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JSTEM STEM OR LEANS FORM CHART vtT vT sgft gift November 29 Fifth day Crescent City Jockey Club Winter g Winterg Winter V4 Meeting Weather cloudy track heavy R W Simmons Starter C J Fitzgerald HgSLtf6 8tar tit 230 p m Q v vM7 M7 RACE 78 Mile Purse 250 3yearold and upward Selling SellingPPI Selling PPI PP AWtSt Latest Vi StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners 9k 0 117 3 31 3 2n 22 I Frost BensonWattsCol2 12 12 12 i i w nnai nail 6107 7 6 1i 13 14 25 Songer Sponger P M Civill Civilly 4544 4544aB55GxRNE7 aB55GxRNE7 RIPPLE 4 101 2 4 62 42 46 32 Southard Southward W A Bennett 20 25 20 20 9833 MJNCAN BELL 4 94 8 2 21 3 31 4iOTreen C H Williams 25 30 20 20 959 3ROYAL CHOICE 5 107 5 1 7 7 7 5 Dunn R Rome 30 40 30 30 9670 LORD FRAZER FRAZIER 3 931 4 5 51 6H 65 6i Sheppard W F Dair Dairy 0 40 30 30 3852 AUNT MAGGIE 3 96 6 8 4 53 51 7 Vitatoe Vitiate W W Lister Blister 20 25 15 15 426 VAN BEUNT BUNT 6 108 1 7 8 8 8 8 Gilmore C W JSchwandtl5 20 15 20 Time 27455 123 137 137Winner Winner Cn g by Wawekus Waxworks Treasure Trove Pv Pvst Pst st 4 miautes minutes Start good Won driving hard The first two fought it out all the last fur long Leo Lafc Leaf tired at the end Duncan Bell quit in the final quarter Aunt Maggie did not run her race Van Bunt looked big and fat G rnet net Ripple finished strong strongHcrttcbeif Hcrttcbeif Jim Hogg Hog 92 Floss 96 iluskadine illustration 99 99Overweights Overweights Overweighs Dune n Bell 2 pounds Royal Choice 3 Lord Frazor Razor 3J Van Brunt 1 1LPO LPO PLO Lalw Law pl 7 to 10 G Grn Grin rn t Pinplp Pinup show 3 2 rr L SECOND ttAOJi taco 0 18 urloiigs purloining Purse S250 3yearolds and upward Selling A Wt St A Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L 558 MORONI MORON 41 33 3 I Holden Olden D Waldo Weald 7 12 7 12 829 wisTER ALICE 3 86 1 1y820 11 12 12 2JiTroxler W Meehan Methane 30 30 20 20 y820 BORDEN 3 94 3 3j 21 21 24 32 Sheppard DM Hogan 2285 85 j 637 MOCH MOCHA 3 flat 9 9 9 7 4 J Lynch J J Donovan Donovan6f 15 30 12 20 70 OXNARD 3 93 93t 4 6f 6t 63 6 51 Frost H T Griffin 10 12 8 10 1413 GALLANT TOP 3 103 7 7J818 52 5a 41 6 Franklin W J Palmer 60 80 50 50 50J818 J818 AR CRESCENTS 95 8 8s 8 7 73L Vitatoe Vitiate T M Berry Co 10 20 10 15 s y82 82 FRED BROENS BARONS 3 984 5 5tfJHDEMDSTHENES 31 41 54 F Qnrns Norms G H Brown 2 i 24 2 2 2xTHfDEMOSTHENES tfJHDEMDSTHENES xTHfDEMOSTHENES 4 91 2 7899 Duefftt Deft c cjCVan jCVan coven Smdrliford Midlife 8 in 7 Time 27J 54 1214 1291 S5 = Winner B c by Sayre Ayres Stephane Stephanie T = fc Off fcOff feoff at first break to a good start The first three were driving hard Mof Of afcgotup in the TJwiaiyjto final stride He saved ground on the stretch turn Sister Alice tired on the end TJwiaiyj to t e pxtieme patience outside in the stretch and lost ground He would have won in another stn stun two Moch Mooch closed a big g p Broons Brooms could never get up upScratched unscratched Scratched Annie Taylor 91 91Overweights Overweights Overweighs Oxnarri Ontario 4i pounds Moroni Moronic 1 Moch Mooch 14 Gallant Top 1 Fred Broeus Broses 4 4Corrected Corrected weights Borden 94 Star and Crescent 95 95Moroni Moroni Moronic place 4 to 1 show 2 to 1 Sister Alice place 8 to 1 show 3 to 1 9H5 T THIRD RACE 0 12 Furipiigs Furnishings Purse 250 3yearolds Selling d Horsgit Hors A Wt St H V M StrFiu Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L O 55 MISS LJZZIE JAZZIER 99 4 8 4n 3 IH Frost TI McHale Chalet G 10 6 8 8313BRANCIH 313BRANCIH 94 2 74 3 2 2 Sheppard CE Mahone Mahoney 5 15 5 15 50 IOLE OLE IMMONS SIMMONS 91 3 41 li 1 31 Dusan Susan J F Grefer Refer 10 10 8 10 831WATER CRE RE T 10347 5 65 63 4 Mason D A B yle Kyle 85851 65 55 LOCUST BLOSSOM 94 5 3 oi 5 52 Holden Olden W K Cleveland 8 12 8 12 82 SORROW 98 1 14 2 4 66 T Burns J C Cahn Can 3533 589 GUN MjKTAL 102 9 9987 Snrger Sanger