Harlem Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1899-06-27

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HARLEM FORM CHART. CHICAGO, ILL., Jane 26.— Thirteenth day. Harlem Jockey Club. Spring Meeting. Weather clear ; track fast. Presiding Judge, A. W. Hamilton. Starter, Richard Dwyer. Racing starts at 2 :30 p. m. -| rtQO FIRST RACK— 7-8 Mile. Purse 00. 5 to second ; 5 to third. I 4J*J I J 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Ind Horses A Wt St % % % BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 12851 NEW-*GATHEBR5 111 8»* 4" li 12* 12* lj Rutter B E Curl 8 10 8 10 118782 MACEO 5 105 1»* li 4" 53 3* 2i Everett J B Respass 2 21 2 2* 127212GRAZIELLA 4 100 2" 2" 3" 2»* 22 31* Vitatoe F J Kelly 6 7 6 7 12775 EGBABT 8 114 9* 71 6" 62* 65 41 Bloss G W Poole 5 8 5 8 128832LUCKY 8TAR 5 106 5» 5** 52 3" 52 5* BeauchampMiles Finlen 2 24 8-5 2 12718-TON Y LICALZI 4 108 4m 3U 22* 42 4 " 6H Hahn Holman and Mollis 10 30 10 30 12763 LEON CIE 4 100 6i 91 91182 85 7™ Dopee WattersA Hodges20 40 20 30 12763 HEB FAVOR 4 100 7" 6i 74 7" 72 8i F Givens J 8nasdell 15 30 15 20 12374 FONCLIF 5 110 34 814 8" 9* 92 94 Clay J E Cashing 15 40 15 40 12908 LILLIAN REED 3 98 10» lOi 102 || 104 1014 R Narvaez Charles OConnor30 60 30 60 129053TAPPAN 5 102 11 11 11 102 1] n Bisping J H Smith 20 60 20 60 Time, 13, 25, 36i, 484. 1 :02, 1 :15, 1 :27i. Winner— B. g, by Enquirer — Bonnie Meade. Post 5 minutes. Stait good. The first three were driving hard. Newsgatherer ran one of bis good races He got away flying and Ratter keot him at it. He r8n the third furlong in Hi seconds. This g*ve bim a commanding lead. Eveiett took Maceo back on the far tarn and brought him up witb a rash in the stretch. He would have won if the race had been a furlong furtber. Graziella ran au honest race. Egbert was all tangled no at the start and had a rough journ*y. Lucky Star had no excuses and did not ran his race He can do better. Tony Licslzi stiowed speed. He can win when placed rieht. Tappan was beaten off all the war. Scratched— 12596 Fintan. 94; 12906 Moroni, 112; 126863Martba Fox, 94; 12968 Ernest Wiles, 97; 12883 Braw Lid, 120; 12909 Amelia Foneo, 100; 12937Einer, 105; 129373 Woodranger, 100; 12969 Kings Guard, 103. Newsgatherer, place, 4 to 1 ; show. 2 to 1 Maceo, place, evens ; show, 1 to 2. Graziella, show, 6 to 5. Lucky Star, place, 4 to 5; show, 2 to 5. 10Q7 r7-SECOND~BACE-8-Miler~Pur8e007~5 to second; 5 to third. £t*f I 2-year olds Selling ■ Ind Hoi b 8 A Wt St jj % BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 128803 A NNIS PALMEB 97 5"" 6-* 5» 4«* 1" Nutt James B Gray 7 W 7 12 12802IZNIK 108 4* li 12 13 2« Hamilton H T Griffin 21 2* 8-5 9-5 * 12850FBANGIBLE 107 8" 7* 6« 5U 311 Flick W E Applegate 4 7 4 7 12770 SEA ROVER 96 91 2 3»* 22 41 1 Silvers W B BaUerman 20 30 20 30 12411 ROSA DIAH 104 61 32* 21 32 51 Holden C B Campbell 15 15 15 15 l2595tJOBN GRIGSBY 105 l"-« 5 71 63 6" Everett J B Respass 2 2 8-5 9-5 12680 JEFF 96 2* 0 81 8217* Weir A Berry and Co 20 30 20 30 12599 MATTIE BAZAB 98 10 91 91 92 8i Beaton Mrs R Bradley 20 100 20 100 1£S80 ZERIBA 93 H 411 41 71 91 Hannan T E Barrett 15 30 15 30 12599 SOCKEM 96 3h 10 10 10 10 D Carter H A Cotton 30 100 30 100 Time, 12i, 23i, 36i, 48i, 1 :02. Winner— B. f, by King Regent— Artistic. Post 15 minutes. Start good. The first four were driving to the limit. Annis Palmer, under clever handling, ran an extra good race. She is an extremely game filJy and stood a drive from the three-furlong post home. Iznik is short on courage. When Harrington drew the whip on him he stopped badly and would have be9n beaten for the place in a few more strides. Frangible had bad racing luck and was badly ridden. Flick tcok him in and out and all over the track. ; Sea Rovers was a smart race. He was hardly readv to go this far. John Grigsbj was much used at the post and refused to try wheu he got away. The colt has a sore month, and this accounts for his showing. t-c-atched— 129352Mitten, 100: 12850 Fiist Past. 101; 12481 Brown Thrush, 93; Belle of the Glen, ; 93; 12802 Man of Honor, 101; 12177 Jake Weber, 100; Star Cotton. 