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H arlem Jockey Club.... HARLEM RACETRACK. AUGUST 2Ist TO SEPTEMBER 2nd, 1899. FIVE OR MORE RACES DAILY RACING COMMENCES AT 2:30 P.M. Special Trains on LAKE STREET ELEVATED leave State and Lake dolph Street, direct to Grand Stand WITBOUT CHANGE. Returning, stop Streets at 12:18,12:56,1:03,1:13, 1:23.1:30, 1:37, 1:43 P.M., stopping at .Madison only at Ashland . Avenue, Halsted Street and loop stations. First Accommoda- Street and Wabash Avenue, State and Van Buren Streets, Pacific Avenue and tion Train leaves after Fifth race stopping at all stations. Trains leaving after Van Buren Street, Fifth Avenue and Madison Street and Fifth Avenue and Ran- last race make no stops until reaching Ashland Avenue. METROPOLITAN ELEVATED stops at all LOOP STATIONS, leaving Suburban Electric Line direct to Grand Stand. Suburban cars leave connecting at Franklin and Van Buren Streets at 1:12, 1:24, 1:36 and 1:48 P.M., stopping oruy at Forty-eighth Street after Third, Fourth and Fifth races. Gars leaving after last Halsted Street and Marshfield Avenue, connecting at Forty-eighth Street with race make no stops from Forty-eighth Street until reaching Marshfleld Avenue. TWELFTH STREET ELECTRIC OARS leave State and Van Buren Streets MADISON STREET CABLE connects at Fortieth Street with Electric from 12:40, to 1:30 P.M direct to racetrack without change. Cars direct to racetrack. .... ADMISSION TO GRAND STAND 75 CENTS. Latonia Club. Jockey - - COVINGTON, KY. Additional Stakes For Fall Meeting, 1899. To Close Saturday, Sept. 2, 99. Nineteen Days Racing, Commencing Saturday, October 7. THE COVINGTON ATJTDMN 8TAKE3. A selline swaep3take3 for two-year-olds; to ac- have not won three racas since August 1, 4 lb3; two rac33, 8 lbi., ani if such have not won since company the Domination; 45 additional to start; 03 adde 1, of which 09 to tecond and 50 to Jaly 1,12 lbs. Biaten non-winners of the year. 151b. Selling parses not to be consi iered in tbira Those entered for ,000 to carry weight for a e. Allowances: 1 lo. for each 5200 to ,000, estimating allowances up to and including tne 8-lb. all jwaaca. Six Furlongs. j; 2 lbs. for each 00 to 00. Starters to b named with Belling price through the entry box tha eveniDg preceding the race. Five and a Half furlongs. THE TOBACCO STAKE3. Asellin? sweepstakes f irthriq-yearolds and iDward; $ to accoai- ... . . ,.,,, r.r,Trm aii- t n 1 1 c.- n pany tae nomiQatio i; 5 additional to start; 750 a id -id. of whi :h 8103 1 sec id a 1 1 0 1 t lird. xtlE LATONIA AUTUMN PRIZE. A Ijwdwao for three-yaM ;.old; S to accompany the chose 0atr6d fo. v m t0 c , ht for Alio waaces : 3 lbs. for eacn 03 to 1,503; 3 lbs nomination; 5 additional to start; .81,000 added, of which 2 to socoad and 5 to third. for each 50 2 for to ,030; tos. eioa 00 to 00 S;arce-s to b na a-i t wi .h se lin price Weights to be announced three day prior to the race. Winners after the announcement of througn. the entry box the evening bef jre ttie race at the usual time of closing. On mile, weights to carry 5 lbs. extra. One Mile ana a bixtoonth. THE KENTON STAKES. For three-year-olds and upward: to accomDany the nomina- TEE CIVCINNVTI HOTEL AUTUMN HANDICAP. For thne-y ar-olds ai upward;"" tion; 5 additional to start; 50 added, of which 103 to second and 0 tj third; 5 Ibi. below 55 to accompany tha aomin ttion; id liuoiil to start; ,030 addei, of hici 25 to secjau the scale. Winners of a sweepstake this year of the value of 30. 5 lbs.; of two of any valuo or and 5 to toird. Weights co be anioaaee i tarao day prior tj the race. Winners the one of the value of ,800, 8 lbs, extra. Allowances: Noa-winners of a sweepstake this year that announcamsnt of weights to carry 5 lbs. extra. One Mile and an Eighth. Nominations should be addressed to E. C. HOPPER, Secretary, .ovington, Ky.