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Leighs Portable Stalls. Cheap, Safe, Sensible, Comfortable. ow «rb rmgmW ; " *% When you ship your horses, ask TTBadJa"* -■-*»■»- *""_„* ~"~h?£t* Express Company to stall your cor SJHJinBRBSR*?-1- V A-.-.,5fcV with "Leighs Patent Portable Stall," **j£?* SpSVj-Vr _ ■ . v i. #* adjustable to any car, thus secariag ?Sr I— /rmTri fc-SJ j—fb;. igli. the shippers, as expross companies ; |J ij zEEEEr. Eg | ijjjijn IlijTti-.i : • "-- Kl justed and cat be set u» iu thirt y*V* , , JF"** Pr?1!— " —SjL i « inntes for any aumVer •? hones to I JH M l*t 24 in doable door baggage car. Ex l *:r* I I j"]" BmJjiuTmitT|_ "SttT press coanpanies can procure thee » jjWWHITFfl KWlWB rSnPjSs if/tfi * THOS. McFADDBN, Mgt iP r ll 628-630-632 East Front Street, XjC?//? W U*llv!|I » Cincinnati, 0 vxuisrwL • s»«!ft -§aus,fefiCff eSk 1