Hawthorne Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1899-08-11

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HAWTHORNE FORM CHART. CHICAGO, ILL, August 10. Twenty-ninth day. Chicago Jockey Clnb. Summer Meeting, Weather clear; track fast. Presiding Judge, Capr. J. H. Re os. Starter, Richard Dwyer. Boeing starts at 2;15 p. m. 19Q J j FIRST BACK 4 -A Furlongs. Pnrae E400. 5 to second; 25 to third. O XJSrsr 2-year-olds. Maidons. Fillies. Allowances. Ind HoraeB A Wt St H H i Str Fin Jockeys Owners O K L. t 1SS102TJI DEE H7i 7h 114 13 14 Cay ood H E Leieh 3-5 11-58-5 2 13750 IRENE HAYFS 110 Si 31 42 in Kerins Joseph Payes 0 30 15 15 1390S AIT EFN WII SOX 115 2h 2 2H 3 Vandusen WaidHl Bros 3 8 3 8 111042MYR7LE GEBATJR115 Si 91 5H 41 Jenkins F T Wood 4 41 4 41 BR. ANDERSON 105 91 4H 61 5 Nntt TE Barrett 8 10 8 10 SYR A 105 61 101 31 61 Crowhurst Grorg J Long 20 20 20 20 12756 DRUOILLA 105 Hi 7" 7" 7U Winkfield 8 K Hu ho? and Co30 30 10 15 13810 ANTON JKTTA 107 12" 122 123 82 G over W 0 De B Lopez 30 1C0 30 1C0 13650 MARQUETTE 105 5 111 11h 92 W Jones Gannon ando 30 30 30 SO 135S1 EMVA M. 105 134 141 131 10H J Brown II A Cottrn 15 25 15 25 13741 N1VEBXA 107510" 131 142 Hi FThmpsonHinde and Baker 30 50 30 50 ALLIE BLUE 1P5 14- 15 15 122 L Bose Mrs B Bradley 15 20 15 20 13769 CBYSTAIj DOME 105 li CI 91 13" Ames Sloan and Burst 20 60 20 30 13S76 JESSIE WOODS 105 4 Si 102 J4i Nowcom W W 1 lark 30 50 30 50 MISS MG DAY1TT 103 15 5 Si 15 Sheppard Thomas Cary 15 25 15 25 Timp, 12i, 244,361, 49. 551. Winner B. f, by Kingston Starella. Post 6 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second whipped out: third and fourth driving to the limit. Tildee had the most sped and was never extended. She got so far in front of the others in iho tirst three furlongs that nothing could ever get close enough to her to boiher her. She is a faMy good filly. Irene Hayes ran a god h nest race. Aileen Wilson was stopp ng badly at the end and would have bmu beaten for third place in a few more strides. Myrtle Gebaurouad an openiog in the ftretch and finished stoutly. Bart racing Juck is the only thing that kept tier cut of the first three. Considerirg it was Brownie Andersons first start Bbe m de a creritpbln sbowirg MukS ra: her race was a good one. SJ.e was interfered with often, too. Scratched 13675 Fly Loita, 105; 13724 Soundwood, 105; 13810 Fannie Leland, 105. Overweightt Tild e, 24 pounds; Niverna, 24: Antoniotta, 2. Tildee, place, evens; show, out. Irene Hayes, piece, 6 to l; thow, 3 to 1. Ailefn Wilson, show, 8 to 5. - QQj 8ECOND RACE 3-4 Mile. Puree 400. S73 to second; 525 to third. JL O "rdbO 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Ind Horse A Wt at 4 H K StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L O 8603 LUC. BRAMBLK3 99113t 6 21 14 li Jenkins John Hrenock 3 3 2 24 1392S CHEF SEMITE 3 9S 4" 3 4 32 2 B Narvaez C H Williams 4 6 4 6 13315 PETER MC CUE 4 110 24 12 124 24 324 Ames Thomas Carey 4 6 4 6 13571 LIT. J. HORNER3 102 3" 24 3 4 44 rowhurst Settle and Co 3 5 3 5 13645 OP RA GIRL 3 100! 