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A FEW YKARJLJFS FOR SALE. Some of the many courteous men who study Daily Racing Form have sent enough back numbers of the monthlies to make up five more copies of Yearly Racing Form. The book is a glory. Nothing like it in the way of racing literature was ever published before. Within its 3,500 pages are full charts of regular racing from January 1, 1898— No. 3492— to December 31, 1898— No. 10186. That means the full charts of 6,694 races. Yearly Racing Form is luxuriously bound in heavy morocco covers. Its index runs from January 1, 1897 to December 31, 1898— two years— and is on linen paper with a lettered thumb index. The first book of thi9 class was built for the editor of Daily Racing Form. It served him so well that all the spare sheets of 1898 form were bound into annuals of the same type. Five are being made up and are for sale at 0 per copy. The few books will be sold on the order of application.