96. Annis Palmer, place. I to 1; show, 21 to 1. Iznik, place, 7 to 10; show, 2 to 5. Frangible, show, evens. John Grigsby, place, 7 to 10; show. 2 to 5. -|~4 Q rr Q THIRD RACE-1~3 -16 Miles. Parse 00. 5 to second; 5 to third. 3-year-llij j O olds and upward. Selling ind Horses A Wt Bt Bt ■•« H g BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 12906 EINSTEIN 4 95 5h 41 13 12* 16 15 13 Bassinger Earnshaw Bros 15 20 15 20 12906 K. KRINGLE 4 112 2« 31 311 22 22 25 2« Dupe R L Bird 8-5 21 8-5 2 12*82CR0ESU3 5 103 3« 1« 6« 6*« 6" 31 3" N Hill S C Wagner 3 3 2 11-5 • 129393POSSUM 4 105 44 72 U P 31153 411 Butter T L Bosb 10 10 10 10 • 10702BOANERGES5 115 8 2-. P H 4™ 61 51 Bloss G W Poole and Oo 8 12 8 10 12881*ELKIN 5 111 1»« 54 42 4» U 4™ 61 W Narvaez J H Smith 4 4 31 4 1 12939 MSKALNGE6 102 7" 61 7* 7* 75 72 7* F Giveus F M Arthur 20 40 20 40 12487 SUNBURST 7 102 6** 8 8 8 8 8 8 Hiram J E Cushing 12 40 12 40 Time, 12. 241 361, 49i, 1 :021, 1 :15, 1 :28, 1 :4H. 1 :541, 2 :001. inner— B. g, by Riley— Maggie B. Poet 10 minutes. Start good. Won under a pull; second eased at the end after early pressure. Einstein had the foot of the party and held it safe all the way. The performance was a great improvement over his last race. Kriss Kringle has evidently bad too much of it. He was • dull of speed and Dupee was obliged to use the whip all the way to keep him up. Croesus also ■ loafet the entire journey and at the finish Hill Beemed more tired than the horse. Possum was interfered with on the stretch turn. Boanerges acted meanly at the post. He would go every t way but the right one and gave the start»r a world of trouble. He was not ready to race and , stopped badly after going half a mile. Elkii ran a bad race Thi-ow it out. Scratched— 12rft-,7 Prince Blazes, 101; 12716 Winslow, 99; 12939 Hosi. 95 ; 12882 Monongah, 97; ; 129673Banquo II , 115; 12934 Hoya, 83; 12967 Robert Bonner, 108; 12654 George Lee, 99. I Einstein, place, 8 to 1; show, 3 to 1 Kriss Kringle, piece, 4 to 5; show, 1 to 3. troesus. show. l 1 to 3, Elkin, place, 7 to 5: show, 7 to 10 : 0 70 FOURTH BACJi— 3-4 Mile, Purse 00. 5 to second; to third. 3-year- jfl %J I *f oldp and upward Allowances. ,- Ind Horses A Wt at 4 ■ + StrFm Jockeys Ownera O H L C 1 12883 MEDDLER 8 106 2« 32* p Z* 1h* Rutter L, H Ezell 4 li 4 5 1288 lGOE BEL, 3 96 1»* lj |« Vi 22* Vitatoe E C Blnm 6-5 6-5 1 11-10 129692BUiH PENNY 9 101 5" 5U 55 5" 35 Nutt HBGcodrichBec3 3 3 3 . 12883 SIM W. 6 106 3* 43 4* 34 4 J Carter W B Leonard 10 6 10 " j 12681 LIT. J. HOBNEB3 88 4- 2-* 32* 41 ftl Silvers Settle and Co 30 15 , 8645 1NSPCTBHUNT6 101 6 6 6 6 6 W Narvaez C C Daly 100 100 10 I Time, 121, 23i, 351. 481, 1 :01, 1 :13i. f Winner— Cb. g, by Long Taw— Meddle. 1 Post 8 minutes. Stirt good. Won driving to the limit; second and third doing their besti Ratter, with M ddler, simply stole the race. Goebel had him beaten at the sixteenth post bat Master Vitatoe took a nap and threw the race away. The judges suspended the boy for carelessness. Meddler is in his very best form at present. He doesnt act nearly as badly at the oost as Ccuiiuaed on 2n J page, of old. Goebel is 8 fast brrse. Be may not race ft r srme time as le was jumpf d on srd 1 evcre ]y~ cut Buph Per ry, outrnn the first p*rt of it. wbf cendr g strorg at tie end. Mark him. He is gocd. Mm W. rsn a good race. The first three rut. lasted the others. XT Scratched— 7752 Ha Pcgne, 102: 12598 John Beker. Ill: 12763 Pope Leo. 102; 12762 Tel Hart, 97; 12854 Free Lady, 97: 129C9 Mary KiDfella. 