6 9 74 51 5" Winkfield P Bi zer 10 40 10 40 13909 HEROICS 3 100 9 102 123 81 6U J Carter TCotello 6 8 6 7 4092 GALILEO 4 110 104 114 111 93 72 Nutt T Licalzi 8 8 21 6 13875 RED GIDD 4 107 5" 4 52 62 86 L Bose Mrs R Bradley 10 30 10 30 12271 B1VAL DARE 3 9S 1" 121 131 71 92 J Brown Sweet and Co 8 25 8 25 12968 ELSIE M. 4 105 11 8 92 121 102 Flick A J Ogles 8 20 8 20 13405 MAS CAGNI 4 107 124 13" 10 13" 1H Tully W n Roller 30 100 30 100 13085 LOR ME R 5 107 14 142 142 142 126 Trotter Wm Melville 15 100 15 10 13415 PELL M ELL II. 3 100 S 7H 82 113 132 N Hill Wallenstein and Co5 15 5 15 13904 STELLA 3 93 7" 52 62 101 141 A Bolan John Hoston 30 100 80 100 13771 t-CEXERY 3 103 16 151 151 153 153 Wr Carter E Landsborg 20 100 20 100 13584 HECK S. 3 105 15" 16 16 16 16 Kerr C A Slocum 20 1C0 20 100 Time, 12, 24. 36, 49, 1:014, 1:14. Winner Br. f, by Bramble Lucy Adelaide. Post 7 minutes. Stan lair. The nist five were d iving and staggering. Lucille Bramble was much the best and had to b? to win. Jenkins was flow in getting the filly away, but was on the ontpide ana 1 bus avoided aM iuterf rence dov n the back Etreich. Lncilla Rramb.e bed a lot ofsp-edsnd it did not tska her loi g to get to the front. She was out to the lust ounce and fairly staggered home. Cheesemite and Peter McCue both huDg at the end. Had either of them possessed stamina th-y might have beaten the winner. As it was thty weio both s tired asebenaj. Mark Opera Girl when in with maidens. She had bad racing luck, but fini-hed resolutely. Galileo has workrd well. Nutt had no chance from where he got away and did not urge the colt to tny great extent. Heroics made up a lot of grouml from the head of the stretch home. Scratched 13875 Hermoso, 110; 13904 Pigit, 98. Overweights Opera Girl, 24 pounds; Heck S., 2; Lucille Bramble, 14; Little Jack Horner, 2. Lucille Bramble, place, 6 to 5; thow, 1 to 2, Cheesemite, place, 2 to 1; show, evens. Peter McCoe, show, evens. - 1 A THIRD KaCi-3-4 Mil. Pnr8B00. 75 to first; 5 to secona. JL O f trO 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Ind Horses A Wt bt Ya. Yi sA StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 13863 NEWsGATHKEH5 119 4 4 5 61 1h Vaudosen B E Curl 8 20 8 20 13408 MOXTGOMERY 6 107 3 li 11 14 2" L Rose W P Msgrane 8 10 8 10 137283FLORA LOUISE 4 105 5b 3 32 2 3" T Knight J B Respass 2 11-52 2 136212SIM W. 6 110 6a 6 82 54 4i Crowhurst W B Leonard 5 5 4 44 13556 DOH COMEDIAX4 110 8 9i 92 72 52 J Brown Behm Bros 10 30 10 50 13841 GEORGIE 3 101 1 2i 2i 4 6H Nutt D P Rogers and Co 10 12 10 12 138412FAUSTURO 3 105 7 54 4 3 74 Jenkins J C Cahn 2 34 2 3 13793MhDDLESOME 3 103 2i 82 6 84 81 BeauchampRTccter 15 15 10 10 13774JDIGGS 7 107 9h 114 112 91 92 Boland James Arthur 8 30 8 30 13861 MAGGIE DAVIS 3 104 10" 10 7i 1and2 1014 J Waldo W M Sloan 10 30 10 30 136S03RACIVAN 3 106 11h 2 12 113 112 .1 Mathews P Corrigan 10 20 10 20 13649 ED TIPTON 3 103 12 7 10" 12 12 Winkfield W H May and Son 30 69 30 60 Time, 12. 231, 35, 47,-1:00. 1:134. Winnei 1$. g, by Enquirer Bonnie Meade. Post 16 u mutes. Sartgocd. The flrtt four were driving to the limit and so close together that they corld haidly be teparatod. Vandusr n squeezed through a tght hole at the head of the stretch with News gatherer, and by outfini-l ing the other boys managed to get up in time to win. It w as a very pretty finish. Mtntgf mtry had rll of his sptea ana hung on more gamely than Uttial. Knight oid not have strmgth to ban lo Flora Louise properly. She swerved