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Btfi V TEVtLOES F 4.ST RA.CE. jv 13 J. H Smiths Binneville, a horsa of phenom- -enal spoe 1, whai hi runs his best rac beat i Carnero at one mile aad seventy y irds yester- day at E irlam, aad after the race ihere was no and of saand ilou3 talk by those who evidently j -do aot know what the word speed means. J Of course Ca-nero at his best is a horse of I bi;h class, b it when ho was in his bast form he mit bit fev, if any, horses that possessed a greater turn of soeed than does Beanevilla when he is allowed to go ont and race by himself and is not hampered by close contention. Yesterd ys rao is easily explained and tak- . ing every thing into consideration it was not f uch a fale resalt after all. In the first place, Car-n ro ba very d ckey le. Then eg has had thre i hard races within a week and is perhaps getting cunning. Beunivillo, with h s flashy tnrn of speed, had nothing in the rce to so along with bim and i lie. naturaly tan like a scaie i deer. Thi frac- j tional time shows he went the fust eigh h in 12, i the quarter in 24, the half in 481, thres-qnarters In 1:4, seven for oags in 1:261 and the first mile in l:39t. and was pnlied up at the end of the milt and seveny yards in 1:441, which was long Tecord time for the distacce. Everett, who rode Carnero, would have acted with bad bad he tried to keep up with Bonneville at such a terrific pace. He laid away until the half mile post was reached and then set sail for th9 flying leader. Carnero did not respond with his usual sameness and when the stretch was reached and Everett saw how far Bonneville was in front of him he drew his whip, but Carnero instead of getting away lrom it refused to try and swtrved badly. Everett flogged the old horse for all he wes worih through the stretch, but he could not make him extpnd himself, and Mistral II. beat him for the place. After the raca Owner Murphy was called into the stand. He could give no excuse for Car-ceros race and showed where he bst 00 on him. Everett certainly tried as hard as he knew ho w , and the fact of the matter is the e arly pace was too fast for Carnero. The two mile raca created the same amount of interest that long distance races always do, and it furnished a really clever contest. Nutt, who seams to have the other boya beten riding over a longer route than they are used to going, hid the mount on Barton, who seams to be a crackarjick at thagamo. Horse and rider apparently understand each other. They trailed the others in this race for over a mile and a half, and when ready to go to the front did so and woa palled up. Barrier was Eecond and Teutons, miser ib ly ridden by Sheppar 1, who wa3 coached fiercely by some one in the center field, third. Grazialla showed her heals to a fast lot in the fourth race. This filly is in rare form now but how she wins races is a mystery to everyone that see her. She warms up stiff and lame and j after winning always looks all broken up. 8he i cam9 back to the stand in tbis race yesterday on three legs and hardly looked able to stand up. Hugh Penny, who finished second to Graz-iella, would have beaten her had Nust been able to keep him straight through the stretch. A "good thing" was cut loose in Oconee in the first raca. This filly was backed from 10 to 1 down to 5 to 1, aud after b sating the barrier won oil by hersif. The stcbad raca was an easy thing for Lime Water. He was far the bast and had all kinds of bad luck but eventually won in a romp. From the sixteenth post to the wiio there was more action in the sixth raca than is often seen. First one horse and then another was in front, bat when the wire was reached Tappan jv 13 j was the lDcky one and got the verdict by a nose. The first eight were scarcely a length apart. Jockey Bozeman, who was ruled off two years aeo by Colonel Clark for a ride on Louis Ezells horse, Pepper, was reinstated yesterday bj Judge Hamilton. Rome" Bespass has bought Maceo back from James Dunce. He paid Danne the same price that Dunne gave him for the horse some two weeks ago ,100