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NEW ORLEANS FORM CHART. NEW ORLEANS. LA., February 20. Seventy-third day. Crescent City Jockey Club. Winter Meeting. Weather cloudy ; track heavy ; raining last two races. Presiding Judge, R. W. Simmons. Starter, C. J. Fitzgerald. Sacing starts at 2:30 p. m. lHftftO FIRST RACE 1 Mile. Purse 50. 5 to second; 5 to third. Entrance JLvUUCf 0. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. For starters and non-winners at meeting. 15 lbs. below the scale. Horses to be entered to be sold foi 00. Non-winners of two races at meeting allowed 5 lbs. ; beaten non-winners 8 lbs. Ind Horses A Wt St Ya Yt K StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L 0 10647 GOVKRR BOYD 4 96 10 7" 61 51 1" V Mitchell J Webb 15 20 15 20 106623 HENRY LAUNT 5 109 8 5 51 4 6" 2" Peterman E Fitzgerald 8 15 8 10 10648 STAR OF BETH. 4 9G 2 1" 82 21 2H 3h Frost H Gibson Jr 2 11-52 2 106332MOLO 4 104 4 8 8 7 4 4 Mason M Pollock 5 5 4 4 10606 JDGE STEAD MN 7 106 1 9 9 9 7 5" Hothersall R E Maddox 12 15 10 15 10648 BANQUO II. 5 109 5 10 10 10 9 6a Powers P J Miles 10 12 10 10 10646XALISSA 4 99 7 11 11 11 10 7 Southard C OConnor 25 40 20 30 10662 TINKLER 4 101 9 41 4" 3 3" 8 OConnor W C Daly 8 12 7 10 10506TENBY 4 104 6 2 1" la 51 9 Dnpee S S Bender 5 6 41 5 10646 PEG PARKS 4 94 3 3U 2" 62 8 10 Troxler P OBrien 30 50 30 30 1W452GLENMOYNE 8 101 11 61 7 8 11 11 Bisping J H Smith 30 30 20 30 Time, 26i, 52,1:18, 1:45. Winner B. g, by Little Fellow Lizzie McC. Post 5 minutes. Start good. It was a driving finish, between seven. Governor Boyd saved grouad on the stretch turn, but was driving to the limit at the end. Henry Launt was closing fast and would have won in a few more strides. Molo was cat off shortly after the start. Judge Steadman was coming strong. It was too far for Star of Bethlehem as. he is now. Tenby and Tinkler both tired badly aftnr showing speW. Molo ran a good rnce. Scratched 10650L. T. Caton, 101; 105752Donation, 101 ; 106502Simon D.. 104: 10182 Admetus, 108. Governor Boyd, place, 8 to 1; show, 3 to 1. Henry Launt, place, 4 to 1; show, 2 to 1. Molo, show, 3 to 5. Tenby, show, evens. 1 OA TO SECOND RACE-6 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 50. S35 to second; 5 to third. JLV.U I J Entrance 0. 3-year-old. Selling. Horses entered to be sold for 00 to carry weight for age 2 lbs. allowed for each 00 less to 00. Beaten non-winners at meeting allowed 5 lbs ; if beaten four or more time3, 8 lbs. nd Horses A Wt St Y. Yt. J 8trFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 106072FREE HAND 95 5 21 2 Hi H Frost S 8 Bander 3 5 31 4 105742SISTER FOX 107 7 8 5" 3" 22 OConnor F Reagan 6-5 6-5 1 1 10410 MILS POST 104 4 4 3" 52 3" Aker ES Gardner Jr 40 50 35 50 10645NED WICKES 110 3 la in 2 4 J Lamley J J McCafferty 5 5 4 41 9104 COaRILLO 10S 2 ii 6H 81 5 Southard M L Kuntz 4 50 40 40 10588 JUNIA J. 98 12 7 8 7 6" Mitchell Corbin and Co 30 60 30 40 10S37BLENHEIM 110 8 3" 4H 4" 7 Vanduson J H Smith 10 15 10 12 10603 THK DRAGOON 110 6 9 10 10 8 Shenpard W A McConnell 15 15 12 12 10393 LENA YAN 96 1 10 9 9 9 Troxler F Schafer 20 20 15 28 10645 TORTU6A 98 9 11 11 11 10 Odom JJMcCormickandCo40 50 30 40 10122 SHORTSIDES 101 11 12 12 12 11 Lines W Strobel 100 100 100 100 10586 MAY DROIT 97 10 5 7 8 12 Hothersall C E Mahone 12 12 10 12 10649 VERY LIGHT 93 13 13 13 13 13 Dominick MS Hughes 50 CO 50 50 Time, 251, 501, 1:171, 1:241. Winner B f, by Russell Fresco. Off at first break to a good start. Won handily. Hard drive for the place. Free Hand raced Ned Wickes into submission early and came away cleverly in the last f Qrlong. Sister Fox had a rough journey down the backstretch. She finished strong. Watch Mile Post in ordinary company. Blenheim had early speed. Scratched -10586 Color, 98: 104463Tophet, 100, Free Hand, place. 