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NOTICE. On DECORATION DAY our offices will close at 1 oclock sharp. Subscribers to our selections will kindly take notice. Several GOOD THINGS on hand for Harlem. Our special selections wired daily. 00 per week. THE TRANS-CONTINENTAL HANDICAP 404, 2H9 DEARBORN STKKfeT, CHICAGO, ILL. RACE TRACK INFORMATION BUREAU ROOM 500, 863 DbARBORN ST., CHICAGO, ILL. WE ARE RIGHT AT HOME and the informa-tion that we will FURNISH our CUSTOMERS cannot be equaled. THKKK SPECIALS TODAY. Get them and be a DECORATION DAY WINNER. THURSDAY our 8 to 1 shot will be put over the plate. 00 per week, 50 for three days. Mail orders telegraphed by lu a.m.