untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1899-10-04


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Goodwins iqTH I 53 I II OFFICIAL TurfQuide YEAR MORE COMPLETE THAN EVER. A VALUABLE ADDITION MADE. A Form Table to Each Eveai which ehowB exact position of every horsi which was either 1st, 2d, 3d or 4th at eacl quarter pole, also positions at start. Im portant no teB added when required. ETentt reported from all parts of the country and Canada. Issued the 1st and 15th of evsn month. PRICE 60 CTS EACH For sals at all principal hotels, newsetan it racetracks and publishers1 office, GOODWIN BROS., 1,440ROADWAY. NBW YOFK THE CHOICEST OF AUSTRALIAN BLOOD. FOUL SHOT BY ftlU3KET0LANDER. 2 ; I ih a -!.. Touchstone, by Genial, U S TLonftbow I ; Verbena, by YeloclpeS a g ira of Fee da Jola. BiissO-jTs Catton. by Qolumpua. fft - Tranbya d3in by Orrill 3 x g f Paai!.-. a I Caetrel, by Buward. 3 13 c tLsrards-Hcls, CsarsrttshJ. ? Idalla, by Peruvian. 2 o i Des7 , Filbo-da-Puta,by HWandU4 o rl f Finesse, by Perurian. 3 is Melbourands, .... j Humphrey CHnker.byCaK. 2 1 fWsii Aaiiriia I Cerrantea1 roars. 3 : -e "2:2 I Dsrbr irA Sk; ht i MT-rin,. .. .... f TouohBtoca, by Candmsl, ? i 5 Ig Si i Smma. by Whisker. 2 IS -wP j Caiiici Whal6hone, by Wax7, 3 IS "3 a IBrowc 3i ; , ........ i Beliminara. J I" mS Danshtsrol. ............ Brutandorf. by Blasklosk. j IKrs.Crickshnks.byWlbik 2 J CneE .... .... .... Waxy Pops, by Was?. UA fCtlnandRv Imported. ,..-... I Castania. by Gfohanns, J ! a I Hsroblss nia.. Stamord,byPlecip!ttJsi3 5 i ,5 i Harmonica.byllrnbleiBiaa .! fo Trot Importsd ........ 1 Priam, by Kmlliaj. f LC5ataa:Jfs .. i i Ally, by Partisan, "5 : I c Alioo a.-sj-. .. j Bona Emigrxni by Piostlf 0 !! I Gulnara.by YoungGohaeas D 134 Th iolu .......j Whisker, by Wtaji i SlZ fOsp-t-pi nnn?Mt.... I Delpini mara. a 5 I ?SUlr tc "uttt..... Sultan, by Bslin. 5 . i Duohsis of York, ky Yf air t.M iD-. Touchi toca, Z Bll E.iii Yarboa. ecit.u. .. i Ikilhinfla. I 3allis Braiii lia. cried. BARNEY SCHREIBER, BRIDQETON, MO. American Sporting flanual of 1899... COPYRiQHTED. A HANDBOOK OF FIGURES BEYOND OOMPAR1SON. EXPERTS HAVE CONTRIBUTED TO IT Gaorge Siler on Pugilism. John Thatcher on Billiards. F. H. Brunoll and 6. 6. Riloy on Racing. Joha Hrvy ta Hars5i Raciig. An Official Compendium of Records. RAGING, TRitfING, PACING, BILLIARDS AND THE P06ILISTIG SYBNTE 0? 1898. HANDICAPPING AJXT BOOK MAKING TABLES, NE FEATURES ii THESS LIN13." TKRSI HANDICAP TABLES; WITH KBY3. Summaries by Experts on the Past Yearu Doings EDITED BY K. H. BRUNELL 30 CENTS I N PAPER 50 CENTS IN SOFT MOROCCO. Daily Racing Form Publishing Co., 124-126 Fifth Avenue, Chicago, 111.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1899100401/drf1899100401_4_1
Local Identifier: drf1899100401_4_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800