untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1899-09-03


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Chicago Turf Advisory Co. ROOM 707, 225 DEARBORN ST. CHICAGO, ILL. TWO SPECIAL good thiaga at HAWTHORNE MONDAY to open the week with, both at 5 to 1 or batter. On WEDNESDAY another GOOD TRICK at 10 to 1 or battsr and will win sure barring accidents. Clients qnit big winners last week. .00 per week. 00 daily. ..THE ONLY SYSTEM.. PLAY WINNERS AND PLACE HORSES AT GOOD PRICES. GET OUR SELECTIONS AND WIN ALL THE TIME s on YQDR FEET. .00 PER DAT. .00 PER WEEK. American Horsemens Agency, 516, H57 Dearborn Street. A. SO 1 1 SHOT FOR LABOR DAY-MONDAY AT HAWTHORNE Two others that will win at good odds. Dont fail to get onr sheat. For sain at cigar stand, Wellington Hotel, or at our office. WE PUBLISH NO FALSE WINNERS. Belmont Turf Advisory Bureau, Suite 502, 21 Quincy Street, Cbicago, 111. HAWTHORNE, SHEEPSHBAD ....BAY AXD FORT ERIE.... Special selections on all races run at the above ; racetracks. MONDAY at HAWTHORNE TWO special good things at big odd?, Wednesday one at Fort Erie at 10 to 1. Subscribers won. 93.00 on .00investmentsl88t week. We have, correspondents at all the reciconrses- 00 DAILY. $ 00 WEEKLY. Telegraphed at 9:30 a.m. Race Track luforrnatlou Bureau,. Suite 500, 263 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. ....W.P.SULLIVAN.... Is now permantly located in New York, and will furnish the moat reliable information on races r.""7rTTTj rnn at the tracks in tho East. Mr. Sullivan has associated with him a, Vjfci 1 J ll tl I carPs ot competent assistants and will do business as the BE5T- I SULLIVAN TURF... COMMISSION COMPANY. Engaging in a general turf commission and information business, "T"-comprehenoing in its scope every phtse of business relating to the j RIAL turf. Commissions placed on rsces at any track. Special aavantages -7w --vivt for placing commissions in New York on races run on western tracks. WJ.LL COIN Selections wired clients before noon each day, after reports are riMi- received from representative at tho tracks. VIINCEYOU TERMS: .00 DAILY OR 0.00 PER WEEK. I Comprehensive treatise on turf speculation mailed fros on application. Address all communications to SULLIVAN TURF COMMISSION CO., 170 Fifth Avenue, New l:ork, N. Y"

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1899090301/drf1899090301_2_1
Local Identifier: drf1899090301_2_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800