untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1899-01-29


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BOSTON OYSTER HlinRR MADISON AND lilUUlJ CLARK STREETS LOXDRIANT IN FITTINGS CUISINE DNEXCELLEt ETn seIson0 SERVICE THE BES1 A High Class Modern Restaurant MODERATE D btwhtv r WCLTY PRICES MANAGES WE SEND WINNERS Bnt wo charge you .00 per week or .50 fo throe days selections, for them. You can gc elsewhere and got your informtion FREE 5SLwnat kind or information was it? YOt OENTAINLY LOHE YOUR MONEY PLAY ING IT. Come to US for reliable INSIDE race track information. 18 wimners out of 22 race" sent our clients this week. Ram Trak Information Bartan, buite BOS, 383 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111 OUR 8ACIM INFORMATION Which wr gave FREE to our patrons Saturday is a PROOF that we are conducting our busi ness in good faith. Our loDg list of patrons places us in a position to furnish our selections for a reasonable fee 00 a week. Wired oi at5ffice at 11 a-m- 45 PER CENT WIN. NERS POSITIVELY GUARANTEED. The Gulf-Paclfle Track Exchange, 263 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111, THE ONLY PERFECT... HANDICAP IN EXISTENCE. A COMBINATION OP INSIDE INFORMATION AND EXPERT HANDICAP FIO.URES. We have given our subscribers nearly every first and second horse at the finish during Jan-uary, among them all the long shots th.t have run first or second. MAILED IN TIME FOR RACES TO ALL POINT-". WE WILL MAIL SAMPLE COPIES FREE FOR FIVE DAYS ON RECEIPT OF FIVE TWO-CENT STAMPS SUBSCRIPTIONS .00 PER WEEK. We wire our special information in time for the races. Address, The American Horsemens Agency, 516, 167 Dearborn St., CHcago, III. WINNING HORSES SENT Yesterday to our subscribers. Here is a sample dispatch to one of them. The names of these horses was sent to sixty-seven other subscribers by the Postal Telegraph Co., and can be verified by the Telegraph Company. To s. n.. Room 95, Tribune BldS.. New York City. Branch, won 5 to 1; Sea Robber, Ran and at 6 and 2 to 1 place: Ella Boland wen 2 to 1; Libertine, won 7 to 1. Information of this character is only obtained by a combination of handicapping and inside information, and when such information says horse will win, and our handicap figures are the highest opposite that horses name, then and then only do we send you tbc selection. That gives us that Information. A trial of one week for this kind of information will get you: the money. 0 for six days selections. Information ready by 11 a.m. Send stamp for Booklet. The National Turf Investment Co., Suite 605, 167 Dearborn St., Chicago, m.. I CLOHESEY 1 I and CO. 1 POOL ROOM... and BOOKMAKERS p SUPPLIES. P ,n TICKETS .... L Phone sheets ... 5 Maim 3 slates . . . . 2 r imin i CASH.. .BOXES 5 C 2134 i BLACK- 5 P f BOARDS, ETC. m r 4850 Wabash Ave. J CHICAGO. J EASY WAY TO MAKE MONEY. A GREAT PROPOSITION B PROFIT-SHARING RACING SPECU- "JT LATION r EARNS YOU A SALARY OF 0 TO 00 WEEKLY. CONTRACTS -rr-t w9 O SECURED AND GUARANTEED BY TRUST CO., HAVING 00,000 IN AS- nWPS and I rfelkX SETS REFERENCES: Businessmen highly rated in "BRADSTREET3." Our 4andA .. MrUX. NTC MSc. yHHKAA experts indorsed by the leading NEWSPAPERS. News letter: TRIBUNE says: jfiFH; JaBKmLy , , . FfmKMJBBfCvK . Shea ls the most conservative of the m group of successful Turf Speculators LMrBPySfA I SBPP813 1winS to h3 business training." THE". SUN: "One of the shrewdest men in RflpHsvi VJH HP3? yandv7yJi00!m the betting business. NEW ORLEANS W3 DAILY ITEM: "Through his knowl- BMM , , . WtohZf JtmmlCT ,dGo of mathematics be has hit upon a system of handicapping v and classifica- KL,,iMm f..MJiUmT WXMmOTM l0n o bettlnS chances which eives him a strong percentage over the book- I HMHCSnnxH WKiWlSJ Qaker8, TIMES-DEMOCRAT, New Orleans, says: "He is the keenest of 1 sK3EmfMmwmtKTJ v5K7C3HiiMlpSt. 7o7 nandicappers." CINCINNATI EN QUIRER ; "An expert handicapper." WmSSTK zS Tt. . 4. , , and7lmmKmi 7S 13 tbe safost mt profitable speculation for parties of moderate means. andSfWmSfwXSandM6ix . TWKP ft COdTS ,25 m WEEKLY, PER SHARE. Profits B payable semi-monthly. PROS- immS -PVTm N. JrlSCTUSES explaining systems used by our experts free. REPRESENTATIVES e wvim W4NIM Hi tt. ENCES,E,eW INVESTORS PROFIT-SHARING 4ND PROUCTIYE ASSOCIATION, 1615 4. 1616 MANHATTAN BUILDING, CHICACO, ILL

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1899012901/drf1899012901_2_4
Local Identifier: drf1899012901_2_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800