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WESTCHESTER RACING ASSOCIATION. Race Gourse, ilorris Park, Westchester, N. Y. Office, 173 Fifth Avenue, New York. EVENTS TO CLOSE TUESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1899. 1899. To be run at the Autumn Meeting beginning Tuesday, October 3rd, ending Saturday, October 21st, . running Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. "FOK TWO-YEAK-OLDS. FOB THREE-1EAK-OLDS. FOK THREE-YJAR-O I.DS AND UP- AUTUMN HIGH WEIGHT S CRTAIi HAX- THE NURSERY Supplementary entry THE JEROME HANDICAP Supplementary WARD DICAPS ,500, VIZ.: S2.500 Added. The Ecliose Course. entry ,500 Added. Mile and a quarter oyer THE BRONX 1,000. Last six furlongs of THE CHAMPAGNE Supplementary entry the bill. THE MEW ROCHELLE ,500 Added. The the Withers Mile. ,500 Added. Last seven furlongs of the With- THE HUNTER HANDICAP Fillies SI 200 Withers Mile. THE WESTC HESTER ,250. Last six and erTHEWHITE PLAINS HANDICAP Supple- hlrs SandandW and TdEFORDHAMlSo" Last seven fur- Fentary entry-,000 Added. The Eclipse JjflM nm Added. Last , gandg LuiL lon.s of the Withers Mi.e. THE HURRICANA-S1,000 added. Last five THE FAIR VIE W ,000 Added. Mile and a MORRIS PARK HANDICAP Supplement- STfiBPLtSCHASES AXD HURDLE BACK, furlongs of the Eclipse Course. sixteenth over the hill ary entry-,0D0 Added. Two miles and a THE CHAMPION STEEPLECHASE Sup- THE RANCHO DEL PASO-51,000 Added. THE MCQRATHIANA Fillie ,000 Ad- quarter, Withers Course. plamsatary entry -0,000. Abjut threa miles The Eclipse Course. ded Last seven furlongs of the W ithers Mile, fob TWO-YBAB-OLDS AND BPWAED. and a half. THE SILVER BROOK ,CO0 Added. Last THE DIX1ANA J1.200 Added. The Withers THE AUTUMN HURDLE HANDICAP 50 five and a half furlongs of the Eclipse Course. Mil, THE MANHATTAN HANDICAP Sup- Added. Tomilg. Eiht hurdUs. THE CA5TLETON Filliea-Sl.OOO Added. THE RAMAPO HANDICAP ,000 Added, plementary entry-,500 Added. Tha Eclipse THE OCTOBER STEEPLECHASE HAND1- Last five furloDgs of the Eclipse Course. The Withers Mile. Course. CAP ,000 Addad, Abjut two miles aula half . 1900. TO BE BUX AT THE SPRING MEETING. THE ECLIPSE ,000 Add id. TheEslip39, TO BK RUNATI1IE AUTOttN .UEEEING. , , foals of 1898,5150 each,5 forfeit, 5 if djclarel TSE NCjaSiSJY HAN DICA.P- 5J.500 Idiii. mTT, r.,T.TTI. T THE FASHION a SI 500 addad The Fashion THE JUVENILE ,000 Added. The Juve- atetottlui by January 5th, 1903. or 0 if declare! by Ajril Tai Nan iry Hiadicip, foiU ot 1893. Eatriej mle, foals .of f1898, 00 each. 0 forfeit. 0 if eXd by 1900, with ,000 added. The nominator of Aawst 13ShTas a ich, tin o ily f irfaic if ds- ienbJmVjorAAltMnl brADril 1900 "wltnSlSMildded Tomot9 tQ8 dinner to receiva 00 out of the stadia otarei b, May Ut, 1933. or , if iaalarad t?ia andAhSandllbtiS. sbil money Colts 122 lb, fillies and aldia. 119 debater. if o. If lets in 3 oaca, witti ios., nines ana peiaincrs, iia iD3. ijasc nve iarf F ,. rnnrsn lbs. Winners of ,500, 5 lb i. extra. Last flva .o30 added. longs of the Eclipse Course. Jicupse course. and and faalf farloQga of tho Eclip3e Course. SipDlsmiatary entries to closs February 6th and Aujait lalh, 133J. The Eclipaa Cdiho. 