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THE AMKIIKA.N MOKTINO MANUAL. The American Sporting M annul of 1818 in in wiiii j i » ■ suit. It in a incord of the turf, bllllttiie pugilism, trolling, pacing and ail the leading linns of spoil up to January I, I/Vi.i All tin-, ii.iitlui within itn pages havn nihil compiled and edited l.y ei purls. It pilnlsn list of alllhnluif and linrk inroiln by iinii.j Hai i..o Ioum a i-lnlt j liilllni il llg ures, pasl and pmsni.t by J l.n Thatcher, the Cglils of wllh oiiiiiHiile hy inorga Hllni , harness mmiln to dale ami of the pasl hy John limvny i tin statistician of The Hone llevlnw and Una* handicap tablet, with dime llOUB fol llmll application and nipii I rommi-ii I The Manual, In paper covins, sells at 30 cents and In soft morocco coven at 50 cents.