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CALIFORNIA TURF JAXGUXG. From San Francisco comes the raport that the California Jockey Club will inaugurate racicg September 21. more than a month in advance of the opening date last year. Precisely why is not c ear, although it is givoa out, whether by authority 01 not i3 not apparent, that it means that the California Jockey Club will race on continuously regardless of tha plans of the newly organized racing body formed to take the place of the .Pacific Coast Jockey Club. If this is correct it means a racetrack war eijnilar to that which for a time wrecked racing in Chicago. Last year, as is well known, the California and Pacific Coa9t Jockey Clubs divided time harmoniously and enjoyed a highly successful and prosperous racing season. Last spring the San Francisco Board of Supervisors passed an ordinance that bad the effect of closing the splendidly equipped Ingleside track, the Pacific Coast Jockey Club finishing its meeting on the track of tbe California Jockey Club at Oakland. After the close of the San Francisco racing season a new organization under the name of the Western Turf Association was formed which purchased a location for a new track at or near San Bruno in San Mateo county. It is understood that tha track and buildings are now nearing completion and "General Manager" F. H. G ean has given formal notice that the first meeting over the new course will b9gin Monday, November 6. Mr. Groan was secretary of the Pacific Coast Jockey Club which wonld lead to the infeience that at least a part of the capitalists who own the Ingleside course are bicning the new ventuie but no statement on that point has baen issued j On the surface it now e earns that the Ca i-: fornia Jockey Club d jes not regard the Westorn Turf Association with favor and dos no. propose to divide time with it as it did with the Pacific Coast Jockey Club There is one feature of the turf situation in California that is worth consideration. That is tbe possibility that the Board of Supervisors may repeal the ordinance that was so di-astroas to Ingleside. Indications of a partial willtng-! nesa 10 do so have not been lacking on the part of some of the members who voted for it, and it mn ba brought aiout. In case each action is taken it see i s probable tbat the immediate effect would be to randar the Dew track in San Mateo county orthless. Further developments will be awaited witn interest on the part of turfmen who have m- ant to take pait in the winter campaign on ilia coist