1901. TO BE RUX AT THE SPRING MEETING. THE LADIES 000 Added. The Ladies, THE THIRTY-FIFTH BELMONT ,033 cluster Rcin? AjsDiiatioa to ail ,03, of THE WITHERS 500 Adaed. Tho Withers, fillies, foals of J898, 0 esch, 5 forfeit, if de- Added To close for yearlings, foals of 1833. 5 whish ,503 to th- second, 03 t? th third, foale of 1898, 00 each, 0 forfeit, SI0 if de- dared by January 5. 1900; 5 b jHnuary5, each, the only forfeit if declared by January Tin nominator of the winner to reive ,033 clared Jaauary 5. 1900: 5 by January 5. 1901; 1901; ,000 added. To carry 121 lbs. Tho 5th, 1900. If left in after January 5th, 1903, a oat of the subssriptions. Mr. Balmont to add ,500 aided. Colts. 12G lbs.; geldings, 123 lbs.; Withers Mile. further sub3criDtion of 0. If left in aftar plate to tin valu of ,000 t tho wiaier. Colts fillies, 121 pounds. The Withers Mile. January 5tb, 1901, a further 8ub3criptioa of 575. to carry 123 lbi.. irildinjj, 123 lbs., filliis 121 lbj. Star ers to pay 50 additional. Tha Wast- Mile and thrje furlongs, over tin hill. 1902. TO BE RUN AT THK SPRING MEETING, scription of 5. If-left in after January 5th, 5th. 1901, a further subscription of 0. Ifleftin Tin nominator of the winner to recaive 11.000 THE THIRTY-SIXTH BELMONT ,000 1S02, a furthor subscription of 0 each. after January 5th, 1902, a farther subscription oat of the subssriptioas. Mr. Balmoat to add Added. To close for fcals of 1899 at 0 each, To close for yearlings foals of 1899J, August of 5 oich. Starters to pay 50 each. The plate to tho valus of 000 to the winnir. Colts the only forfeit if declared January 5th, 1901. If 15tb, 1900, at 5 each, the only forfeit if declared Westchester Racing Association to add ,000, of to carry 123 lb3.; geldinss, 123 lbs.; fillies, 121 left in after January 5th, 1901, a farther eub- by January 5th, 1901. If left in after January which ,500 to the second, 03 to tin third. Ib3. Mile and three f arlongs over tho hill. H. C. CRICKMORE, CLERK OF THE COURSE. Harlem Jockey Club..,. HARLEM RACETRACK. JULY 24TH TO AUGUST 5m 1899. FIVE OR MORE RACES DAILY RACING COMMENCES AT 2:30 P.M. Special Trains on LAKE STREET ELEVATED leave State and Lake Streets at 12:iS, 12:56, 1:03, 1:13, 1:23, 1:30, 1:37, 1:43 P.M., stopping at Madison Street and Wabash Avenue, State and Van Buren Streets, Pacific Avenue and Van Buren Street, Fifth Avenue and Madison Street and Fifth Avenue and Randolph Street, direct to Grand Stand WITHOUT CHANGE. Returning, stop only at Ashland Avenue, Halsted Street and loop stations. First Accommodation Train leave3 after Fifth race stopping at all stations, Trains leaving after last race make no stops until reaching Ashland Avenue. METROPOLITAN ELEVATED stop3 at all LOOP STATIONS, leaving Franklin and Van Buren Streets at 1:12, 1:21, 1:36 and 1:48 P.M., stopping only at Ealsted Street and Mirshfield Avenue, connecting at Forty-eighth Street with Suburban Electric Line direct to Grand Stand. Suburban cars leave connecting at and"orty-eighth Straat actar Third, Fourth and Fifth races. Cars leaving after last rxza mike no stop3 from Forty-eighth Street until reaching Marshfleld Avenue. TWELFTH STREET ELECTRIC CARS leave State and Van Buren Streets from 12:40, to 1:30 P.M., direct to racetrack withoutchange. MADISON STREET CABLE connects at Fortieth Street with Electric Cars direct to racetrack. ADMISSION TO GRAND STAND 75 CENTS. M. NATHANSON, Secretary, Room 1, 130 Adams Street