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NASHVILLE FORM CHART CHARTNA8HVILLE NA8HVILLE TJBNN November 14 Tenth day Cumberland Park Racing Association AssociationFall Associational Fall meeting Weather clear track heavy Presiding Judge H E Keough Keogh Starter J Holtman Oilman Racing starts at 200 p m Q l ± A FIRST KAC1S 5 12 Furlongs Purse 200 All Ages Selliog Selling frid fried nd Horses A Wt St H U H M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C it5562HAlRbMN 556HA1KP1N 3 3101 101 395522MAMIE 3 12 12 11 11 Powers J Sheehan I I95522MAMIE 2 1152 2 95522MAMIE CALLAN ALLAN 4 103 1 32 31 31 3U 2 Vitatoe Vitiate H H Stover Stove 2 21 2 2 95523 OH OHN JOHN N BOONE 5 107 2 2 21 2 2t 35 Southard Southward J R Bagley Bangle 3 31 3 3 9605 SHIELDBEARER SHIELDED 6 99 6 51 4 44 4 4 i Troxler Stroller E F Smith 2 21 2 2 21 9601 ANNIE LAURETTAS LAURENTIANS 91 7 7 61 51 51 Reitz Ritz J M Johnson 8 10 8 1 10 8962 SWASHBUCKLERS 94 8 63 5 51 65 6 6S Boland Borland L P McMillan Macmillan 12 20 12 2 20 20H 9601 BOB GARNET 3 91 4 H 7 7 7 Gotmley Motley Miller Finch 20 25 20 25 9440 THE DIPLOMAT 4 107 9 9888 Walker Charles Butler 10 12 10 12 9552 MINNIE CLYDE LYE 5 96 5 8999 Tully C H ChapDell Chapnell Chapel Channel 12 20 12 20 20Time Time 25 53i 1061 113 113Winner Winner B c by Inspector B Bonnie Meade MeadePost Meade Post 10 minutes Start good Won easily it was a drive for the place Hairpin was never in trouble John Boone tired at the end Minnie Clyde Lye was pulled up the last quarter Mamie Mammies Callau Calla was hard ridden all through the stretch Swashbuckler pulled up lame lameScratched Scratched Wanga Wang 103 Spinnaker 91 Nellie Baker 91 Prince Plausible 87 Nancy Seitz81 Seitz81Overweights Overweights Overweighs The Diplomat 4 pounds poundsCorrected outscore Corrected weights Mamie Mammies Callau Calla 103 Hairpin place 4 to 5 Mamie Mammies Callan Allan place even show 2 to 5 John Boone show 2 to 5 SECOND KACE ACE 4 154 furlongs Purse 200 2yearolds Maidens Allowances s A Wt St M 1A Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H 95313PAUL1NE J 110 3 11 12 12 11 Combs E C Brown 15 7511 9006 DIANA 105 8 51 52 31 21 Dickerson Dickers J Smith 20 30 20 30 9575 BARBARY HARVEY 105 4 495533ROYAL 3 31 2 K 33 Castro L W Hoyt Hot Co 8 8 5 5 95533ROYAL BANNER 113 7 61 7 61 41 tiherland timberland J R Swan 4 5 4 41 9553 GIN RICKEY RICKY 113 2 2 2 42 58 Mason P Stanton 4645 95743 MIdS Midas EDWARDS 110 5 7 42 5 61 Powers J Newman 5545 9210 ROMANY RAWNY BRAWNY 111 6 8 6s 7 7 Sweeney Serenely W E Fielding 8 10 7 8 9575 SYDNEY FOX 110 11 11 11 9 8 Southard Southward BonsnWattsCo6 10 6 10 0604 PET SCOTT 105 12 12 12 11 9 Vitatoe Vitiate Gil Gail Curry 6756 9575 NELLIE ONEIL NEIL 110 9 9 9 10 10 N Hill R Forsythe Forsythia 2 31 2 115 115T4LARICK T4LARICK 105 10 10 10 12 11 Tully J G Ballentine Valentine 10 20 10 15 9577 WHITE CROSS 108 1 4 8 8 12 Walker Clark Kirkman Kirkland 20 50 20 40 40Time Time 27 54 1 01 01Winner Winner B f by Julien Julie Pauline PaulinePost Pauline Post 10 minutes Start good Won handily second cleverly Pauline J had all the speed of the party Diana closed a big gap but hung the last sixteenth Royal Banner is a slow beginner Gin Rickey Rickety quit in the stretch after showing a good deal of speed White Cross stopped to noth moth ¬ ing King ingScratched instructed Scratched Freak 110 Lygia Lydia 110 110Overweights Overweights Overweighs poundCorrected Romany Rawny Brawny 1 pound Corrected weights Royal Banner 113 113PaUiine PaUiine Pauline J place 1 to 2 Diana place 10 to 1 show 4 to 1 Harvey show even THIRD RACE 1 Mile Purse 20 3yearolds and upward Selling StrFin Strafing Jockeys O H L C 96033uuMolfc 3 92 7 41 33 22 21 Louden Lode William Clark 5656 9578 SCHOOL GIRL GIRL95782JACK 3 89 1 15 16 16 13 26 Dugan