badly and canted a lot of interference in the streeb. Tbia filly eh uldhnvowou. Sim W. ran a cracking pood race. 80 did Dutch Comedian, who ceme from nowhere in the stretch. Georgia and Fausturo bctb qnit baaly when the pinch came. Watch Meddlesome. Ho is ready. Thowoight stopppo Maggie Davip. The early pace was terrific and tbey were going no faster than a walk at the finish A heavy wind up the stretch interfered and prevented faster time being made. Scratched 13618 MHrzella, 105: 138J8AlBbaster, 110; 138753Micato, 110; 12963 Violet Parsons, 105; 107683J. II. C. 110: l390Touy Licalzi, 107. Xewtgatherer, place, 8 to 1 ; show, 3 to 1. MoLtgomery. place, 4 to 1; show. 3 to 2. FJora Louitc, f lace, 4 to5; show, out. Fausturo, place, evens; bIiqw, 2 to 5j - QQ"4 rj FOURTHRAElTbrFCmirseT-Purse StOO.-5 to second; 5 to thira. JLQ 3HsZ I 3-year-oldB and upward HandCBp, 8tonilechasB. Ind Horses A Wt tit 4 6 11 StrFm Jockovs Owners O H L C 13579 HOANERGEb 5 135 2t li 1 1 124 15 is Johnson G W Poole and Co 10 20 10 20 138793CLIFTON B. 4 125 10 56 40 48 38 24 26 Porter A MrCauloy 10 30 10 30 133832C. WGBTMAN7 156 3" 22 32 2 22 310 3o F Doano DAIIonig 3 34 2 3 124653MARBLE 8 146 11 34 510 60 42 420 425 N Ray J Meagher 6 6 4 5 13345 D. CORONAD06 125 44 64 63 520 520 and50 500 Whitlock W A Harper 15 20 15 20 13879 BONESTTEIU 125 9 7 7 7 0 6 6 Williams II A Cotton !!0 50 30 50 138792ZUFALLIG 6 138 8 42 23 33 Bolted. Kidd W F Schulto 6 12 6 12 13879 GYlCEIVER 4 140 7 Bolted. McIIogh Thomns Carey 6 8 6 8 13524PHENllia 4 159 51 Bolted. OBrien MT Miles 2 7 2 7 13745P,MRY SEC 5 148 61 Bolted. Stewart D R Lovy 2 21 2 2 Time, 3:144. Winner Ch. h, by Spendthrift Llandrino. Off at the first break to a good etact Won whipped out; second driving hard; third eased up. BoHnerges fencod finely today end had by far the moat speed. This oerformauco was a decided iinorovenif-nt over his laandt. This ho. se will bo more than likely to make an extra good Jumper. Clif on li seems to improve at every start. Colonel WoiKhtnien went lamo after golDg over the lost obstruction and Dobiio was obliged to ciifo him np. Murb!o ran n dull race. ChcniT n fui-od the second jumu, but OBrien kept right on and went over the course, finishing tecord In placing the horsos the judges paid no attontion to him. Pommory Sec hobbled after taking tLo first fence and he too, went over the course. The judgo sharply ecorod both OBrien and Stewart fcr their actions. The horses racod Indian Ulo all tho way. HcracliPd -13524 Jack Hayes, 166; Bill Kspy. 135. Bo-nerges, place, 8 to 1 : show, 3 to 1. Clifton 11., place, 10 to 1; show, 4 to 1. Colonel Wcihtmnn, show, 3 to5. Pommery Bee, place, ovens; show, 2 to 5. i OT A O FIFTH HACK 5-8 Milo. Puo 100. 5 to second; 5 to third. JLOUtO 2.year.flrts. Selling. Ind Horses A Wt Bt lA K a BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H L U 137t0!iUNBlGiiiLY 111 5" 5" 2 li Jonkins K McGnigau 6-5 8-5 6-5 6-5 138432ZAZA 107 1 1 12 HI 21 Nnwconi W R Griflin 4 5 4 4 137692CLABA WOOLEY 107 21 41 3" 31 31 1 J Brown L 11 Kzell 7 8 7 7 139C8MI1TEN 105 31 2" 62 42 45 BoanchhrnpMorseSiPattoreon21 4 21 4 15769 NINA li. L. 96 61 73 7 72 5 Sheppard W Hoffman 15 20 15 20 . 