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THif SJORRIS PARK D1EE IT SO. The Brooklyn Jockey Club meeting now in progress ends Saturday. It will be succeeded by the -antnmn meeting of tho Westchester Racing- Associatioi which begins at Morris Park next Tuesday. It will ba the last of the great meetings of the year in the east. It is true that the meetings at Aqne iuct and Bann-ings are to follow bit they a-e but minor affairs from every point of view in comparison wih such a meeting as that at Morris Park will be. The racing days and dates of stake events at this nveting are: Tuesday, October 3 The Matron, 2-year-olds, 820,000 guaranteed; tbe Eclipia Course. Tbe Mnbatan Handicap. 2-rear.olds and upward, ,500 added; tbe Ellipse Coarse. The Jerome Handicap, 3-yaar-olds, ,500 added; 1 1-4 miles. Wadnesdiy, O stober 4 The Autumn Hurdle Handicap, 3-year oldj and upward, U0 added r 2 miles. The Hurric-ne Selling Stakes, 2-year-olds, ,000 added; 5-8 mile. Thursday, Oitobr 5 The Belle Meade Stakes-for 3-j e r-oids, 51,000 aide t; 7-8 mile. The Bronx igh Weight Hand cap, 2-year-old an l upward, pare ,009; 3-4 mile. Saturday, Oct-ber 7 Tie Hnnter Handicap, 3-year-old allies, 200 added; Withers Mi e. The Nursery Han Heap, 2-year-olds, ,500 addd; The Ejlh se Court e. The Chamoon Steeplechase, 4-yoar-olds and upward, 000 ad ed; nb at 3 mile J. Monday, October 9 Purses only. Tuesday. Octobsr 10 The Raacho del Pano Stakes, 2 yeai-olas, ,000 addeJ. The Eciip3e - Course. The Farview Selling Stakes, 3-year-olds, ,009 added: 1 1-16 miles. I Wednesdav. October 11 The McGrathiana Selling Stakes, for 3-yeir-old fillies, ,090 : added; 7 8 mile. I Thursday, O etober 12 The New Rosbelle Selling Stakes, 3-yeer-olls aud upward, ,500 aiood; Withers Mile. Tbo Westchester High Weight Handxap, for 2-jear-olds and upward, value ,250; 6 1-2 furlongi. SaturTay, October 14 Thu OstoVr Steaple-ch-iso, 3-ear-olds and upward, 090 added; about 212 miles. The Champagne Btakes, 2-year-olds, ,500 added; 7-8 mile. The tlnnicioal Handicao. 3-yoar-olds and upward, 2 500 added; 13 4 miles. Monday, Oc bar 1"5 Parses only. Ta-sd y, October 17 Cbe Siivcrbrook Selling Stakes, for 2-yoar-old, ,000 added; 5 1-2 fur-loigs. Tho Dixiana 8taka, for 3-year-olds, ,200 ad led; Tho Withers Mile. Wednesday, October 18 The Oastletou Selling Staves, for 2-year-oid allies, ,000 adaoi; 5-8 mile. Thursday O "tobor 19 The Eamapo Handicap, 3-yoii-o!ds, ,0U0 ad.ed; 1 1-8 miles. Tbe Fordham Hi?h Weigit Handicap, 2-year-olds aud upw rJ, vilue ,250; 7-8 mile. Saturday. October 21 Tbe White Plains Handicap, 2-yar-oids, ,000 added; tbe Eclipse Couisa. The Morris Pirk H mdicap. 3-yaar-olds and upwirJ, ,000 added; 2 1-4 miles. The most valaable evant of tha meeting will be tbo Matron Stakes for two-year-olds which will ba do uded on the opening d iy. It ig of the value of 0,000, of wnith 4,090 goes to the winner, ,000 to second and ,000 to the third horse. Tbo nominator of thadtm of the winner is to receive ,509; of the second horse 51,-C00, and of tbo third 1899.sh0. Tae champion two-yeir-old Mesmerist is not among the entries, but his stable c jmpaniou Wijdtnerj, that ran third in the Futurity is, aud is likely to prove a formidable can tid tta. Cbacoraac, His R yal Highness, Yellow Tail, Brigadier, Gulden, Doublet, St. Finnan, Go ifalon, Uodrine, Bed-path, Da Lacy, Killa-haudra. Placky, 8m ke, Kentucky and Mr. Jersey ara tha most prqmi nent eligiblos.