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OAKLAND FORM CHART CHARTOAKLAND CATALAN OAKLAND Cal November 29 Fourteenth day California Jockey Club Winter Meeting MeetingWeather Meeting Weather cloudy track muddy Presiding Judge Joseph A Murphy Starter J B Ferguson Racing starts at 215 p m O Q Q FIRST RACE Futurity Course 170 feet short of 34 mile Purse 300 JOvJO 3yeaiolds and upward Selling tnd tend Horses A Wt St M V StrFin Strafing Jockeys Ownor Owner O H L C 97823DURWAD 4 107 4 51 51 51 IH J Reiff Riff J G Brown Co 10 10 8 8 5870 DON GARA GAR 5 112 5 61 61 61 2 Piggott Spigot Mr A Archer 4433 4046 UAINBAR GUIANA 3 112 6 7 7 7 33 Hennessy Hennas Atkin Akin LottridgeS Glottides 838 4791 SCHNITZ SCHNITZEL 6115 2 3 4H 32 4 H Shields C F Sanders C 5 5 4 41 34352ESPERANDO 4134352ESPERANDO 3 113 3 11 U 11 52 Wilson SantaAnitaStable20 20 15 15 9570 SIERRA BLANCO 3107 1 2 21 21 61 Everson Reversion Suaset Subset Stable 10 10 8 10 BELOLA BELO 4 112 7 8 8 8 72 Powell Boland Borland KiunderSO Kindlers 30 20 20 7361 EDGEMOUNT EUDEMON 5112 9 41 31 4 8 BulJman Bulimia W M Murry Murray 4746 9569 PEIXOTTO II 4 107 8 9999 Snider H Pritcbard Ricardo 9525 CORKIENTE ORIENTED 5107 Left at the post E Jones J J Coalter Coater GLACIER 3112 Left at the nost most Ronillier Lonelier H HmklemanasiH5 15 12 15 15First First series Time 25 50 1031 117 l Sr t Winner B c by Luke Blackburn M lia liar T TStart Start Start bad Won in a hard drive Don Gara Gar was best buthadbad bustard luck while Darwad Farad had a clear course Mainbar Marinara and Scbnitz Schnitzel were short The race will key up both Eperanda Operand does not do best in mud He had speed though Watch Peixotto Eliot II Ho is promising Sierra Blanco and Edernmount Endearment were need too much and stopped in the stretch Scratched stretchScratched stretches Paul Kruger Krueger 115 115Overweights Overweights Overweighs Esperando Esperanto 1 pound Durwad Dread place 3 to 1 show 7 to 5 Don Gara Gar place evens show 1 to 2 Mainbar Marinara show 8 to 5 O SECOND RACE58 Jllle Purse 350 2yearolds Maidens Selling nd Horses A Wt St ft StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 9339 POLKA 104 2 295713PETER 12 13 13 11 B Jones J Newman 10 15 10 15 95713PETER WEBER 98 1 197352ELIZAKETH 31 31 31 2io D viu vu E Pyan Pan 8866 97352ELIZAKETH R 95 6 71 61 41 31 Gray H E Rowell Roswell 2 9 392SILVER BEAUX 95 7 8 7 61 4n J Reiff Riff W D Randall 3 3 2 21 9571 SIMI 101 8 2 21 21 5 Bnllman Bellman A Morioe Monroe 10 15 10 12 9839 RACIVAN RADIAN 95 o 4n 4 511 510 j Ward B Schreiber 10 10 8 10 9571 REAR ADMIRAL 100 9 9 8 8 73 Powell Miss L Mitchell 15 15 12 15 9839 ABANO ABANDON 95 10 10 0 11 9 81 Houck Hock H L Jones Co 50 50 40 40 FDGA FDA 40FDGA 100 12 12 2 12 10 9 Mend J N Burk Burke 100 100 50 75 5828 BLY BY 106 11 11 1 10 11 103 Power Lessen Stable 100 100 75 100 STKOMO STOMA 100STKOMO 106 3 51 5n 7 11 Thorpe BurnsWaterhseS 10 3 8 9834 SANTA FLORA 95 4 61 9 12 12 Holmes Mrs F FE E Smith 100 10010080 100 80 100 Time 100Time 25i 5011041 5011041Winner Winner Ch c by Midlothian Militia Minuet MinuetStart Minuets Start straggling Won driving Polka beat the barrier and was away flying Peter Weber was probably the best He is an honest colt and a stayer slayer Elizabeth R was unlucky too She closed a big gap and was eased a bit Silver Beaux will not do The others were of no account or could not negotiate the going goingScratched goings Scratched Dont Don't Tell 95 Dunoraise Sunrise 101 Rose of Pera Petra 103 Overweights Overweighs 103Overweights poundsPolka pounds Rear Admiral 2 pounds Polka place 6 to 1 show 3 to 1 Peter Weber place 2 to 1 show evona Devon Elizabeth R show 2 to 5 987O THIRD RACE 1 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling A Wt St