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BROOKLYN ENTRIES. Probabilities: Weather clear; track fast. First Race 5-S Mile. 2-year olds. Fillies. Selling. Ilid. Horses. Age. Wt. Hdcc. U4637Oneck Queen Ill 670 14126 knonaa 107 665 libai Oithia M 685 litJUl Lau Mdbsay 104 b90 14j4u cit3r Lbimo i03 68U 14661 belle of Lezmgton 1U2 6j0 147z8 nolle of Or wain 91 7u0 14J05 Allaire 89 665 14 k5 Manun Ljncn 89 b7u 1470j Beautiful 89 675 14027 Maidaue 89 b6 147uU Lanrealea 89 680 14705 Lanzd 89 650 fcecimU Race About 3-4 Mile. All Age?. H:gh Weignt Handicap. 145803Btndoran 4.... 140 740 i4sv9jlaiaor 5....1S8 750 i4tuJoe.ia of Memphis 4....1t4 735 liTlo Ban Ht uau 4....H4 7aJ iSajaoiBiercr 3....1i2 72 j 147io Jiiiks . 3....111 72 j 14359amotnt.. 6....U8 725 14bo-Mto3 juarioa 3....1U8 180 i4i0j;odiiu olipper 3.. ..108 705 i3o8jKinaduandia 2. ...102 7i5 14o27 AicAleekiu 2....1U2 71U 14i04 Tunis 6.... 98 69u ah.ird Race 1 1-16 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 14547 Merry Prince 6.... 109 715 14iu4Uan Rice 4....U6 7lu HtfoMaximo QomiZ 4....1U5 7 10 147u4 Lingo 7....i04 700 HStfdFi ret Not 4.. ..102 7o5 147irHuniCttue.f 3....K0 72U l4oi4Jffe son 6.... 9t5 725 14704 Uui Nellie... 3.... 93 BandU 1426 oee. caporal 3.... 92 b90 Fourtn. Race 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds. The Parkville Handicap. ,000 added. 1463 1 Matanza 112 735 14.0J2A. N B 110 72 j UfetPluluoa 110 7oU U7i7L.ady Lindsay 109 730 14ib8 a.iublipter .105 7-0 147U3 HeuoboS 103 74u 1472iSnaray Pardee ..101 7t0 Fifth Race 1 1-1 G Wiles. S-year-oidB. Maidens. Allowances. 147243Desperado... 116 690 14724 Dorior Fitzdmmoos 116 685 14427 Keep T ma... 113 680 14724 Wa oriioase 113 ......700 14524 Lacy Harriet 113 6.0 1464U Pinj 113 ......675 blxth Race Abo at 3-4 Mile. 2-year-olds. Handicap. 13339Kill8handra..... 118 730 140. 93 ciia Excellency 114 725 147232fieyni Ida i.H3 740 147LO a. rbert 112 705 14582 Knga Conri r.. Ill 750 11657Outck Queen 110 715 1472 105 720 14.28 K tcheLer 106 730 l4rf76jVeeUvian 105 735 14625 Hig Gun 105 7l0 14iuu Piecuruor 105 705 146 9 Cejli n 99 70u 14329 Wax Taper 97 690 14728 Jucotna 97 685 14705 Anaite 90 680