Duane P Browning 6868 95782JACK HAYES HAYES9603JIM 4 101 2 21 21 38 35 35 Powers W R Hamilton 6 8 68 9603JIM FLOOD 6 106 8 8 7 4 K 43 46 Troxler Stroller J Troxler Stroller 8B 21 852 852Cooper 9578 PRINGTIME SPRINGTIME PRINGTIME9413WI6COUNT 7 98 5 31 41 63 68 5 Dora Cooper Srrith Sprit 12 20 12 15 9413WI6COUNT95783NANKINOO 9413WI6COUNT 5 107 6 51 51 51 5 65 Combs E S Gardi Guardia GardnerSon Gardner 35 71035 710 95783NANKINOO 95783NANKINOO950SSAUIERNE 3 97 3 9 62 7 7 7 Walker J S Lancaster 15 20 12 15 950SSAUIERNE 5 103 9 6 8 8 8 8 N Hill J T Neal 3434 9554 RED MONK 4 109 4 7 9 9 9 9 Sberland Siberian J P Dawes Awes 6867 6867Time Time 261 511 106 120 l49i Wiuner Winner Ch c by Dandie Dandier Dinmont Dumont Comether Commenter CometherOff Commenter Off at first break to a good start It was a driving finish School Girl should have won She was raced to pieces in front Domsie Dossier caught her in the last few strides Red Monk sulked Sauternos Sauternes race was below the mark This was evidently not Jim Floods day Jcratched Scratched Tutnilla Attila 98 Nellorine Mellor 89 Prince Zeno Zen 89 Katie Longfellow 98 Overweights Overweighs Jack Hajos Chaos 3 pounds Viscount Nankinoo Amino 2 Red Monk 1 Domsie Dossier place 2 to 1 ehow how even School Girl place 3 to 1 show even Jack Hayes show even 9627 FOURTH HACK 34 Mile Purse 200 2yearolds Soiling Ind Indo Horses A Wt 3t fc 5H StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 95773SIR BLAZE 991 6 3 H 11113 N Hill FC Leigh 1 65451 95752OCIE BROOKS 101 4 21 33 2 K 2 x Powers E Moore 4646 9602JSALVARSE 103 5 61 52 42 3i Boland Borland J D Clayton 4646 9602 KITT1E REGENT 103 1 7 6J 51 4K Vitatoo Vitiate Waters Hodges 3 635 635lu 9482 MARK HANNA II 99 3 lu 2nK 32 54 Southard Southward J M Williamson 5756 57564H 9484 BY GEORGE 107 2 295753HADRIAN 4H 4n 6 6 Walker J C Ferris Jr 65 2 65 95 95753HADRIAN 99 7 6867Time 51 7 7 7 Dugan Duane H E Leigh 6867 Time 261 53i 1 05t 1 18 Winner 18Winner Blk Balk c by Blazes Sarah SarahOff Sarah Off at first break to a goo d start Won easily second and third driving Sir Blaze was un der deer a drive to the last sixteenth but won easily on the end Salvarse Salvers was gaining at the finish Kittie Kitties Regent was slow to get going Mark Hanna II tired in the stretch Salvarse Salvers was left out of entries by error Overweights Overweighs By George 2 pounds Ocie Docile Brooks 1 Sir Blaze 1 Sir Blaze place 1 to 2 Ocie Docile Brooks place 2 to 1 show even Salvarse Salvers show even 9628 FIFTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 200 3yearolds and upward Selling A Wt St M Vi Str Star Fin Jockeys O H L C 96053HALTON 7 103 2 23 li 13 li Castro LWHoytCo 71045710710 9605 ALBERT S 5 108 6 52 43 2i 2 Troxler Stroller J Troxler Stroller 2323 232395762LACKMAN 95762LACKMAN 3 100 5 31 31 31131 Southard Southward H D Bellon Belong 4646 9601 1095323LEO FARM LIFE 3 102 4 3 22 42 41 Mason G H Hammond 8 10 8 10 95323LEO LAKE 6 101 3 7 61 6t 5 Powers P M Civill Civilly 2 21 2 2i 1534 SlSSIfi Sissified CHANCE 3 92 8 1 51 5 6 Vicatoe Vicente White Stafford 10 12 10 12 95103EARL 1295122BOB FONSO FONTS 3 106 1 61 7 7 7 Combs Dolan Rivard Ricardo 8 12 8 12 95122BOB TURNER 4 107 7 8888 Kelly J W Bell 6868 6868Time Time 25 5H 119 Winner 119Winner Br g by Himyar Shimmy Maude L LPost Post Post 3 minutes Start good Won pulled up second easily Halton Alton was never extended Farm Life tired at the end Lackman Blackman caught her in the last twenty yards Albert S was hard ridden all the way and ran an improved race Leo Lake is not what he was Scratched wasScratched wisecracked Manzanita Tanzania 197 Colonel Frank Waters 105 Eight Bells 102 Percita99 Annie Taylor 92 Overweights Overweighs Earl Fonso Fonts 3 pounds Albert S place even show 1 to 2 Lackman Blackman show even