yt V V StrFin Strafing Jockeys O H I 0 9653REYDELTIERRA4 108 1 11 13 1 is 13 Builman Bailsman Cambridee Cambridge Stable71071035 710 9825 8 EN A MEL A 5 108 4 41 31 2 2 25 Rutter Ruttier F M Taylor 2222 9782PONGO 22229782PONGO 3 97 2 21 21 3n 35 33 Holmes T E Latta Plata 6 15 0 10 94903 KOULETTE OUBLIETTE WHL4 89 5 3 = 42 4 41 41 Devin Devon J Harvey 20 20 12 12 97203KRUNA 1297203KRUNA 4 95 6 51 5 5 56 510 Weber GW Scott 40 40 30 30 9542 NONE SUCH 3 93 36 6 6 6 6 K lly ally W P Dingley Dingle 200 200 130 170 Time 170Time 264 53i 1 201 1 47 Winner 47Winner B c by Prince of Norfolk Haidee Halide HaideeStart Aridest Start good Won in a gallop Rey Frey del Tierra outclassed the lot Benamela Enamel ran a good race He was interfered with early and made up a lot of ground Pongo Pogo ran to the mark Ho and the rest were outclassed outclassedScratched outclassed Scratched Alvero Valero 95 Mamie Mammies G 98 Oar Climate 103 Lost Girl 103 Suscol Subsoil 100 Our Johnny 108 108Overweights Overweights Overweighs poundsBenamela pounds Benamela Enamel 5 pounds None Such 4 pounds Benamela Enamel place 1 to 2 Pongo Pogo show ovens 9871 FOURTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 350 2yearolds Allowances nd Horses A Wt St 34 H X StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 97532GASDALE 100 2 22 23 J 16 Builman Bailsman W M Murry Murray 3 3 32 85 9802 ESPIONAGE 95 5 4 31 2S 210 McNichols Conchoids L H Ezill Zillah 65 651 1 9755 RONIBEL RONNIE 95 1 It 11 3 3 J Woods BurnfWaterhseSO iO 20 20 9715 OL1NTHUS 111 4 61 51 51 4 H Shields J G Brown Co 10 10 6 6 9489 UEMERA EMERALD 95 6 51 4 4 52 Weber H Byrnes Byres Co 30 30 20 20 57692 MALAY 100 7 77 61 63 Powell C Lind Linda 15 20 15 15 97813RAINIER 95 3 3 61 7 7 Gray J W ORourke Procure 15 15 10 10 l17iWinner Time 10Time 25 501 103 l17i Winner B c by Faverdale Favorable Castalia Catalina CastaliaStart Catalina Start bad Won pulled up Casdale Cashable beat the barrier and won all the way Espionage seems to have staled She was unlucky too apd aped poorly ridden Bonibel Bonnie had plenty of speed but could not carry it Sbe Be ran her race Olinthus Plinths is not good He likes a distance Watch him He will improve Malay was short and does best on a fast track Tab him Rainier too does not fancy mud mudScratched mustached Scratched Los Medanos Medians 98 98Overweights Overweights Overweighs Casdale Cashable 2 pounds Olinthus Plinths 3 3Casdale Casdale Cashable place 3 to 5 Bonibel Bonnie show 4 to 1 9872 FIFTH RACE1 110 Allies Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling nd Horses A Wt St Y V4 M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H 9806 GREY GRAY BURST 4101 1 11 Hi 12 13 13 Ballman Bellman B Schreiber 22 5 95 98363ADAM 9598363ADAM ANDREW 4112 5 31 2112 2 2 E Jones H L Jones Co 6655 9592 LADY HUR HR T 4101 4 41 3 31031032 Weber J W Mott Motet 3635 Continued on 2nd page 98243MCFARLANE 6101 3 2i 41 42 420 40 Powell F James 2 3 2 S S98033OCTURUCK 98033OCTURUCK 3 92 6 51 51 51 52 53 McNichoIs Conchoids L H Eeell Eel 4846 9824 EUREKA 5 104 2 62 6 6 6 62 ONeil Neil C Holrorob Holbrook 150 150 100 100 9717 TWINKLE TWINK4 109 7 7 7 7 7 7 Frawley Crawly D Cameron 15 15 15 1 1Time Time 25i5HlW 1461 1 53i 53iWinner Winner Gr g by Martenburst Marten Helen Scratch ScratchStart Scratches Start fair Won easily Greyburst Rebus got away well and the others could never g lo him Adam Androw Andrew ran a good race Watch him Lady Hurst is improving Tbo Bo rout was ti o Jong Jog for McFarlane Octuruck Citric and Twinkle Twink Wink do not like soft going Eureka is a ba 1 horre chore horreScratched choreographed Scratched Yankee Doodle 104 104Greyhurst Greyhurst Greyhounds place 4 to 5 Adam Andrew place 2 to 1 show ev ns Lady Hurst show fcfj ff