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TORONTO FORM CHART. TOROST, ONT heptrriber 547. Fourth day. Toronto Country and Hunt Club. Autumn Meeting. Weather clear; track alow. Prrwictmg JoJ8, Joseph J. Bnrko. tltarter, i.ank hi. Wnro. Ba;mg gnrt at 2iM p. m. FlRSf nACB 0- fliilo. IatsolSOO. All ages. Boiling. jy y Jja HoTgea A Wt Bt U. A BtrFln "Jockeya Ownora O 11 L C llM VlL.r iAUJilr-K 4 91 6 1 1 l l A W bjr Y oniith 50 50 40 40 niOOtOLLIE U1XON 4 102 6 61 42 42 2 M.boj JI K loigh 3 5 3 4 Ute ILK DKOP 2 Vi 2 4 ZH 8 3 Jhu.ripaon J Dirneut 7 8 7 8 UtitsHlVHiS 3 100 1 21 1 31 2" 4" Hotigor B White 6 5 8-5 Wi 0-5 3 470 PRlyE OF WALES 3 93 4 Si 6 St 5 J Martin ODrtvin 41 5 4 4 JiOWZ L. W. 5 91 7 8 51 61 61 Forehand Miller A Co 25 SO 20 W 324 SORMOOATK 6 91 5 7 8 8 7 McQuodo ULKiiowltoti 7 8 7 7 3411 JNPKOTION 4 98 8 3U 7 7 8 C .wman JBmlth 25 M 20 30 Tlm. 211, 491, 1:01, Winner- B. c, br Major Domo Kateile M, Pot 0 mlnutra. Start fair. Won oaily. Wilfrid Lnarlor had a lot of apond and wne rever In trouble. Ilia win a u anrprislug ouo in tho light uf liia pitat. Ollio Uiz in Qniahod fltronIy. Th route wna too abort for hor. Ice Drop ran a gaod raco. Trtuno tired badly. Inspection could tot mil rack hornolf. Wilf id Lmirior, place, 15 to 1; ahnw 7 ti 1. Ollio Dixon, place, 8 to G; elow, 4 to G. Ira Drop, i lace. 3 to 1; aliow,6 to 5. Trluno, plnco, 3 to 5; show, out. Prlnco of Wales, place7to!5; thow, 3 to 5. fdTTiS 8EC0NJJ "A015-3"1 MIlu IureoC0. 3-year-olda. Maidens. Allowances. ind Horana A Wt St 14. V, StrFlu Jockeya Ownera O H L O 14a-iT2MHNU 107 1 42 21 21 It Patton W A Rlnehart 8-5 2 8-5 2 1 14011 OUR LIDA 107 6 8 5U U 22 Irviu II L Johnson 4 10 4 10 JA KADIE 100 3 12 14 111 3U MrQundo U MaCurron Jr 8 8 11 6 I 14653 KLHTIS 107 2 24 61 31 4 J Wobor T King 10 12 1 10 14i91 NMHUMBERLAND 107 4 31 31 62 53 rfougor Howurd Hay 3 31 3 3 -J 144H4 MISS IANADV 107 8 7 4t 52 0 Forehand D A Boyl 20 20 10 Vi 1 13298 LA GXBRIULLE 107 5 61 8 7 7 CnunghamHaud on and Stoae 10 10 101.10 ; OTTOMAN 100 7 51 7 8 8 Blair J E BodKram 10 12 10 12 i Time, 251, 50, 1 :20i. Winnor Br. c, by Darobn Cuisiue. Post 4 iniuiitns. Start vood. Won driving; drive for third plico. Menu carao away nicely in the labt f ixtneuth. Our Lid i finished strons Tlmw wm too mach nso maao of Jackadio. Eneth was cut oil at tha ihrod-quurtr post. Moau sived gronnd on tho atrocch tru. North-umborlaud ran a dnll racn. Menn, place, J to 10; show, out. Oar Lida, placo, 4 to 1 ; show, 2 to 1, Jaokadie, place, 2 to 1; show, evrns. Northumberland, place, ovom; aiov, 1 to 2. THIRD aACK-5-8-MUo. PoTso 00. 2-yoar-olds. Allowance 14rTI5t tnd HorsoB A Wt Bt M H U StrFin JockeyB Ownera O H L 4 14708 AILENNA 102 1 41 3 21 H J Martin OVth irfand3hields 6 8 0 7 145653MU BHOWN 110 9 32 21 31 21 M.oa II E LMh 7-5 7-5 6-5 G-5 147H8 GRATIA 102 5 21 1 11 32 McQ ind3 Hoganand ilnldooa 31 4 31 31 1!96J HAPPY HERMIT 105 4 62 41 4" 41 A Wobjr F d Djly 30 30 20 30 13132 KING JO -HUA 110 6 7 62 52 52 Moray R Car eury 10 12 10 12 14708 MANOEUVRE 102 2 1 51 7 62 Forehand DAB yla 30 40 30 30 14141 AOLD LANG SYNE10 3 51 7 8 7 Corbley J Suno ittn 30 40 30 30 14611 ZKLHOuE 102 8 9 8 61 8 Tnomson Mrs M Lynch 20 20 0 20 14684 BASLE 105 7 8 9 9 9 CuWgtiamW F McLean 6 8 6 7 Time, 251, 52, 1:07. .Winner B. f. by Tenny Ailea. Oil at first breui. Start good. Won handily ; second and third driving. Aile nna was going-away at tho end. Saewaabjst Mr. Bron, off bidly cloiod a big gap. Gratia tired early but showed mncti spoid B isle hn I no sosed at i 1. His race was ont of lino I Scratched 14333 Mecklenburg, 105; 14S43 Greetings lt2. Ailenna, placo, 21 to 1; snow, evens. Mr. Brown, placo, 1 ti 2; sbiw, out. Gratia, p!aoa, 7 to 5; show, 7 to 10. 