F Ragan Reagan 6 20 6 15 434 DAZZLB DAZZLE 86 8 6 8 7 8 Troxler Stroller J C Tuckpr Tucker 30 50 30 40 40HJOttNlSY HJOttNlSY Jottings WILLIAMS94 6 2 7 9 9 McC CC nn W J Smith 6 12 6 12 Time 26 55J l2il 129 129Winner Winner Br f by Billy Gilmore Wild Fire li liOff cliff Off at first break to a good start The first five were nil under sharp pressure The first three rere rare lapped and drivine divine hard all thronuh through the last furlong Tole Stole Simmons was pinched il by the other two and Dngan DNA could no do him justice Sorrow tirod trod in the stretchr stretcher Locust Disom Edison ivasJalwajB outrun 8cratcb c EUie Eunice Brminhle Brindle 95 Overwfldhtk Overfed Branph Bran 3 pounds Water Crest li Locust Blossom 3 Sorrow 3 3iTplace iTplace biteplate 5 to 1 sfiowr2Rl Told Simmons FOURTH RACE1 Mile and 20 Yards Purse 250 4yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses A Wt St H Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 9832 LAUREATE tj K9 4 li 1 13 13 13 T Burns G C Bennett 7101 71045 9855 VICE KEG L a 105 1 3 21 2 23 2 Songer Sponger W J Smith Co 4 4 3 3 983os I HK PLANTER 4103 6 9 5 31 3 32 Frost J Carroll 8 10 8 8 9422 ONPAGUE MONTAGUE 61045 61 7 53 44 43 Crowhurst Cowherbs G H Brown 12 40 12 25 2565i2 65i2 KRAKEWAN KRAKOW 710543 23 34 42 5 5 Gilmoro Gilmore DW Kelly 40 60 40 40 50 JAMoOtfcE 7105 88 8 62 65 62 Aker Baker W F Dair Dairy 8 15 8 12 12J679CE1I J679CE1I 5103 2 53 6 8 7 7 Southard Southward J H Smith 12 20 12 15 15y7V9 y7V9 REDKIN REDSKIN H 112i 9 44 44 7 8 8 Calvert Culvert MKihn Min 25 30 25 30 7y FREMONT 4 103 7 7 9 9 9 9 Irvon Iron H J Scoggan Slogan 60 10060 75 54iWicofr Time 75Time 28 56 1 24 1 51i 1 54i Wicofr Witco Ch g by VcilautP Vacillate Laurel LaurelPost Laurel Post 10 10minutes minutes Start fair Won pulled up second easily Laureate outclassed his com ¬ pany panky tie made his owu Dow running throughout and won as he pleased Vice Regal was just as asily easily tii tipi bfsf biff of the others Brakeman tired in the stretch Redskin showed early speeq spree but suik sulk d MDii Medici stopped to nothing in the last half Jamboree stumbled at the start The mishap rnim rim d i Chinees Chimes ChineesBCD Chimes BCD 107Cor tche the l Little Billy 105 Stockholm 105 Alvin W 105 Lady Callahan 107 Cor Cora cted acted weights L urnate urinate 109 109Ove Ove Ovex eights Otidnguc Doting 2t nouids nourish Brakeman i Redskin 4i Vice R dal dale place 3 to 5 The Planter show evens O Ql 1 FIFTH RACK i MUe Moue and2oYardsI Purse 250 4yearolds and uipwaTd upward tOOl Selling Horses A Wt8tH H StrFin Strafing Jockeys JockeysNESA Jockeys Owners O H L C NESA MESA 4105 4 2 14 la 13 12 Aker Baker AkerTFLEDORE Mrs M C Lyles Lyle 3 4 3 34 TFLEDORE FLEXOR 5100 7 1 22 21 22 2U Songer Sponger 4 4 2i 24 TT BOYKEN BROKEN 4 105 3 10 7 51 52 3 Vitatoo Vitiate K D Orr Rr 6868 I K MARilN Marilyn 5 106 67 8 8 4 43 F Jones W H McLf Calf more 30 40 30 30 5 10 2 52 4 K 3 31 5 Fr st Williams Co 4433 41081212 61 4 61 6 Crowhurst Cowherbs E Fitzgerald sTIP TIP 71 0 9 4 5s 61 7 8 Gloss H Sanders 50 60 50 50 LLIE LIE 4 105 11 11 12 12 10 9 Southard Southward J H Smith 15 20 15 15 1 U IPLE PILE 4100 8 32 3 7 9 10 Kitloy Kilo J Carroll 30 60 30 40 40L L HAND 410410 9 10 11 11 11 W Narvaez Larvae P Browning 5857 ILI3 4 102 1 62 9 10 12 12 Dugan Duane J Call 50 100 50 50 Time 50Time 28J 56i 1 25t 1 54t 1 56t crier Br f by Belvidere Belvedere Contralto t i naitiiates initiates Start good Won easily Drive for third place Vanessa had all the speed a at he r leisure Mitt Boykon Boynton closed a big gap over the longest route Jack Martin ran Wssive Susie race Watcb Watch him Stanza tired in the stretch after showing some speed Battle in to the mark rweiehtf weight Jack Martin 14 pounds Ed Overlook 2i Full Hand 2 re ted Weights Red 108 ar sa plncf plan 6 ta show 1 1 2 Battledore place 4 to 5 Mitt Boykon Boynton show evens