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MONTREAL FORM CHART. MONTREAL, QUE., Jane 17— Ninth day. Bel Air Jockey Club. Spring Meeting. Weather clear; track fair. Presiding Judge, C. H. Pettingill. Starter, Mars Cassidy. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. 1 9 7Q FIRST BACE— 3-4 Mile. Purse 50. 3-year-olds. Fillies Sailing. End Horses A Wt St M % X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 127683 LTZZIE KELLY 105 4 48 3* 2« 111 Valentine H H Stover 7-106-5 7-MB-5 12662 LYRIC 105 2 11 12 11 2» Mason W Hendrie 21 13-521 13-5 1272830 IE BROOKS 105 1 2i 23 32 30 T Walker Mrs L D Gray 7-5 7-5 4-5 4-5 12253 LEAL II. 97 5 5 41 4 4 « Choat J James 40 40 80 30 12728 FIANDA 97 3 3«5 5 5 Ballentine A Willis 30 30 30 30 Time 241, 50, 1:04, 1:181. Winner— Br f, by Getaway — Callie Ferguson. Off at 1 he fi i t bn ak to a good start. It wa* a driving finish. Lizzie Kelly got up in the last sixteenth. She was goitg away at the end. Ocie Brcoks and Lyric were worn oat racing in front Lal II . si w t- get away, was as good as left. Scrat chpd— 12698 Nio!e,97. Lizzie Ke ly, place, 3 to 10. Lyric, place, 3 to 5. Ocie Brooks, place, out. TfH-CklA SECOND~BACE=l-2 Mils. Pu7se.50T 2-year-olds. Allowances. Ird H sea _____j__U___ li X StrFin Jc ckey Ownera O H L C 12666MaNHOBAN 113 1 11 It 11 I Waller J U 8-5 8-5 1 6-5 12729ALPACA 110 2 25 2* 26 J Gardner SPHailan 1-2 4-5 1-2 4-5 12473 ARIBOO 113 5 33 33 36 Kit ley FR Hamlin 4 5 4 4 12666 TBE PPOVOST 106 4 42 5- 4»« Mr sen W Hendrie 80 30 20 20 12663 AMARANTH 103 6 51 4" 5» BaUentine H E Leigh 12 12 10 10 12702 CHEBEKEEN 106 7 7 61 63 Patterson H D Brown and Co 40 40 30 30 LADY VOLTAIRE 110 3 «1 7 7 Cheat N Dyment 30 80 15 15 Time, 24, 501. Winner — Ch. c, by Kismet— Plaisance. Post 12 minutes. Start good. Woa in a hard drive of two. Manitoban tiptoed his field. He was in a hard drive though in the last quarter to stall off Alpaca. It was a weak finish on the lat er. Cariboo threw bis rider in a false break and ran the distance riderless. Provost ran oat e n tbe turn * Scratched— 126662Eolim. 106: 12663Ida Fordham. 110 Manitoban. nl-c». 1 to 2; show, out. Alpaca, place 1 _g 3 : show, out. Cariboo, show. 1 to 2. 1 9 T M 7 THIRD BifflP* !-• 1 e8.—Purse 50. 3-year-oTde~ and upwardr Selling. I d Horses A Wt St 8t Sj _j X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 12432 PAS9MC 8 92 2 11 12 12 12 12 is MrQu*d- RDEnrle 4 5 4 4 li701OLLIEDIXN4 111 8 31 32 43 21 21 2» J Gardner H E Leigh 1 1 7-107-10 126672RIT BFGENT3 87 7 51 52 7 7 51 3" WedrstrndH H Stover 10 15 10 15 12667 J. PORTrRII 4 102 1 41 41 3» 4and 43 48 Choat J Dyment 60 60 50 50 12732 SAL LAMAR 6 106 5 21 2» 2» 31 3« 5« Powers Bic and Borrows 4 4 3 3 12701 8F JACBEBT 6 108 6 6» 64 5» 5*« 62 65 Kitl»y A Shields 5 5 4 4 12162 AMB GLINTS 6 106 4 7 7 6 63 7 7 E James J McNaught 6 5 13-513-K Time, 261, 53, 1 :19i, 1 :461, 2 :00t. Winner— B. c. by Sir Modred— Irian, Post 3 minutes. Startgood, Woa easily ; second and third diving. Passaic had the most speed and won a.% he pleased The next three were driving to the limit. Kittle Regent was closing fast. She was outrun in the first part. FraDk Janbert and Amber Glints did not rau their races. Scratched— 12636 Governor Russell, 111; 127692Paarl, 102; 12769 Jack C r y, 101. Passaic,«e. 1 10 1: show, evens Kittle Regent. show. 2 to 1. Sallie Lamir. place, evens; show. 1 to 2. Frmk Jubert, place. 7 to 5 ; show, 4 to 5. Ollie Dixon, place, out. Amber Glints, place. 6 to 5; show, 1 to 2. 107OG FOUBTH~BA.CE— 7-8 Mile ~ S-yeariolde" and upward.