1 A Tfid FOURTH RACE-1 1-4 Miles 3-yoar-olds and upward. JLti: 0 UU Tiiaticarboro Hanai:ap. Value glOO. md Horses AWtBtSt V X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L t 14686 K C B. 3 90 2 11 11 34 32 21 12 Forehand J E Seagram 4 I 3 3 147092BEAU IDEAL 6 116 3 3 32 2 H 1 21 Pattou E H Banna 8-5 21 8-5 2 12197 F JaUBERT 6 100 4 4 4 4 4 4 31 J Martin Carthersandihiolds3 5 3 5 14709FREE LANOE5 120 1 21 2 1 21 32 4 H Lct4 G W Meehan 8-5 8-5 8-5 8-5 Tim, 26 511. 1 :22, 1 :48, 2 :17. Winner B. c. by Knight of Ellerslie Ftvura. Off at the first break to a good start Won handily. K. C. B. showed a marked improvement. He had plenty of speed today. Frank Jaubort closed stoutly in the last quarter. Free Lanca ws done af ier racing a mil. Bdau Ideal ran impressively. Scrt hd I4586JT pmast, 120. K. G. B., place, evons.BaanIdeal, place, 3 to 5. Free Lance, place, 1 to 2. AH FIFTHRACE FnlllCourse. AbTut2T.2iriesT PulrirsroOandTilver cup, JLr 6 J JL Tne Canwdian Hunt Club Handicap S:eeplechas a. Ind Horses A Wt Bt 4 8 12 16 8trFin Jockeya Ownera O H L O 12461 iTHOL 175 1 22 22 25 22 13 12 PGallagherDr A Smith 2 3T2 3i 13299 THIS SQUIRE 157 3 45 43 31 33 23 2 F Huestou G W Co k 6 8 6 8 147i0 LEADNG LADY154 7 53 52 51 42 35 310 M H-ndrio Murray Hendrie 6 8 6 8 147102WS.XFORD 140 5 65 65 610 55 410 415 ifiihson WF McLean 4 5 4 5 COHKAlOO 160 6 7 7 7 7 52 54 W Stewart G vV Beardmore 15 20 12 15 121612ST G-ORGE 167 2 31 32 41 63 6 6 Crosker Major Harston 6 8 6 6 147l0dlGrtIE 16il 4 15 13 115 13 Fell. Hayes C W Wadsworth 6-5 7-5 6-5 6-5 Added starter. Time, 7:24. Winner Br. g, by Milesan Lady Albert. Off at the firs brjk to a goid start. Won ridlen out; second easily. The 8quire put AthoL to a drive in the stretch. Higbie was galloping in front when be fail at the doable jump. St. Georpe tired early. Scratched Cainan, 176: 129752Sweden, 173; 13299 Exitus, 170; 14718 Mainspring. 150; Melba, 140. Corrected weight Athol, 175; Cockatoo, 160; St. George. 167. Overweights Higbie, 3i pounds. Atbol, place, evens; show. 2 to 5. The Squire, place, 3 to 1; fhow, 6 to 5. Leading Lady, place, 3 to 1; show, 6 to 5. Yexford, piace, 2 to 1; show, evens. HiHbie, place, 3 to a: show, out Id. TO 2 8IXTH BACB58 Mlle- Purse 00. 3-year-olda and npward. SoUmg. Ind Horses A Wt Bt and K StrFin Jockeys Ownera O H L C 14706 HAPSBCRG 3 99 1 13 10 13 14 XrlcQaado H M-.Carrn Jr 4 4 3 3t 14706 ATuY 5 94 7 32 3a 3" 23 J Martin Joi.n3rjandKraen?16 6 6 6 139.82CARLOTTA C. 5 1U0 4 21 2a 21 32 Forehand R McMahon 2 4 2 4 147t7 -IMCOE 3 94 6 62 63 63 41 Thompson N Dvmeat 30 30 30 30 14655 APPLE JACK 4 103 5 4" 5 5a 65 Maaon T Walker 3 3 3 3 147112COMPENSATION 3 108 3 5t 41 41 65 Lendrnm B E Beach 3 5 3 3k 14688 CREDENTIAL 4 101 2 7 7 7 7 J Wdbar W Btull 15 15 8 8 Time, 231, 51, 1:05. Winner B. c, by Candlemas Lady Reel. Off at the first brebk to a bad start. Won easily; second the same. Hups burg got awar running ana was nave r in trouble. Athy closed a big gap and finished strong. Carlotta C. tired. Apple Jack could never get up. flapsburg, placo, ovtnj; shoar, 1 to 2. Atby, place, 2 to 1; show, ovens. Carlotta C, place, 6 to 5; show. 1 to 2. AppJo Jack, placo, evonfe; show, 1 to 2. SfcVi NTII HACK "i-Si ILK" Farmers Raco. Maid of Eiin, 154 R McMilltn, 6 to 5, won: Scarboro L .u, lot Murrii 6 to 1, aeco id. Piinc, 154 J Mollic. 6 to 1, third. Lucy, 154 BonntgHy. -pa Lady aicKay 154 l,R,McQ il in, it a ran