97: forceless. 99; 12763 Fed Gidd.?9: l2Kf*Bnnea, 99 Meddler, place. I to 5; sic w. out. Gf ebe, pluce. out. Hugh Penr y, shew. out. QQA FIFTH BACE-1 Mile. Purse 00. lTto second; 5 to~t hi rtT »"0 " 3-yeer-oldp and upward. Allowances. Ino Hones A Wt St *4 Vt % StrFin Jicteys Owners O H L C 129063THE DEVIL 4 100 1"* 5 M 4* 22« Vi Dupee WdanlandALCersn 3« ft 3 3 129MTBNBY 4 100 4i 23 21 1** 1** 2» Nnit 8 8 Eecder 1 7-5 1 13-lt U2908EUG WICKES 5 £5 2* 15 |*| M 3i 31 Silv-rs MdltrandJrgblbS 4 3 3i 12685CBISEL 3 90 3 " 3» iH 3** 42 4* Knight WatterfandBocges 20 50 20 50 12969 M1ZPAH 5 97 6 6 53 1*1 t* 5* Lamley W J Roche 7 9 7 8 12761P.THKFIDDLR3 90 In 44 6 6 6 6 MrCann G Landry 50 75 50 60 T-me, 124, 25, 363, 4*, 1 :01i, 1 :15, 1 :27i, 1 :40. Winner — B h, by Major Richards — Pataponia. Fost 6 minutes. Start good. Won bsndily; c -ccnd driving hard. The Devil, with weight off from all of his recent races, ran excellently. Hewasbtst ridden. Dupee vaitrd patiently-" in a good position all the way and never made a move until the stretch was rfached. Tie Devil then easily gallored over Tenby. Tenby was nsfd too much in ihe early clasp aftfr Eugenia Wickes. He had nothing left to finish with. He, racfs best from behind. Eugenia Wickes can-rot go a mile She quit to nothir« after going tbre-qusrtera. Mark Chisel in lower company. Mizpah can do better. Pay the Fiddler was out of h;s place. Overweights Psy tie Fiddler. 3 pounds. The Devil, pla.ee, evens; bLow, out. Tenby, place, 2 to 5; show, cut. Eugenia Wickes, shew... ont. - C|4J 1 81X1 H KAl E— 3-4 Mile. Pnrse00. 5 to second; 5 to third. 3-year-olde- jjjl MQ A Allowances. Ind Horses AWt 8t M V% X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L 12881 HELENS PET 95 1« 13 13 124 jj Stanhope ScbwartzandMiller 6 8 6 7 12938 ANTIQUARY 103 2»* 24 23 V 25 Rntter James Curl 8-5 9-5 7-5 8-5- 96372CANACE 95 84 62 624 3" 33 Vitatoe N S Hall and Co 4 4 3 3 11609 JIM MCCLEVY 100 7* 5™ 71 61 4-4 Duree Settle and Co 20 60 20 60 9557 BARABRA8 100 44 3i 3»« 4* 52 MCann W J Smith 5 5 4 44 12938 ST. ALOY8ID8 100 5« 43 4* 53 62 BeauchampMilen Finlen 8 10 8 10 119303LIME WATER 105 3" 84 920 81 7* Holmes L G Smith 10 20 10 20 12686 MA ZIE V. 100 94 92 8* 7» 8»« Seaton Mrs R Bradley 50 100 50 1C0 12394 LAND LILY 95 6" 71 5i 9" 9i» Broschart Martin and Hodges F0 100 50 100 NELLIE BROWN 95 10 10 10 10 10 J Carter E C Brown and Co 20 100 20 100 Time, 12, 23t, 35i, 47i, 1 :C0i, 1 :13i. Winner— Blk. f. by Faustus — Nilety. Post 12 minutes. Start poor. Won easily: next three driving hard. Helens Pet won s lucky race. She got a flying start acd always had clear sailing. Antiquary was much the best Had Rntter been able to keep the colt straight in the tt-etrh he could not have lost. As it war when Rntter drew bis whip Antiquary darted in behind Helens Pet and try as the boy would h could not get bim out. With an equal break Canace wculd be bard to beat. She got away f? back all in a tar gle and ran a g od race It is reported this filly worked tbrse quarters of a mil in 1:134 at Hawthorne. Barrabas, heavily played, ran badly. Mud is his forte. Lime Wate looked high in flesh and not ready. Scratched— 12488 Andes, 100; 12806 Maurice W .100; 129383Cheval dOr. 100: 12588 Duty, 95 129382Rose Apple, 100; 12934 Charlo, 100; 12938 Springer. 97; 12774 Calchas, 100; 12653 Teutons! 100: 12587 Facade, 97. Overweights — Antiquary. 3 pounds. Helens Pet. place, 24 to 1; show, evens. Antiquary, place, 4 to 5; show, 1 to 3. Canace,. show, 1 to 2. ■ :

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1899062701/drf1899062701_1_2
Local Identifier: drf1899062701_1_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800