-Selling- 1 -a I t/O The Brewers Stakes Value il.OOQ. I" H ses A Wr wt M _j X WrrFtn J eke a Owots O jj L C~~ 1270O 1. AVE . 5 108 2 12 14 18 li*l»TWa.ker T F Buckley 24 l:H-5 2t 13-5 123003TOHW ST 6 113 1 42 41 33 56 2* JGarcner CVthrsandShildslS-S 3 13-5 3 123463 HARVEY 4 109 3 31 23 22 25 3« Masrn W Hendrie 2 11-6 2 11-5 1270C-JUPGK WARDLL4 104 5 5* 51 41 31 4* Powers G Wr Graydon 8 3 21 21 12700 TIP GALLANT 3 103 6 61 7 62 41 5* Wapshire M Gilpin 7 7 6 6 12767TB1UNR 3 93 4 21 3»« 5™ 62 62 Fo.eband White and Stafford 15 15 10 10 12728SPR1NG WELLS 3 89 7 7 6« 7 7 7 J Day G Hendrie 12 12 10 10 Time, 241, 50, 1:16, 1:29*. Winner— Ch. g, by Casino— Dora D. Post 15 minutes Start fair. The first two were driving to the utmost Dave S. outbroke the others and tit tred his field early He was tiring in the stretch ahd Topmast was catching him fast and would have wn in another stride. Harvey tired in the last quarter. The last three at the start got oil p. orL. Overweights— Tip Galla , 2 pounds Dave S., place, evet-s; sh .w, 1 to 2. Topmast, place. 6 to 5; show.l to 2. Harvey, show, 2 to 5. Judge Waideli, place, 6 to 5; show, 3 to 5. 1 2 7 QCTfif*1*78 MIle« Parse 50. 2year-olds. 8; lling. - nd Horses A Wt St H % X StrFin Jockeys Owner*- O H L C 12663 ICE DROP 97 4 41 43 6* 1» J Daly M J bTb 5 6 4 — 4~ 12702 DAKYL 1 21 6 63 52 51 2» E James W F McLean 2 13-52 13-5 12663 CAL1FOBNIAN 95 2 31 3- 31 31 Howell J 6 7 6 6 126S32LA VITFSSE 95 1 2" 23 2» 4»« Kitley H E Leigh 1 1 4-5 4-5 12590 ALFD VARGRAVE 95 5 5»» 65 4»« 51 Ryan Fra"k Bruhns 4 4 3 3 !o5 SfTpiv, SI 3 !" lH lM 62 Choat N Dyment 40 40 30 30 2o21 MB. BOFFIN 98 7 7 7 7 7 Yrkpy W Weir 12 12 10 10 12633 ZELMOBE 92 8 8 8 8 8 W Wood Sheehan and James 30 SO 20 20 Time, 25, 501, 1 :05. Winner— B f. bj Faverdale— Mag. Po- 7 minues Siertgood. Won in a hard drive; second and third also driving. Ice Drop gtupn 1I1 ast stride, after losing ground on the stretch tnrn. Daryl would have woa if he ned 1 01 be n oocki t d i . the last furlong. La Vitesse and Californian tired at the end. ZjI-more w s practica ly left CHerweigb s— Daryl 21 pounds; La Vitesse. 3; Matlock. 2: Mr. Boffin, 3. Ice Dr p. placa, 8 io5; show,4to5. Daryl, plac*. oves; sbo *. 1 to 2. Californian, show, evens. La Vitesse, place. 1 to 2; slow, out. Alfred Vargrave, place. 6 to 5; sho», 1 to 2. 1 053 Of " I 8IXTH~KACEShort Course. Parse 507" 4-yearolds and upward. JL ___ ID* J _ Handicap. Ind Horses A Wt St 4 8 11 16 StrFin Jockeys Ownera O H L V and£?k££ll3il£and 5 162 i 12 12 M 12 13 ir P*rce Howard Havs 2 11-52 11-5 li.3.1 IhL SQU1RF 5 140 8 |H|M|N»|I 22 Si-ott G W Cook 20 50 20 50 12J92 ,,,E.LTNL/Il 9 U1 1 41 41 i2 4" 3is 3io SocthwcodFH Pmniston 4 5 4 5 J:o*2- Dr£f*?,S,£I,Y4 Ul 2 6 6 6 6 46 40 Doane Wjnrand Wright 5 5 4 4 £S»iSSw1!5NlB! !fi l "- 52 52 52 ■ 5 Ra Campb AHendrie21 21 21 21 I.HTNER TIM 5 »» 2- 22 Fell. Gallagher T f Buckley 11-511-52 2 1r?;;j,0i.EItiK 5 141 3 Refused. W Johnson N Dym. nt 7 7 6 6 .4963MAHTELLO 10 130 6 Befnsed. Graham J Cannon 20 20 15 15 Time, 3:551. Wmuer— Ch g, by Fellowrraft— Last Ban. Off at first bre* k oajrod start. We n easily ; seeond the same. Lastfellow had it all his own wy fr m the tec ond jnmp. wl ere Dutch Henry Partner, LongbrooK. Rosebary and Martello ran t ut of the corre. Parmer fel at the eleventh jamp. S. ratchMl— 12701 Wae man. 130. Ovki weifehte— Du ch Henry, 1 pound. La-tflli w, place, 4 10 5; show, out. The Squire, place. 12 to 1; show, 6 to 1; Mr, Danlap, show, out Dutch Heniy. place. 7 to 5; show, 3 to 5. Longbrook, place, evens; show, 1 to 2. Farmer, place, evens; show. 1 to 2.