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NEW ORLEANS ENTRIES. Probabilities: Weather clear; track fast. First Race 1 Mile and 20 Yards. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling, rnd. Horses Age Wt. Hdcp. 10574 Onr Clara 3.... 87 695 10542 Hanlight 3 ... 91 685 10567 Old Fox 3 ... S2 665 10574 Bright Night 3 ... 94 700 10607 AnnieTaylor 4 ... 97 ... 610 10535 Peg Parks 4 .. 102" 650 1058a3Rush Fields 5 . 104 685 10608 Red Duchess 5 .. 107 660 10573 Can I See Em 5 .. 107 680 101482Oxnard 4 107 675 10 75 MHg-iieS 6 .. 109 680 10590 Brighton 5 . Ill 685 Second Race 7-8 Mile. 3-year-olds. Selling. 105852Uhler 101 700 10o31 Prince Frederick 106 625 10410 Mile Post 106 625 10496Tendresse 109 695 10588 Prince Harry 114 680 106033Volandies 114 680 10567Ned Wickes..... 114 675 10603 The Dragoon 114 665 Third Race 1 3-16 Miles. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling., 105713Pete Kitchen 6.... 99 685 10573 School Girl 4 ... 99 685 10587 The Planter 5.... 99 655 10322 Weenatcbie 6. ...101 650 10569 Victorine 4 104 680 105333Babe Fields 5.. ..109 690 10573 Inflammator 5. ...109 675 Fourth Race 1 1-16 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap. 10572 Morning 3.... 90 705 105762SimonD 4.... 91 705 10576Egbart 8.... 92 725 105683Snsational 4.... 94 730 ,10506Tenby 4.... 96 710 105883Lady Callahan 5.... 98 730 105682Double Dummy 5.. ..100 725 10541Star of Bethlehem 4. ...103 735 105882 J. H. C 5 ...106 732 Fifth Race 7-8 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. 10586 Very Light 3.... 87 650 105863Colonel Eades 3.... 89 670 10465 Tom Shannon 3.... 89 690 10339 Vignette 3.... 92 700 10586 Jnnia J 3.... 94 600 10589Elsie Bramble 4 ... 99 665 10576 Voyageur 4. ...101 640- 10518 Percita 6.. ..102 675 105892Lucky Monday ".. 4 104 680 10590 Simon W 7.... 114 685 Sixth Race 3-4 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. 10373 Crystalline 4 92 680 10553 Elsie Barnes 5 95 R7S 10431 Little Sallie 4.... 95 :::"640 10al5 Sugar Foot 5.... 97 .. 650 10261 Brother Fred.. 5 97 !660 " 10569 Marcus Mayer 4 97 655 10590Bacrica 4.... 100 700 VJ Sangamon 5. ...100 ""!".R7S Lorrania 6.. ..103 670 105 665 -Rfi?uffSS -5.... 10o68Morom 4.. ..107 ... 685- iV?l6IMer Day 4 .... 107 690 an Huger 5.... 108 650 8157 Treopia 5.. ..108 ......650-