7 to 5; show, 1 to 2. Sister Fox, place, 1 to 2. Mile Post, show, 8 to 1. Ned Wickes, show, 3 to 5. 1 THIRD RACE 1 1-8 Miles. Purse 50. 0 to second; 5 to third. 4-year-olds JLvLI 4 JL and upward. Selling. Horses entered to be sold for ,200 to carry weight for age 1 lb. allowed for each 00 less to 00; then 2 lbs. for each 00 to 00. Winners of three or more races at meeting to carry 10 lbs. extra ; of two races at meeting, 7 lbs. Beaten non-winners at meeting allowed 5 lbs ; if beaten four or more times, allowed 8 lbs. 155 Horses A Wt St St Yt. Y 5 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 9314 THE PLANET 5 107 7 3a 31 31 32 u ii Patterson J H Smith 15 15 12 12 10587 SADIE LEVY 4 100 5 41 4" 41 41 3" 22 Kuhn J W ONeall and Co 9-5 3 9-5 3 10635P. KITCHEN 6 105 1 2u 21 2a 21 51 31 J Lamley W A McConnell 1 1 4-5 9-10 106473RED 5 108 6 61 64 7 51 41 41 Peterman E Fitzgerald 10 12 6 7 10646 VOYAGEUR 4 961 2 51 51 6" 7 7 5 Moody F Lewis 10 15 10 12 10048 BIG FELLOW 6 97 4 12 13 12 H 2a 65 Mitchell C R Riley 20 SO 15 30 10687 J. OF HEARTS 5 109 3 7 7 5a 62 61 7 Gilmore J H Armstrong 20 20 15 20 Time. 26i, 53, 1 :20, 1 :48, 2:011. Winner Ch. h, by Rossington Laura Ford. Off at first break to a good start. Won easily. The Planet came away nicely in the last furlong and finished strong. Pete Kitchen was carried to the outside in the stretch and lost ground. He did not run his race, though. Big Fellow was under a pull for seven furlongs, but tired in the stretch. Sadie Levy ran a good race. Overweights Voyageur, 41 pounds. The Planet, place, 3 to 1; show, evens. Sadie Levy, place, 7 to 10. 1 FOURTH RACE 1 Mile. Purse 00. 5 to second ; 5 to third. Accept- XUU i ances0. 3-yenr-olds and upward. Handicap. Ind Horses A Wt St Ya. Yt X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 106332LADY 7LLAHAN5 97 1 H 11 22 la 1 Hothersall M 8 Hughes 4 5 4 iF 106482DODBLE DUMMY5 102 3 4 3 1" 21 2H Aker F Frisbie and Co 5 6 5 1 10588 TRAGEDY 6 102 6 5 5 4" 3" 31 OConnor W A Johnson 4 6 4 6 10648FRIAR JOHN 4 90 5 63 63 6 62 41 Odom E R Bradley 10 15 10 12 10648 J. H. C. 5 111 2 21 42 31 51 53 Troxler W B Ratterman 2 2 11 10649J VOLANDIES 3 96 4 3" 2 5 41 62 Frost H J Scoggan 6 10 6 t 10577FRI8KAL 5 92 77 7 7 7 7 W Jones REMaddox 20 30 Z0 SO Time, 26, 52, 1:18, l:44i. Winner B. m, by Siddartha Loetitia. Off at first break to a good start. The first two fought it out all the last furlong. Lady Callahan lasted the longer. J. H. C. tired in the last quarter. He waB always outrun, thongh. He evidently dislikes distance. Friskal had no speed. His performance wbb far below the mark. Tragedy is in good form. So is the Dummy. Scratched 10452 Judge Magee, 93. Lady Callahan, place, 8 to 5; show, 3 to 5. Double Dummy, place, 9 to 5; show, 4 to 5. Trag-edy, Bhow, evens. 1 flft7Q FIFTH RACE 7-8 Mile. Purse 50. 5 to second ; 5 to third. Entrance JLJJ I O 0. 