5 51 8 11 J Woods J Coffey 2 2 S52 Time S52Time 241 49 1 02i 1 16i 1 29J LadyStart Loadstar Winner 29JWinner Ch g by Whitney Lyon Lady Start fair Won driving Whtcomb Witco was well ridden had a clear path and was best Mt Farlane Arlene is an in and outer He showed a lot of speed Ringmaster was badly ridden and closet like a lion at the end So did Our Climate who wants a route Doloro Dolor was poorly handled Watch Lode Star He was short Mori Maori issey Missy wasnt wasn't ready Greyhurst Greyhounds is of no account Be nardillois cardiologist track sore and bolted Keep Kamsin Amassing on the tab tabScratched abstracted Scratched Kruna Kunai 101 Tom Smith 101 Mamie Mammies Scott 101 Anabasis Anabaptism 101 Overweights Overweighs 101Overweights Our Climate 3 pounds Pat Morrissey 2 2Whitcomb Whitcomb Witco place 2 to 1 show even McFarlaue Nicaragua place 20 to 1 show 10 to 1 Ringmaste Ringmaster show 2 to 1 9632 FOURTH KACEl Ace Mile 3yearold The University Stakes 1000 Guarantee Cnd Nd Horses A Wt St St H StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 95442MORELLITO 114 3 3i 31 31 32 21 U Piggott Spigot Willmans Hillmans Bros Brows l tT 8779 CYRIL 111 2 21 21 I IH IH 23 Rutter Ruttier George J Long 7 9593 ROSOR RESORT MONDE 111 4 4 4 21 23 32 33 BeauchampJ Beach N Bnrk Nark 10 10 10 1C 5M5HOHENLOHE 1C5M5HOHENLOHE 114 1 li H 4 4 4 4 Snider W Boots Son 10 30 10 If Time IfTime Lifetime 25 50i 1 03 1 16 1 421 Winner 421Winner B c by Morello Marcello Miss Cromwell f Start good Won easily Mnrellito Mongrelize outclassed the field Cyril is promising and showed lot of speed Rosormonde Roomed cannot carry weight Hoheulohe was short Scratched shortScratched sportscast Formella Formula 111 La Goleta Goblet 114 114Cyril Cyril place 2 to 1 9633 FIFTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 403 All agea age Allowances ri Horses A Wt St U Yt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O fl L C 58702MISS ROWENA OWEN 3 109 1 13 13 13 n Piggott Spigot BurusWatorhseS C Sl T 9013 MARY BLACK 3 109 2 22 22 25 2io J Reiff Riff Duke Wishard Wished 3 3 3 3 4S122FLEUR DE LIS LISA 4114 3 31 33 31 32 Shields AJStemler Fastener 1 2 1 2 6358 SWEET WILLIAM 4 110 5 41 41 410 410 j Ward B Schreiber 100 100 100 101 9569 DEFIANT 3 102 4 5555 Garrigan Arian H Dimond Diamond 200 200 lOOlM lOOM Time lOOlMTime gloomier 24i 48J 1 01i 1 14 Winner B f by Midlothian Militia Paloma Palma j Start good Won easily Miss Rowena Rowe outclassed her field Mary Black was short o wa Fleur Flour waFleur wafer do Lis Lisa She is a mudlark medullar and a stayer slayer Sweet William was not ready Mud and sprint ing King is his forte forteScratched forecast Scratched Espionage 96 Cyril 102 Reina Regina de Cuba 109 109Corrected Corrected weights Miss Roweua Rowe 109 109Mary Mary Black place 3 to 5