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WASHINGTON FORM FORMWASHINGTON WASHINGTON D C November 29 The form of Weoupsiiays Bennings Jennings fields is isFirst misfires First Race Loiterer LAlouette Aflutter Takanas Takahashi see seeSecond senescent Second Raco Race Judge Magee or Sheik Decep Deep ¬ tive tie or Lady Exl Excl Coqulna Coquina CoqulnaThird Coquina Third Kacb Kabul Warreiiton Arriviste Maurice Thomas Cat Catfourth Cantor fourth Rnce Rene Walkenshaw Waukesha Judge Magee or Eastertide Lady Exile or Sagacity SagacityFifth Sagacity Fifth Rnce Rene Strangest Ben Lodi Tip Gallant GallantSixth Gallants Sixth Race Charagrace Carapace Dan Rice Trillo Trill