111513MACIE MAREE 103 7" 61 4U 64 61 Crowhurst J B Grpy 8 10 8 8 13288 IN DEBT 100 4" 3 2" 5" 71 Nutt B Solen 10 15 10 15 13569 PBA1RIE DOG 96 8 8 8 8 8 Soaton W W Clark 30 100 30 100 Time, 12, 234, 35, 484, 1 :01. Winner B. f, by Purs6bearer Hira Villa. Post 8 minu es. Start good. Won driving hard but going away; second and third were doing their best Untightly ran ono of 1 er bet races, and considering the rough journey she had, f ho was obliged to in ordor to win. 1 ho filly is a slow breaker and got into trouble from the start. She was bumped and jostled throughout, but strod it well, and under pressure at the end rptj onred gamely. Zaza had her ususl turn of speed and ran to her notch. This is a prod filly brjt she cannot cerry high weipbt. Clara Wooley lookfd dangerous at the head of the stretch, but hung at the end. Mitten w as much med at the post and also bad a very rough journey. Mecie Maree showpd fpefd on the far turn and may possrss more than this rrce shows. In Debt did well as far as he went. Unsightly wrenched her ankle pullin? up and came back to the stard quite larre Scratched 13839 Sorrel Rose, 96; 13211 Prestomo. 103; 13927 Rocklight, 105; 13908 Russell B.. 99; AllFmilep,99: IS908 Boneywood. 96; 13746 Chief Farrell, 99. Uneigtitly, place, 1 to 2; show, out. Zaza, place, 8 to 5; show, 3 to 5. Clara Wooley, show, evens. Mitten, place, 8 to 5; show, 3 to 5. Qi SlXTHHACandl-Mile7Pursn 4005 to second; 5 to thi7d 1-0"Q1 j if Hby 4-year-olds and upwnr1. Allowances. Ind Horses A Wt St Yi 34 SA StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 1and8SO8EBRANO 5 109 2""t 2" 214 2-4 14 1 Orowourat Tomlioson and Co 2 11-5 8-5 8-5 1386lMAOEO 5 112 5" 6i 4 3 324 2h T Knight J B BSDass 4 44 4 44 138613FERVOR 5 109 4 H4 D 1 214 3 J Mathews Jas Arthur 3 3 3 3 13649MI8TRAL II. 5 105 8 51 6 54 53 4 Nntt EnrnshawBros 8 8 41 44 13449 MIDIAN 4 98 3 41 34 4 43 56 I Powell J F Fosg 10 15 10 15 13906 DOG TOWN 4 110 64 324 52 6" 620 gio BjaucbampR Flynu 8 12 8 12 9405 DEPENDING 4 95 7 73 7 71071078 L Rose EM Bergen 5 30 5 30 13815 SKIN K 4 98 1 8 8 8 8 8 Shepuard F Odom and Co 100 100 100 100 Time, 12, 241, 37, 494, 1 :01, 1:14, 1 :27, 1 :404. Winner Ch. h, by Fonso Janet. Post 5 minutes. Start good. Won easily. It wa9 a fierce drive for the place. Serrano is a horse of good class and is in excrlent form at present. He seemed to slip and slide about at tbe start and was slow to get in motion. It looked bedlv for him on the first turn but Crow-hurst took a desperate chance to get through and aided by Nutt, who did not shut him off with Mistral II., he macaged to make it. After that there was nothing to the race. Macso finished gamely under punishment and got second place in the last few strides. Fervor ran a good race but hung a bit at the end. Mistral II., heavily backed, hardly ran to his notch. Midian showed considerable spf ed and ran better than the figures show. Dog Town can win in slower company. Scratched 138752Bon Jour, 107; 13875 Albertvale, 105; 13863 Molo, 103; 13811 John Kessler,97.. Corrected weights Maceo, 112. Serrano, place. 3 to 5; show, out. Maceo, place, 8 to 5; show. 7 to 10. Fervor, show, 1 to -2.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1899081101/drf1899081101_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1899081101_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800