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FOilT K1E ifOAiai. Milton Young, tho master of the McGratbisna Stud, is increasiug his landed possessions wiih the intention of enlarging his thoruUh-b:oa breedu g establishment. He has purchased 419 acres of blue grass land on the Tales Creek road from tho Feuthorstona estate for 23,650. Mr. J. B HigiialiHsmid anottier addition to bis Elmendorf Farm, purchasing the 275 acres a joinin, known as the Harris u grant. This gives Elm nd rf a total acreago of about 1,400 acres, mdking it ih-s lirgast bo ty of bine grass land owned by one breeder in the Btate. It is rrporied from Loudon that the Duchess of Marlborough, formerly Miss Consuelo Van-d-irbitt, has bnou a partner in Lord William Berus fords racing stable since the retirement of Mr. P. Lorillaid.