untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1899-09-08


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CHICAGO JOCKEY CLUB........ HAWTHORNE RACETRACK SEPT. 4111 TO SEPT. i 6th, i 899. s Five or More Races Daily Beginning at 2:15 P. M. ADfllSSION 75 CENTS. MUSIC BY CICERO niLITARY BAND. SPECIAL KAOB TRAINS TO TRACK IN TWBETTY-FIVE MINUTES. Illinois Central Trains leave depot at foot of Randolph street at :45 a.m., 12:30, 1:00, 1:20 and :50 p.m., stopping at Van Bur en street, Park Bow, Halsted street and at Ashland avenue, returning it 4:34 p.rn. anl in nadiacely after the races. 03 not stop at Asaland avenue. Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Trains leave Union depot at 12:15, 1:05, 1:35 and 2:10 p.m., stopping at Sixteenth street, Blue Island avenue and Western avenve, returning immediately after the races. Special Twelfth street electric cars leave State and Van Buren streets at 12:25, 12-35, 12:45, 12:55, 1:05 and 1:15 p.m., stopping only at Oanal street, Halsted street, Ashland avenue and Osjden avenue, direct to tr ick in 40 minutes. The Metropolitan and Lake Street Elevated, Madison street cable, Ogden avenue, Twelfth street and Twenty-second street surface linea connect with electric carl on Forty-eighth avenue, to ini fron ruecrajK; eve-v cantve minucea during the afternoon on racing days. Hxpreas trains on Metropolitan Elevated leaving Pacific Ave. at 12:59, 1:11 and 1:23 p.m., stop at all stations on the loop and at Franklin street, Halsted strett and Marshfield avenue, reaching the racetrack in 23 minutes from Franklin street. WOOPLANPS STUP 15 MILE ntOM ST LOUIS ON THE WABASH Barney Schreiber MOPELrAiut THE CHOICEST OF AUSTRALIAN BLOOD. FOUL SHOT BY MUSKET-SLANDER. JJ Ithnrlal,. .... .. .... . .. Touchstone, by Carnal, S5 fLongbcr . .. , .... i Verbena, by Yalooiped a j tire of Fee de Jois, Mist Howe, ...... ........ J Catton. by Golumrraa. 3 fa J J Tranbya dam by Orrill i d 5 2 I Pantaloon....... ........ J CaBtrel, by Busiard. SO o LLsffSidBtaatB. CEanritsb.4 i Idalia, by Peruyfan. H Decoy j Filho-da-Puta,by Hphiaii J a FinesBO, by Perurian. S5 fj; -2 g Melbourne ........ Humphrey Cliukar,byG2iai 1-1 i "3 fWsit Australian I Cervantes1 mare. Q j -Zl Derby acdBtiLeser ..Moirerina.i.....M..M..jTonohBt:one,byCamali H 5oJ J Emma, by Whisker. J 5 ZiS I Camel J W halebone, by Waxy , 1 5 "3 : LBcowfi Bti j ........ ....... I Selim mare. 0 2 Daughter o2. .... Brntandori.by Blaeklosfe. h W8J IMrs.CricLshnkB.byWUiS - Canteen Waxy Pope, by Waxy, fCalsdIaiDDried.i.... ? Castania. by Gohanna, - Hambletonia........ Btaraford,byPi8uipteBt!a x 9 j j 1 Harmonlca,byEmbletaiM fn Troa Imported;........ f Priam, by Emilias. H a L Cfcaaaadrt, ......... ? Ally, by Partisan. O , JO I Aliae Grey. .............. jBons Emigrant by Pioaasi Mai I Gtalnare,by YoangSobxass 38 US-I The Colonel. .. Whisker, by Wrf. , i -S fGapi-i?ii ImDortod...... I I DelpinI mare. . 3 e C3iitertoCatni. .... Saltan, by Bsllm. J j Duchess of Totit, by TTbsj glJ Dover .. .. .... .. . j Touchstone, - i BfiU Bran .... I Yerbosa. S Sophie. ........ JSkllhinda. Rallic Brasii Itncbrtifl. BftRWEYSCHREIBER The California Jockey Club..,. Gives Turfmen Notice that its Meeting for the Seasan of 1899-1900 at the Oakland Racetrack, OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA, Saturday, Sept. 23, 1 899 And continue without intermission until further notice. Many valuable Stake Events will be offered, the terms of which will be announced shortly. Address All Communications To Thos. H.lWilliiims,:Jr.,fPrest. R. 8. Milroy, Secy.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1899090801/drf1899090801_4_1
Local Identifier: drf1899090801_4_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800