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ST. TLOUIS ENTRIES. Probabilities: Weather clear; track heavy. First Race 5 1-3 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. Handicap, fnd. Horses Age Wt. Hdcc. 13"423E1 Canoy 101 765 13225 MandWHllace 100 760 131x1 N-d 99 750 13132 MariG Brown 96 725 13242 Ar k-irB ban 95 730 13222 Fit e hot 95 740 13224 MissM- Day 95 745 Second Race 7-8 Mile. 3-vear-olds and unward. Allowances. 132442 Richard J 4.. ..112 785 131823Firsida 5.... 109 775 13244 V-iify i ...109 780 13214 . zzi- McLamhlio.... 3 ..107 . 730 Thi A Race 1 Allle and 20 Vards. 4-year-olds and upward Selling. 13179 Gaston 5.. ..112 755 131.93Trav ler 5.. ..112 750 1340 Trux llo 5 ...112 765 13i793Raurom " 7....1C9 760 lllOi Frisk 1 5 .. 107 735 13107 Annie Oldfield 4. ...105 745 Fourth Race 3-4 Mile 3- year-olds and upward. Handicap. 12955 W Overton.... 3.. ..114 763 t317t3Lovi g Cup 4 ...108 ......760 l13t2Uur Gertie 4. ...110 768 13 72 nmLollius 4 ...105 770 13u925F-iunuro 3.... 96 750 3UH2Ylint iauce 3 ... 94 75" H108 S irrow 4.... 92 745 432:6 Silver S-t 5.... 90 7S3 131 4 Lrtd O home 3 90 735 13133 La J s ptiiue 3 90 750 13244 Ed Gar.I-iua II 4.... 90 735 Fifth Kace 3-4 Mile. 4-joar-olo8 and upward. 8elling. nd. Horses, color, Bex and pedigree. Wt. Hdcp. 13223 fzarovitz 5 ...115 755 13118 Loid Nville 4.. ..113 775 1SI09V-I. Brmt 7.. ..112 740 13226 Kin? Go d 7 ...112 7?0 13176 rri.mi.ui- e 4 110 770 13240 Harri Fioyd 5.. ..110 745 1317 Pa- M rpy 7.... 109 73 11899 Jobnn. McHule 7.. ..109 730 H9i7 C-.itf -n 4. ...108 715 l2.62B,nis-o 4.. ..107 765 12992 KuselU 5.. ..107 760 12999 M nud Ciy 4.. ..107 728 13210 1. bbie 4 ...105 730 129j8 Dom stic 4 105 733 Voalia. b f. Ben dOr or G 1 elg or Khartoum Vir- Jein 4.. ..105 Sixth Race 1 Mile and 30 Yards. 4- year-olds and upward, Selling. 13096 Parole dOr 5.. ..112 755 12849 Tragedy 6. ...Ill 7:0 131842Eith. lio 4 ...110 765 130913 -ir Rolla 4.. ..110 773 12995 Dutch Bard 6. ...109 ......768 13179Livadia... 4.... 105 760