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1899 PLANS FOR I.ATONIA. According to the Cincinnati Commercial-Tribune, a strong effort to restore racing at La-tonia to its former popularity and high standing is to bo made. It says: "W. E. Applegate, owner of the Latonia track, is in favor of increasing the purses at the coming spring meeting at Latonia, and if his plana do not miscarry, the smallest purse at the track will be 00, instead of 30 and 00, as formerly. Mr. Apple-gate heartily indorsed the raising of purses by the Jockey Club in the east, and more than intimidated that Latonia would follow suit. He also stated that there would be no syndicate betting at Latonia this spring. You may say for me, said Mr. Applegate, that there will be an open betting ring, or there will be no racing at Latonia. The syndicate system is not wanted by the race-going public, and I have discovered it to my cost. The ring will be open at Latonia if only ten bookmakers cut in. I have been considering the advisibility of raising our purses to 00 as this would be the means of attracting an excellent class of horses. I hardly think there will be any racing around Chicago this year, and this will practically leave the western field to Latonia and St. Louis. With 00 purses, an open betting ring and higbclass stakes twice a week, I see no reason why Latonia should not have a grand meeting. Everything points to it, and wq will endeavor to restore the sport in these parts, so far as it lies within our power. I expoct Secretary Ed Hopper to get here from San Francisco inside the next month, and he will announce the complete plans for the spring meeting at Latonia."