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OAKLAND FORM CHART. OAKLAND, Cal., February 21. Forty-ninth day. California Jockey Club. Winter Meeting. Weather clear: track fast. Presiding Judge, Joseph A. Murphy. Starter, J. B. Ferguson. Racing starts at 2:15 v. m. X06SX FIRST BACE3" Mlle Parse 50. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. Ind Horses A Wt Bt and Y StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C J25?72SSSJAiiJ.TT. 4 106 5 43 42 41 11 Macklin J MicManus 21 3 21 31 10663 TWO CHEERS 6 94 4 51 5 51 21 McNickle N S Hall and Co 6 7 6 7 JiS5Ly,.S2,FUCKER 4 94 1 11 11 11 3" BnrnaandWaterhseS 3 11-5 11-5 106393HENRY C 4 94 2 62 61 61 410 Gray J H Robbina 10 20 10 20 iSiP.??,1. kEE 4 106 8 7 7 7 51 Holmes BuenaVistaStablelO 20 10 20 ,2?SJRlBA5., 4 106 9 31 31 31 64 Ellis CarthersandShiolds20 30 20 25 10639 BEU MONDE 4 94 3 2 2 2 72 J Ward W Covington 10 12 10 12 4112 HERITAGE 5 109 7 9 9 9 8 WHMartin E E Edwards 10 10 6 7 10.94 Y5RINJ?. 5 106 6 8 8 8 9 Snyder W Adams 8 10 8 10 10437 PAUL KRUGER 4 94 12 11 11 11 10 Bassinger H L Hasboll 10 30 10 30 10507 LOMO 5 109 10 10 10 10 11 Bullman W M Murry 6 10 6 8 Sfe9JRNOS 5 109 11 12 12 12 12 BeauchampSunset Stable 30 40 30 40 10274 BYRON CROSS 4 106 13 13 13 13 13 Walsh W LandsbergandCo50 10D r.J 100 , Time, 241, 491, 1:151. m. Winner B. c, by St. Carlo Anarchy. Start fair. Won easily Socialist was the best and is in good form. He came away easily in the last furlong Two Cheers ran his race and finished strongly. Bliss Rucker was away in front and lucky throughout. He i3 wind broken and nandt to be depended upon. Henry C. ran to the mark. Heritago will probably be improved by the race and will do to watch in ordinary company. Mainbar showed speed to the stretch and may do better soon. Scratched 10639 Carrie U , 107. Socialist, place, 6 to 5; show, 1 to 2. Two Cheers, place, 2 to 1; show, evens. Blis3 Rncker. show, 1 to 2. 1068 SEC0ND RACE-7-8 Mlle. Purse 00. 4-yoar-olds and upward. Selling. Ind Horses A Wt 5t hi K Btr Fin Jockeys Ownera O H L C 8029EDDIE JONES 4 109 2 21 21 H 12 12 Thome BurnsandWaterhse8-5 8-5 9-101 106292 MEADOW LARK 7 104 x 5h 5j 3i 32 21 Powell W and CT Booti 12 20 12 15 103122GEO.H KETCHAM5 104 3 3- 31 21 21 33 Bullman Fred Foster 8-5 2 7-5 2 10579 ROSR MAID 4 99 6 61 61 4 43 41 Gray CovinctonandKent 30 60 25 E0 10629 BONITO 4 104 4 41 42 51 51 51 WHMartin CP Fink 12 25 10 0 SOT?iL0 l112oU 7 7 64 61 62 H Martin HL Jones and Co 12 15 8 15 10597 POLISH 5 112 9 8 8 8 8 71 Frawley FarrrandTubrvillel5 25 15 20 10507SMILKARTH 4 101 3 9 9 9 9 Si McNickle M Qainn 40 SO 40 60 10627 BALI VERSO 4 101 7 10 10 10 10 93 Walsh W LandsbargandCo 60 80 69 80 106-32DISTINCTION 5 107 5 H H 7 7 10 Rnttor M J Daly 12 20 8 20 10653 MERRY BOY 5 104 10 11 11 11 11 11 Ellis H Brown 30 50 SO 50 .. Time, 241,50, 1:151, 1:28. TIT. Winner B. c. by w Morello Early Rose. Start good Won very easily. Eddie Jones outclassed his opposition and waa in a soft epot. ei18in oodfrm and can bold his own with much bettpr horses. Meadow Lark, after some early difficulty, ran fast through the stretch. George H. Ketcham was eased after Meadow Lirk passed him. He is good. Rose Maid ran her race. Bonito shows indications of improvoment. rruxillo made up a lot of ground after getting off in the rear and will do to watch. Polish can do hotter. Scratched 10629 Naianja, 107. Eddie Jones, place, 2 to 5. Meadow Lark, place, 5 to 1 ; show, 2 to 1. Georgo H. Ketcham, 10883 THIBD KACE-3-8 Mile. Purse 30. 2-year-olds. Selling. 1 Ind Horses A Wt St M Yi ?i Str Fin Jockeys OwnerB O H TTc 1035MORl 110 1 Hi 12 12 Bullman W M Murry 21 21 2 2 1066 ICE DROP 10S 3 21 22 23 H Penny M J Daly 51 6 5 6 TIGSSN 113 2 31 32 34 N Turner J J Moran 7 12 6 12 S ISQDOU 108 4 41 41 41 Hennessy A Nickells 6 6 5 5 ifrrvl 5? II 52 WHMartin Murphy and Ryan 6 6 . 