untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1899-08-17


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Dally Racing; Form In 8n Francisco. I Readers of Daily Raoing Fobm inBan Fran v lelieo can get the paper regularly from Foster k Orear, Ferry Building, foot of Market Btreet THE AMERICAN SPORTING MANUAL The American Sporting Manual of 1898 is on general sale. It is a record of the turf, billiards, pugilism, trotting, pacing and all the leading lines of sport up to January 1, 1899. All the matter within its pages have been compiled and edited by experts. It prints a list of all the turf and track records by Daily Racing Fobms staff, billiard fig-ures, past and present by John Thatcher, the fights of 1898, with comments by George Siler harness records to date and of the past by John Hervey, the statistician of The Horse Roview and three handicap tables, with directions for their application and expert comment. The Manual, in paper coverB, sells at 30 cents and in soft morocco covers at 50 cents. PEDIGREE BLANKS. On linen paper, artistically edged in colore, ruled and arranged for six generations of sires and dams of individuals and their ancestor. Fen cents each, ,00 per dozen, .50 per hun-irod. No owner of a stallion Bhould be without a Bupply. DAILY RACING FORM. 124-126 Fifth Avenue, Chicago; 111. WINNWRS AT EVERY TRACK Will the readers off this ad. want proof of what we-say, we will with pleasure show them our-Handicap sheet and Telegrams sent all over the? United States and Canada if they are interested enough to call on us. Jbive winners at Saratoga yesterday with Colonel Roosevelt our sixth selection scratched. OUR TELEGRAM READ AS FOLLOWS r LADY LINDSAY, LADY MASSEY, FRANK BELL straight. LAZARUS, BEN NEVILLE place. This kind of information you can expect to receive DAILY for 0 00 weekly. Telegraine-and messages ready by 11 a. m. Send 2 cent stamp for interesting booklet. The National Turf Investment Co., Suite 605, 167 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111.. IT BAWTHOKNE TODAY AND HIGHLAND PARK the two promised: good things are ready and can be secur d at our office. These are both choice and will be 5 to 1 or better. Friday at Hawthorne we have something on tap that will be 10 to 1 or batter. Telegraphed early. .00 daily. Chicago Turf Advisory Co., Room 707, 225 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. BIG SALE OF YEARLINGS; AND HORSES IN TRAINING.. Monday evening, August 21, promptly at 7:30,, at Union Stock Yards, seventy-live yearling coltB and fillies, tha property of Runnymede,. Spendthrift, Hartland, Leonatus, .Faustiana and Melbourne Studs and several individual owners, will be sold. These yearlings comprise some of the best from these representative Kentucky and Missouri breeders, and include brothers and sisters to many first-class turf" performers. The list of relations is too long to enumerate here, but catalogues can be had by addressing Woodard and Shanklin, Lexington, Ky under whose management the sale will be-held. The sale will continue Tuesday evening, August 22, at same place, when a number of first class horses in training and some addi-tional yearlings, the property of prominent Kentucky and Tennessee breeders will be sold- Leighs Portable Stalls. Cheap, Safe, Sensible, Comfortable. 24 in double door baggage car. Ex f ft -tr" -ra- n jproea companies can procure tbon fi r gSSjljjllM PjMjlil rBffjjfiSw -feL2siandJr imIP" 1 828-880-132 Bait Frout Btrest, E BrlM OINOINNATXi O iluluimSA,

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1899081701/drf1899081701_2_3
Local Identifier: drf1899081701_2_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800