4-year-olds. Selling. Starters and non-winners at meeting. 10 lbs. below the scale. Horses to be entered to be sold for 50. Horses beaten four or more times allowed 7 lbs. Imd HorseB A Wt St M hi X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 10117 TOM TO HER 99 5 1 21 1 1 1 Troxler John Brenock 4i6 4 5 105V0 MC ALBERT 89 2 Hi li 31 21 2a OConnor John Huffman 41 5 4 i 10158 LORD FRAZER 104 8 3 3 41 3 31 James W F Dair 15 20 12 SO 10414 NANNIE DAVIS 97 7 5" 7 7 61 42 Southard GgnhmandGywnn6 8 4 8 10646 CHAT OF ME 99 4 7 61 2" 4" 51 MaBon H D Brown 40 40 20 30 10519 AFRA 87 10 10 9 8 7 61 L Gray FT Wood 20 40 20 80 9902 R, B. SACK 106 12 8 5 6 8 7 Hothorsall W C Hutchinson 12 15 12 15 10477 LDY FITZSIMMONS97 13 13 11 10 10 8 Odom Benson.WattsandColO 15 9 15 10501 EMMET AHEARN 106 11 6" 8 9 9 9 Frost P Ahearn 40 50 20 30 10J43 DOMINIS 106 1 4 4 51 5 10 Knhn T H Stevens 10 10 6 6 10638 TOLE SIMMONB 101 0 9 10 11 11 11 Combs T Hatfield and Co 31 4 3 31 10645 FRED BROEN8 102 9 11 12 12 12 12 Linos, G H Brown and Co 40 40 SO 30 16S73 CRYSTALLINE 97 8 12 IS 13 13 13 Shoppard W A McConnell 10 20 8 15 Time,2Gl, 52, 1:19, 1:33. Winner B. c, by Brnmblo Violet. Post 5 minutoa. Start good. Won driving. The first three had it between themselves all the last sixteenth. Tom Tohor was best on speed. McAlbert was the stoutest horse at the end. Lord Fracerran a good raco and finished strong. Afra closed a big gap, Dominis ran well for three-quarters, Tom Tohor, Crystalline and Lady Fitzsimmons ran a quarter of a mile at top speed in a false break. Scratched 10637 Annie Taylor, 97; 10606 Nabob. 109. Overweights Lord Frazer, 5 pounds ; Chat of Me, 2; Tole Simmons, 2. Tom Toher. place, 2 to 1; show, evens. McAlbert, place, 2 to 1 ; show, evens. Lord Frazer, show, 4 to 1, Tole Simmons, show, 3 to 5. "1 fCr7 A SIXTH RACE 7-8 Mile. Purso50. 5 fo second; 5 to third. Entrance JLvv I rat 0. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. For horses that have started and not won two races since November 24. 12 lbs. below the scale. Horses to be entered to be sold for 00. Beaten non-winners at meeting allowed 5 lbs. Ind Horpes A Wt St H H BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 10650 GENERL MACE04 104 2 la 21 31 21 12 OConnor W C Daly 5 5 3ii 10608 RED DUCHESS 5 103 6 6 61 72 63 21 Ross H Robinson 12 20 10 20 10b49?TREOPIA 5 105 7 42 43 2 la 3 Combs S L James 3 3 21 21 106463MA ANGELINE 4 991 1 51 51 5" 51 42 Kuhn T H Stevens 7 12 5 10 106622PROTUS 5 107 8 8 8 41 4" 51 Maher ELandEW Smith 8-5 2 3-2 2 10607 K A LIT AN 5 102 4 2" 1" 11 32 65 Lines G H Brown 12 15 10 15 10481 IDLE HOUR 5 105 3 32 31 61 7 7 Aker C De Witt 13 12 10 10 100903JIM FLOOD 7 105 5 7 7 8 8 8 Troxler J Troxler 10 15 10 15 Time, 27, 531, 1:201.1:34. Winner B. c, by Meddler Petraea. Post 5 minutes. Start good. Won easily; drive for second place. Genoral Maceo was going easily all tho last furlong. He was best. The track suited him. Red Duchess finished stroag, making up a lot of ground from a poor beginning. She was not lucky, either. Protus bolted to the oufide at the start and interfered with Treopia. The latter ran an improved race. Idle Hour had speed but ran as if short. Scratched 10578 Josephine K , 97. Overweights Ma Angeline, 21 pounds. General Maceo, place, 8 to 5 ; show, 1 to 2. Red Duchess, place, 8 to 1 ; show, 2 tol.