5 6 10.i0S RTTmnn RIXbORD 103 5 61 62 63 Ruttor J Howard 11 20 If M WW fJKS8Na!B Vft 7r .T 7 WNvaezTrueTritonStableSO S SO 4 irASR A8HE eft at the post- ?J2 Fmwley Amy and Co 30 40 30 40 fandRFV ? Left at the post. Thorpe BurLsandWaterhse3l 4 3 4 DR JJK. tth.Uandlu 113 Left at the Hal post Brown Miss E King 30 50 30 50 Time, 12, 241, 361. m. Winner Ch. f. by Flambeau Fannie Lewis. Start good for all but three. Won easily. Flamora was easily the best. She is a fine filly thnJZuHtll!Pne- IcD.rP jan well and will probably prove to be a stayer. Big Horn w7 ?;Le11 f0Da fi,rst,tlme onJ ad VU l?Pro,ve- Sisquoc ran an honest race. Pidalia was badl ridden. Rixford off was cut early and unlucky generally. Overweights Ice Drop, 3 pounds. 2 10 Ice Drop, place, 2 to 1; show, evens. Big Horn, show, 10684: SelHng011-1 1-16 MIle8 Purse?400- -year-olds and upward. Ind Horses A Wt St H H Str Fin Jockeys OwnerB O H L r 10526 GO TO BED 4 99 2 2n 21 11 11 11 Holmes .1 P PWn- iti;Qgm 10475 ALICIA 6 99 1 12 2 3 23 5ev P Moore i Q I m S M CALVERT 4 104 6 6 52 51 2 3 EJoneB GEllison 41 ? 4 f Sp??L1M1 S1 I ?! ik ia 4i 44 WH MartinJ N Burk 5 5 41 41 S W and C T Boots 15 S ? Sowel1 30 15 20 97172 97172 PFROVNTR PEKSONNE 1 4 106 1 4 51 31 1 31 6 6 Thorpe C H Chappell P 6 10 6 8 8 w . , , Time, 25, 501, 1:151, 1:41, 1:471. "o Winner B. St. c, by Andrew Termagant. do u rt go?K Won ?a8ii!y- Go, Too Bed ontclassed the field. The colt is in fine form and can better. Alicia ran to the mark. She was fortnnate and is fit. Tom Calvert did not run to Bnn.8adeamlsfor,tnne a,nd clo8cd a aP- Watch- Coda is a bad horse? ClaSd ana got a bad nd and has no class Personne ran a bad race. Alicia, place, 21 to 1; show, 6 to 5. Tom Calvert, show, 3 to 5. 10685 FIFBMiagC7 1-2 Furlon8 Parse 00. 4-year-old and upward. Ind Horses A Wt Bt X H StrFin Jockeya Ownera O H! L C 10510DUNOIS 5 105 4 Sio 320 320 330 1 h Martin T H Rvnn n n r 10526DR. 8HEPPARD 6 112 2 21 21 24 2 2 Thorp" Fred Foster fi-5 t R 10494 fflKANO MANZANILLO 5 ? 100 ? 1 1 ? 1S 4 i1 i2" H-lrae, VarileyFS?ablo -52"5 2 and J j G H Fox 2C0 200 150 150 Winner B h, by Florist Becky B, !lSn 8 hard dTaV ItJns a sparkling race. The time cut the American record a full second. Dunqis n was best and is a speed marvel and in superb condition. So ia Dr. !f5F RTu fbVB h,f mark- . ConuDe.1l did.his bost andran to th ma. The pace was awful Ho madn it for nearly six and onp-half furlongs. Scratched 10644 Melvin Buruhum, 105 Dnnoia, place. 1 to 3. Dr. Bheopard. place, 1 to 2. OConnell, place, 3 to 5. 10686 BaSnTmt r Ind Hi rses A Wi Ht M H StrFin Jockeys Ownera O H L C StSS01 ?Sl l l l H Martin James Whitten 21 3 21 21 " r?nr-9TpriM N I ll I 2 23 Qray PE Smith 20 30 20 25 VaPniL ?S5 ? ?, ? 3" 8" Rn,ter A G Blakrly 7 10 6 10 SSAn S? t f t1 hl 42 J G Brown and Co 10 10 6 6 IO60I3EL JSTROTE ? I li f WHMartin Sloan and Hurst 40 80 40 60 SsTlRlr I Zl B P. vin. SantAnitaStable7-5 7-5 6-5 6-5 iMWHAminn ! fx and o ? I Macklin J N D ako 6 10 5 8 S pASm??? im 5 61 61 8 8 Frawley 8 Stein 20 30 20 30 106a2 PURNIAH 103 5 5- 5- 7 9 E Jonps Y R McGibben 15 20 15 15 Time. 241, 481, 1:014. 1:11. w Winner t B. u o t g, by Dundee Beeswing. of0011, w 8,a.?ily- The Pride was verj speedy and never under pressure. Tiburon ?S5nJ.ta-Cf .nd I8llkvy KV0 El8in cl08 d 8 hiB WP a slow beginning and was 5D?at at thVnd Yarbua 8hwed some speed. El Estro was run into and nearly knocked TiraderanabadraceSa Surcb-Sd-10579 The Miller, 103: 10652 C.n Dalton, 103. 1. YabAot Place, 8 to l; show,3 to 1. Elsin, show, 2 to